Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 148: Puppet*

Edited by Crooked

Gu Xizhou didn’t understand; his brain was just a ball of confusion. If Ji Ji’s world could change the past, maybe the task worlds he had experienced before could also change reality.

“What’s the matter with you?” Si Yu asked softly, furrowing his brows as he stared at Gu Xizhou with piercing anxiety.

“I went into a strange world today.” Gu Xizhou’s adam’s apple bobbed.

Si Yu grabbed Gu Xizhou’s wrists and asked with a frown, “What happened?”

“I…” Gu Xizhou said finally, seeing Si Yu’s nervousness. “I was drawn into a special world, but this world was especially strange. In this world I met my ‘parents.’”

“In that world I changed my ‘parents’ death. They should have been shot down while investigating a kidnapping case linked to children who were begging and stealing. After entering the mission world, I changed their deaths, and when I came out they had been resurrected.”

After Gu Xizhou finished speaking, Si Yu looked at him and said, “But in my impression they have always existed.”

“En… My guess is that the people who didn’t experience the mission world don’t know that this world’s history was changed.”

Gu Xizhou didn’t say anything about Ji Ji, only that he changed his parents’ deaths in the mission world. “There are also the chains. I’m certain those ghosts have chains. The mission world has something to do with those invisible chains.”

After listening to Gu Xizhou’s description he fell silent for a moment. “Maybe the mission world is a transaction. The creator of the mission world lets the mission taker fulfill the wishes of the ghosts. The ghost with the door can then break its own chains and return them to the creator of the world.”

“Creator?” Gu Xizhou was silent for a moment. “Who do you think that is?”

Si Yu pointed up. “All I can think of is it.”

Gu Xizhou looked up unconsciously. Even though there was only a ceiling, Gu Xizhou knew what ‘it’ Si Yu was talking about.”


“En,” Si Yu said, spreading his fingers. “Other than God I really can’t think of anyone who could change the past and resurrect the dead.”

Hearing Si Yu’s words, Gu Xizhous brain suddenly went blank.


Si Yu’s words were a bit absurd, but really only God could be the master of these worlds.

Ma Qi was the best proof. He had been in so many fights with drug lords and yet he always survived. Ye Shu was over one hundred years old but the people who knew her, including secretaries, didn’t find anything amiss. Only the mission takers were surprised when they saw the age in the report.

According to human beliefs heaven could control fate, so God really could do something like that.

“Controlling peoples’ fates, letting those who should have died live,” Si Yu said softly.

The idea of controlling fates made Gu Xizhou suddenly think of something. He was certain about one thing: everyone should have chains, he himself had them! He knew because every time he tried to kill a ghost a strange force would come over him rendering him unable to move an inch.

These words struck like lightning. If everything was controlled by ‘heaven,’ could anyone be killed by heaven?

Si Yu continued on to say, “combined with what you said, I think the chains are ‘fate.’ Heaven uses them to control the fate of people and ghosts and the breaking of the chains are out of ‘God’s’ control.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“It can’t control the fate of the ghosts, so it proposed the exchange conditions,” Gu Xizhou analyzed, picking up the thread of the conversation. “It creates each supernatural world and lets us go in and help these uncontrollable ‘ghosts’ fulfill their wishes.”

He muttered to himself for a moment before continuing on to say, “Maybe it can’t kill them.”

“Anyway, don’t you think those ghosts are pitiful? They already died miserable deaths only to be directly annihilated.”

Gu Xizhou was silent, but he had to agree with Si Yu’s words. A majority of the events in the mission worlds were things that happened in the real world. In their society tragedies occurred day in day out. These people really were pitiful. If they really just annihilated these ghosts directly, it would be too pitiful.

Maybe God had pity for all living things so it didn’t directly obliterate these uncontrollable ‘ghosts’.

But Gu Xizhou was more inclined to believe it was because they ‘couldn’t be killed.’ Before, Fu Yiran had said that he was a murder weapon and that everything he was experiencing now was only sharpening the knife. Now he knew that Li Yan’s appearance in the snowman world might not be accidental, it might have been arranged by ‘it.’

Gu Xizhou couldn’t help but feel a chill go up his spine. If his and Si Yu’s guess was correct, then the hand controlling him is probably ‘heaven.’ Then who does the hand of God want him to kill?

