Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 175: Tu Yao

Edited by Dust Bunny FXAUrR

The hands on Gu Xizhou’s waist were trembling; clearly the other person was terrified.

Gradually, Gu Xizhou’s eyes adapted to his surroundings, and he could clearly see the dusky outline of a person. The other person’s clothes were dyed with his blood, and her whole body was shaking in fear, but her hands didn’t stop applying pressure. They pressed down firmly on Gu Xizhou’s wound to staunch the bleeding.

Gu Xizhou had already completely adapted to the dark room and was able to see clearly. He saw another nervous and determined Chinese face.

The man wore a brown jacket and sported bruises on the corners of his mouth and near his eyes. He had average features easily overlooked in a crowd. DYugOM

But as soon as Gu Xizhou saw his face, he called out a name: Hong Ge!”

The man called Ji Hong showed a blank expression and obviously found the name unfamiliar. He said to himself, “So this was an NPC…”

Gu Xizhou heard the man’s words and couldn’t help but feel disappointed. He was now certain this person was not ‘Ji Hong’, even though he wore Ji Hong’s face.

The man obviously considered Gu Xizhou to be an NPC and tried to find some clues to leave this place. “Hey, do you know why we’re here?” 2gz0GC

Gu Xizhou glanced at the man and ignored his question, turning instead to inspect their surroundings.

Sure enough.

This was 1999, back when he’d been attacked and woken up afterwards. It was exactly the same. Even the girl helping him put pressure on his wound had the same face as before.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” The girl hung her head with her back pressed against the wall, mumbling as she staunched the blood. KrVOty

After some of them died with lingering grievances, they’d finally thrown off the chains. Gu Xizhou’s sight couldn’t help but fall on the other six people in the room apart from their group.

Because Gu Xizhou didn’t answer the man’s question, the man wearing Ji Hong’s face deflated like a ball and said, “The girl NPC is crazy and only knows how to say sorry, and the man NPC doesn’t speak at all. What is this world? Dammit, this is the second world! Does it really have to pit me like this?

“Your second world?” Gu Xizhou asked.

“Eh, you can talk?” The man couldn’t believe it. “Fuck, so you weren’t an NPC. You go through the mission worlds like us too?” NyCOhk

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