Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0006 – The Power of Smell

Just as she opened the door, a waft of red wine drifted in, emanating from one of the other flats on the sixth floor.

Zoe Carter recalled her neighbour, Benny, returning with a bottle of red wine the night before. The fragrance undoubtedly stemmed from there.

Inhaling deeply, Zoe detected the subtle notes of fruit, vanilla, and oak intermingling with a hint of smokiness.

In the past, she could only discern the general scent of red wine, unable to pinpoint its finer complexities. But now, her sense of smell had changed—a consequence of the yet-to-be-unravelled alterations mentioned in the records. Considering she had noticed no abnormalities during her experiments the previous night, she deduced her body was still evolving. Perhaps this enhanced sense of smell had only just manifested.

If that were true, matters were becoming decidedly more intricate.

With that thought, Zoe silently made a mental note, planning to document it later upon her return.

For now, she needed to acquire a few supplies for her ongoing experiments and daily needs. According to her phased plan, today’s purchases primarily consisted of exercise equipment and food.

The exercise equipment was intended to help her maintain a daily routine of physical activity—sufficient to push her body without harm. This would allow her to study her physical changes and quickly acclimatise to the unfamiliar sensations brought about by her transformation.

The food, however, was more personal—a remnant of her passion for culinary indulgence. What if she could find something she could truly enjoy again? Perhaps there were still flavours that hadn’t dulled into tasteless wax. It seemed worth exploring.

With these thoughts, Zoe carefully calculated her shopping list as she waited for the lift.

Suddenly, the sound of a door creaking open behind her caught her attention. Turning, she saw Benny, his face flushed and slightly dishevelled, stepping out with a box of playing cards. The distinct aroma of red wine surrounded him, unmistakably a hangover. To Zoe, the smell was now unnervingly vivid.

Benny clutched the deck of cards, and Zoe immediately understood. The plump, jolly fellow was preparing to amuse himself by besting the older gentlemen in the neighbourhood. He was something of a card-sharp.

Zoe could never quite figure out his tricks. It all seemed like harmless fun to her, though she’d seen many a seasoned card player walk away from a match with Benny looking utterly defeated. On slow afternoons, Benny often set up a small table by the garden, inviting passersby to a friendly game. No money ever changed hands, it was simply for the joy of the game.

Zoe had never played with him, but she often witnessed his little performances while collecting parcels from the nearby post station. The sight of grumbling old men after being thoroughly trounced by Benny was a common occurrence.

But this morning, Benny was out rather early for his usual games.

"Going out to play cards already, Benny? It’s barely past eight," Zoe asked with mild curiosity. After confirming her changes posed no immediate danger, and might even prove beneficial, she felt far more relaxed than she had the day before. Benny’s scent of red wine further reminded her of her heightened sense of smell, stirring her interest.

"Is it really just past eight?" Benny blinked, rubbing his sleepy eyes before glancing down at his watch. Sure enough, it was indeed only a little after eight. Blinking once more, he seemed to wrestle with the fog of his hangover.

Benny, who often boasted of his invincible tolerance for alcohol, would never admit to being drunk the night before. So, with a polite but awkward chuckle, he replied, "Well, you know what they say—the early bird catches the worm!"

A beat of silence followed, the two of them standing in quiet amusement. Zoe didn’t press the issue, though Benny’s hangover was all too apparent.

Mercifully, the ding of the lift arriving cut through the tension. Zoe stepped inside, with Benny following close behind. His usual disdain for using the lift when heading downstairs was temporarily set aside.

According to him, as long as everyone’s destination was the ground floor, there was little risk of exposing the fact he lived in the building's posher top floor.

The pair rode down in silence, emerging into the morning light without further conversation. Zoe watched as Benny made his way down the street, his pace quickening as if embarrassed by her earlier laughter. She couldn't help but smile, and Benny, catching the sound of her amusement, stumbled slightly before continuing on his way, feigning nonchalance.

After this brief interlude, Zoe turned her attention to her own errands.

At the entrance to Wings Gone New Village, there was a clinic, two supermarkets, and a bustling market. Most of her shopping for the day could be done there. Within minutes, she arrived at the market.

The morning air was alive with activity. Stalls overflowed with fresh produce—vibrant green peppers, spiky cucumbers, and long stalks of green onions all neatly arranged. The scent of freshly picked vegetables mixed with the chatter of vendors and customers bartering loudly.

Zoe closed her eyes, letting her newfound ability take over. The moment she shut off her visual and auditory senses, her sense of smell sharpened to extraordinary levels.

Countless aromas surged through the air, weaving together in an intricate symphony. The vegetables, tomatoes, and herbs exuded the fresh, vibrant scent of life. Garlic and onions added their sharp, pungent notes to the mix, like the hidden secrets of a master chef. And from the fishmonger’s stall, the salty scent of the ocean lingered.

This was a completely new experience—a world where smell became the primary sense, revealing layers of complexity she had never before appreciated.

Zoe felt briefly overwhelmed. In comparison to the visual and auditory world she’d known all her life, this heightened sense of smell was like having eyes on the back of her head—suddenly capable of perceiving everything around her with startling clarity.

But just as quickly, the discomfort faded. It felt as though this ability had always been part of her, as natural as breathing. She could now effortlessly distinguish between a multitude of scents, tracing them back to their sources with ease.

Opening her eyes, she realised the ability hadn’t vanished but had merely receded into the background, waiting to be summoned.

Zoe stood at the entrance of the market, taking in this marvellous sensation with awe. Beyond just identifying various scents, there was a deeper, almost instinctual knowledge. She knew, without a doubt, that everything she smelled was inedible. It was as though her body could discern food’s suitability simply by scent alone.

Zoe smiled, realising this peculiar gift had saved her the trouble of blindly purchasing groceries. Stepping aside from the bustling crowd, she closed her eyes once more, focusing on the myriad of scents flowing from the market and nearby shops.

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