If heaven couldn’t achieve it, how could it be certain he could?

Was it because he had already traveled to a different world and practiced demonic cultivation…?

Demonic Cultivation?

Gu Xizhou’s chest tightened making it hard to breathe. He found that his mind was blank. He always thought he was a demonic cultivator who had passed through different worlds and returned. But why, why was his memory of his life as a demonic cultivator so indistinct that he couldn’t picture it at all?

Since his resurrection he couldn’t remember the day he became a demonic cultivator. He could only remember vaguely that it was very hard.

Gu Xizhou felt a headache coming on and gripped his head as hard as he could. Why did he have no memory of living in a different world?!

Why was there nothing in his mind?

When Si Yu saw Gu Xizhou clutching at his head, he put his chin on Gu Xizhou’s shoulder and said softly, “Don’t think about it. It’s pointless to think so much. It’s better to let nature take its course.”

“En…” Gu Xizhou fell silent. Si Yu was right. If he really was being manipulated by the hand of ‘God, what could he do alone?

Gu Xizhou took out his phone and called Ma Qi. He needed to be certain.

“Ma Qi, when you investigated cases related to the mission world before did you research it according to the content you saw in the mission world doors?” Gu Xizhou asked.

Suddenly receiving a phone call from Gu Xizhou, Ma Qi was dumbfounded and replied a little stunned, “Yes, ah. What’s up?”

“Just as I thought,” Gu Xizhou smiled. “You’re looking in the wrong direction.”

Hearing this, Ma Qi was obviously excited. “What did you find?”

“Help me investigate these cases first…” Gu Xizhou said, summarizing his experience in the mission world. “As long as the circumstances are somewhat similar and all the data is collected, I want to confirm my guess before I tell you.”

“Okay, ba. I’ll do it as soon as I can. Last time, I entrusted most of the research to a few friends, and they looked for information from after the door. Tomorrow, I’ll have them filter the material according to what you said.”

“I’ve troubled you, Ma Ge.”

Gu Xizhou hung up, eyeing the wine in the liquor cabinet. He got up and took a bottle, handing it to Si Yu saying, “Open this bottle and sleep well after drinking.”


Gu Xizhou’s brain was a mess while drinking.

Ji Ji’s death along with everything else might have been arranged by ‘heaven,’ and he wasn’t able to do anything about it, he was still powerless.

“I’m sorry…”

Hearing Gu Xizhou repeatedly apologize and being used as a human pillow, Si Yu’s expression fell a little. His mood was unreadable, he just hugged Gu Xizhou gently and sat with him for a while.

Si Yu rolled up his sleeves, exposing the clean lines of his arms as he lifted up the drunken Gu Xizhou and placed him on the bed. He caressed his cheek gently, his deep eyes impenetrable.

He went over to the window and looked out at the night sky.

Sunlight spilled over Gu Xizhou as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. When he opened them, he saw Si Yu’s handsome face. He was still wearing his pajamas from yesterday. Because of his hangover, Gu Xizhou rubbed his forehead in discomfort as he sat up and rolled out of bed.

He found his phone in the living room of the hotel room. When he opened the dark screen, Gu Xizhou was surprised.

It was already 10!

He was late for work!

He shouldn’t have drunk last night. If Ji Ji knew that he hadn’t shown up to work and disappeared without a trace, he would rise from the dead out of anger. Gu Xizhou hurriedly made a call.

“Chief Wang, it’s me, Gu Xizhou,” he shouted hastily after the dial tone when the call finally connected.

In the police department Wang Ao was stunned when he received the call from Gu Xizhou and said, “What’s wrong with you, kid? You didn’t answer your phone, I thought something happened to you on the way to work!”

“Did you wake up with that voice, ah?”

Hearing what Wang Ao said, Gu Xizhou ‘en’ed vaguely and said, “Chief Wang, can I ask for leave today?”

“Xizhou, as criminal police, we will see many bad aspects of society, but these bad aspects all need our effort in order to change. You should try to adjust your mindset. The death of that mother and child is regretful, but it can’t be helped. Some people can’t wake up. Society still needs improvement. Sooner or later there will be less and less people like that.”

