Me and my Goddess

8. Planning

"Welcome back darling."

"Miia is that you?"

"Yep. And now I had some time to look at this world and see what changed since I've left. To my surprise, it hasn't been that long."

"I've heard as much. Even though I wouldn't consider 3 and a half thousand years as 'not that long'. But I guess that's the difference in our perspectives."

"That's defiantly true... It's just that it felt like I've was out for much longer but I guess that because I've never really slept before. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you to tell you some things and I presume you also have questions. First where you are right now. Back in my days, we called this planet Kamnoie which meant as much as God's home. It's still the official name bust most just call it Fystra in my honor since this was what I would call my home planet. It feels a little weird but I guess it was meant in good and it's not like I want them to stop. Anyway, Kamnoie is the Home or Capital Planet of one of the major interstellar cooperation: Fystrasia..."

"Also named after you. I feel like they really, really love you."

"Hahaha... true. I guess I must've made something right."

"Probably that whole magic thing."

"Probably... No matter back to what I was talking about. Nearly 50% of the planet terrain is covered in residential areas with the only natural habitats left marked as protected. Also, the Population has risen to over 100 billion."

"ONE HUNDRED? That's insane. How is that even possible?"

"I've asked myself the same question so I did some research. Apparently, the same thing that happens on Earth with Cities happens in my Universe with planets. Birth rates go down but people move to the major cities thus increasing their population immense. The only reason only 50% percent is built on is because of a nature protection law from 2503."

"So what you are saying is this whole Planet is one big City."

"Yes, at least a lot of it there are also a lot of parks of all sorts. Nature, Water, Rollercoaster everything you could wish for. One thing you won't find here are factories of any sort. Nonrenewable natural resources are exhausted and there is no space for animals or farms so everything has to be brought over from different planets. It is manageable because this ists one of the biggest trading hubs in this galaxy but never the less living here is incredibly expensive. This also means most jobs are office jobs or people travel to other planets to do their job."

"Ok that's all crazy cool and so but the thing I was wondering since you started talking about this all is didn't you say that I was supposed to collect your body parts. I thought that meant defeating monsters and clearing dungeons you know like in a game after all there are monsters and magic. But a city doesn't fit that."

"That is true. Well, the monster thing there are no dungeons..."

" Uhh." :C

"I think.. to be honest, I don't know but I couldn't think how they would work."

"Ahh." C:

"That doesn't matter right now. What you said is correct and I was confused as well but I knew it had to be somewhere here on this planted a rather weak part drained nearly empty over the years but I felt it. And I found it."

"Great let's go"

"Wait. First of all, you are asleep and second, you can't just take it. Like I said my body parts have radiated power for all this time but they are still filled this one less than others but eating it still granted a huge amount of power. "

"Wait. Someone ate a part of you."

"Yes not really are more like absorbed since it can't be dissolved or chewed. And it wasn't someone but something. And my part of me in this world are my eyes."

"Your Eyes? So what you are saying something ate my eyes and now it is too powerful that we can defeat it."

"You. You are too weak I cannot hurt something my power was severely weakened by getting you over here so right now just imagine me as your little Navi guiding you but nearly unable to help. But hopefully not as annoying."

"You know Zelda?"

"As I said I've looked into you and your hobbies. Serena best girl."

"Hahaha damn right. And fuck you, Todd."



"Anyway couldn't you just find someone strong who gets it for you."

"Well yes like I said this one is rather weak I presume the distance to so many living things has drained it rather fast but others were almost 'fully charged'."

"That's sounds weird."

"True but it's also just that true. Some of my other parts have created monsters so strong they could face an army of well-trained mages and come out a winner."

"Ok. I think I get your plan. You want me to collect your parts and gain their strength so I can get even more."

"When I awoke I debated if I should gather the parts first and get you afterward but in the end, I thought this was the best decision. Also just maybe I was scared of you finding a wife and deciding to stay with her."

"haha, jealous?"

"Yes. Yes, I am that's literally the first thing you learn about soulmates that they are super jealous and protective."

"Protective huh. I guess that's why you send me to fight monsters and rise my life. You know what now that I think about it arent I immortal I mean you can just get me a new body after I die right like reincarnation."

"Uhh... Not exactly. That's also something I just realized lately and sorry for not telling you earlier. But some monsters here will not just eat your body but also your soul so, you. That's one of the other sins I mentioned something that gets you kicked out of the reincarnation cycle instantly. Thankful it is also very illegal and hated but monsters tend to ignore human laws. Thankfully anyone who has eaten a soul will become corrupted. The effect differs depending on species but others become alarmed and will instantly regard them as evil and hostile. As some kind of defense. Still, I couldn't risk that so I made some preparations when you die your soul will not just linger around and begin its search for a new body but will just exit the cycle that means it can't be eaten but you won't get a new body at least not in the near future. I'm sorry maybe if I get my body back I can get you a new one but I don't know yet."

"So what you are saying is I should be careful and try not to die."

"Yes and again I'm sorry."

"Na doesn't be, before this all happened I thought death just meant nothingness forever. No rebirth no heaven just nothing. So the hope of a second chance is better than what I had before."


"So what is the plan now how do we get me to become more powerful. And get back your eyes."

"Ok, I made a quick plan. Your best choice for a living is back with Elizabeth and the other girls. They are quite strong and will and it will be a safe place to sleep and eat. Also, they all go to college in the morning training in the afternoon and hunting on most weekends, so you have quite a time-window to go out and train yourself."


"Yes, they attend one of the most prestigious hunting academies on ... Fystra... As I told you there are monsters on this planet but almost non of them hostiles but on others especially scarcely inhabited ounces monsters are quite a problem. So that's where hunters come in they are trained in both combat magic and Biologie and will be sent out to deal with monster issues they will not just kill all but analyze the situations and act accordingly. Some species are just hostile when their habitat is in danger or invaded others are just out to kill so every situation is different. The four of them are what's called a party and are also quite a famous one of the newcomers going on hunt even though they are still in training. I was hoping that they could assist you in the future. If you have any other questions we will see each other soon enough but for now, you should wake up since you are back at home."

And everything went black once again.



I know I know...

Sry that these past chapters were overly wordy and only exposition but it had to be done. I promise the next few will be different and hopefully some combat



Good day to yall.

And you know rating helps or comments or critic or flame whatever you like.



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