Me and my Goddess

26. Test preparation

Instead of entering through the main entrance, I followed Gwenevere into a smaller one on the right side. Finding ourselves in a big room around five meters from the other wall. Towards the left, it went further ending in a wall with two large double doors probably connecting to the main entrance. The right went even further bending with the building following its shape. 

The large hall itself wasn't built in the same style as the administration building. Instead, just like the outside, it was constructed in a more modern style. While mixing different styles wasn't unusual especially for a college campus this building was obviously built way later than the other one. Rather than wooden support beams and floorboards, they were made from solid steel as well as white concrete. The whole front wall including the door we came through was made from glass. Giving it an airport-like feel.

The long hall was decorated in a fitting style. It was almost entirely empty only fitted with a few plants and benches. Most of the color in the room came from posters plastering the wall. Almost all of them were depicting young adults with some writing over them. Sadly I couldn't read anything and I didn't want to bother Gwen again. But I guess the minimalistic design worked out as the hallway was filled with multiple groups of students. They all looked like they were around twenty but Gwen looks just as old as them so they could be older. Walking along lots of them greeted my companion. Unsurprisingly recognizing her.

The students didn't seem busy probably socializing or just wasting time till their next classes start. While some of them were on their laptops and this world's equivalent of a phone there was also something strange. I noticed that the majority of the students sitting and standing around here had weapons on them. Now that I paid attention the ones in the posters had one each as well.

But to make the matter even stranger, while there were a few who had modern guns like I'd expect in a world this advanced. Almost all of them had medieval weaponry. From swords and shields to spears and bows, almost every kind of weapon was present. But non of them were wearing the appropriate battle armor. The only kind of armor I spotted was on two big guys who had an equally big hammer and mace respectively. But even that wasn't the knight armor I expected. While the two of them wore full body armor it was some kind of black modern combat armor.

Walking past them I noticed that they were much taller than me and both of them even had a pair of small horns protruding their forehead. Generally, I noticed that the number of pure humans was a lot lower here than back in the city. But I've yet to see someone with big changes like wings or four arms. Most of the changes were small like mine.

After we walked past a few doors leading deeper into the building we finally stopped in front of one of the doors. Turning around to me Gwen said:

"Here we are Lady Lucy the changing rooms this one is one of the gender-neutral ones. Inside your locker, you'll find a fresh pair of gym clothes and a bag. You may keep them. Please change and head further inside afterward. Your current shoes are fine. I'll be waiting inside for you. You can unlock yours by pressing your armband against it. I already arranged the registration. Also, your number is sixty-nine."


Black-faced I stared back at her.

She leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

"Miia specifically requested it."

"Thank you Miss Featherslight."

After that, she quickly turned around and left. Giving me no chance to respond.

Where is Miia anyway? I don't think I've gone this long without her talking into my mind.

"I'm right here darling. Did you miss me? Don't worry I'll be with you all the time. And before soon I'll even have enough power to fuck you again. Or rather get fucked by you.  If I had a body I'd get wet just thinking about it."

Wow. You really have a way with words.

Heading into the lockers I just shook my head. 

So you've been here all the time. And just let me ramble my way through that awkward conversation with Gwen. And by the way can you please tell me about the weapons? I forgot to ask Gwen about it.

"Firstly. I don't think the conversation was weird. I thought it was cute. And secondly, I don't want to spoil all the surprises you'll learn it soon enough."

Walking alongside the lockers I found mine. Unlocking it I found a gym bag inside. Inside that were a pair of baggy shorts and a T-shirt. Both the clothes and bag were in Miias typical colors, white and red. Thankfully there wasn't one of her logos printed on each one.

"I've thought about that a little. You should stop saying logo. It makes it sound like I'm a company. Use symbol."


Putting them on and throwing the rest including the bag into the spacy locker I headed out the door opposite of where I came in from.

After walking through a similar to the one outside but this time empty hallway. I stepped into a big arena. It was build like a football arena but perfectly spherical. The floor was made from some hard grey rubber-like substance. Its feeling reminded me of that of a tennis court. Unusual for arenas was that the spectators sat quite high. The railing was at least twice as high as I was tall. Currently, the seats were almost empty. I could only very few spectators at most in the lower tens.

But inside was a different question. Several groups of students did all kinds of training. From running to high jump. On the other side was a larger group of at least thirty students but I couldn't make out what they were doing. But I didn't spend much time checking out the other students. As I soon found Gwen and followed her to and still empty part of the arena. Where we headed to was a small station prepared with a chair and table. Sitting there was a guy and while he wasn't the biggest, neither in size nor in width. In either comparably to me. But still, he wasn't human that much was clear. 

And I definitely jinxed it before as this guy had a way more defining inhuman feature. From his back sprouted a pair of large black bat wings. His short black hair was combed back contrasting to his slightly sun-tanned skin. He didn't wear a sports uniform, instead, he just wore a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt. I'd even had a stain from the coffee he was sipping on. While it wasn't super hot it was at least twenty-five degrees celsius outside, coffee would be the last thing Id drink in the sun, at noon. 

Since he wasn't human I couldn't tell if he was just another student or some kind of teacher. As Gwen and Miia didn't look much older than any of the students her either.

But as he noticed us approach he got off his phone, arm phone, armband, or whatever they call it. And after standing up greeted us with a big smile. And with us I mean Gwen. So he wasn't just some guy but we were here to meet him. Even if he wasn't dressed for the occasion. 

"Ah, Gwen it's good to see you. I've heard about what happened with that big guy yesterday. You really showed him. I feel pain just thinking about it. Now, what was his name again? Let me think."

Visibly taken aback Gwen took a while to respond.

"Mr. Romanov. While you are technically one break we are still on campus ground so please address me appropriately."

"Sure Sure. No problem Prof. Featherslight. But judging from the way you are dressed you are on break as well."

"Yes. While I don't think you are in any position to judge my clothing. I took this weak off. And I'm only here to escort Lady Lucy."

I stayed still while they were if I didn't know it better, flirting. And neither of them paid any attention to me in return. But as she called my name out he instantly locked eyes with me. And I swear I could see the pupils in his dark red eyes grow to 3 times the size.

Screaming out loudly he exclaimed loudly:




Next chapter Lucy will pick a weapon. So this is your chance to suggest any you want. Either modern or old. 

But I won't pick something like a hammer. She's a cat after all so pick something light.

Like I said whatever weapon you want I'll think about it.


I think I will keep these chapters shorter like this week. But release more often. So every few days. 

I think it makes the risk lower of me falling back to the old way.






















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