After saying that, Wang Ao changed the subject. Chuckling, he didn’t forget to joke, “I will give you three days vacation, so that you can rest well, ah. Don’t let your parents worry. Every time your mom sees me she scolds me. She says that I use the women in the station as men and the men as animals. Am I really so cruel?”

“Of course not,” Gu Xizhou said.

Wang Ao, “Well, you rest well. I still have to go to the city for a meeting, so I can’t chat.”

Gu Xizhou hung up to find that both Fang Zhi and Ma Qi had sent him messages.

Fang Zhi returned his car to the police station when he returned yesterday. When he didn’t see him at work today he called him several times out of anxiety.

Fang Zhi: Gu Ge, why aren’t you at the station yet, ah? You didn’t have an accident on the way here did you?

Fang Zhi: Gu Ge, answer your phone!

Glancing at the messages, Gu Xizhou smiled. He was about to reply when his eyes fell on Fan Zhi’s name and his hands froze.

The name he used when he entered the mission world was ‘Fang Ran,’ because the pseudonym Ji Ji used in the world he was revived in was ‘Gu Ran’…

Gu Xizhou shook his head, forcing these thoughts from his brain: I’m not feeling well today. I already asked Chief Wang for leave, don’t worry.

Fang Zhi: That’s good. Rest well Gu Ge!

Gu Xizhou: En.

Switching to WeChat, Gu Xizhou found that Ma Qi had already sent him the results from the investigation. After chatting with Ma Qi a little, Gu Xizhou opened the hotel computer and accepted the data.

Sitting in front of the computer, Gu Xizhou looked over the material carefully. At that moment, Si Yu came out of the room in a bathrobe, the sun shining on his body, his eyes smiling faintly, handsome facial features and ink black hair dyed with the sun. “Up so early?”

“En, Ma Qi sent me the information. I was just reading it.” Gu Xizhou rubbed his tired eyes. He’d read too much text and his eyes felt uncomfortable.

Si Yu walked over swiftly, “I’ll help you.”

Gu Xizhou sat next to him and watched Si Yu work. After a little bit, Si Yu printed out some information. “Look at these.”

Gu Xizhou took the information. ‘Adopted daughter kills foster father’s whole family before committing suicide.’ ‘Ancestral temple collapsed to reveal countless horrifying faces underneath.’

This corresponded exactly to two worlds they had experienced. Lin Meng had killed her adoptive parents in the supernatural world corresponding to the death of an adoptive family in the real world. The female ghosts found their own faces in the ancestral hall, and in the real world their faces were discovered.

Gu Xizhou looked at the photos of the corresponding places. These were the roads and landscapes of the places they had traveled. The people who had helped Ma Qi investigate before had already removed cases like this so they didn’t discover it.

Because he’d been painting with Lin Meng at the time, Gu Xizhou could clearly remember what the reservoir looked like, which was identical to the photo.

The mission world connected the past and could change the past or even the future!

Gu Xizhou’s heart began to pound.

“We…” Gu Xizhou swallowed, and said, “should go look, ba.”

Si Yu looked down at him and nodded, “Okay, ah, now? I’ll arrange it.”

“We can go now?” Gu Xizhou looked up at him and asked.

Si Yu: “Of course.”

Gu Xizhou took Si Yu’s car to the airport in a daze. Sitting in the private jet Gu Xizhou stared in blank confusion, pointing at the plane and asking, “Y-yours?”

Si Yu ‘en’ed nonchalantly as if Gu Xizhou was asking about a toy plane.

Gu Xizhou bowed his head to hide his shock. He didn’t think that the local tyrant would actually use his own plane.

In less than two hours of flying, Gu Xizhou could see with his own eyes the reservoir and mountain home from the mission world built by Lin Meng’s adoptive parents.

“It’s really true…”

Gu Xizhou’s tone was saturated with powerlessness. His and Si Yu’s theory might actually be true.

It was very likely that ‘heaven’ had controlled his resurrection.

Gu Xizhou revealed a confused expression. His heart couldn’t help raising the idea that he might really just be a puppet. Afterall he was just a person.

The author has something to say: Later you cuties will see the title: xxxx*

That * is the reason for the mission world’s existence.

Anyway the use of the chains is very easy to guess, right ba! 2333

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