MEGA SLIME REBORN (LITRPG) [Under reconstruction]

Chapter 8: Slept Instead

 It was a normal village. Wooden houses, huts, even some stone ones. Nothing made of concrete.

Kids playing around, their parents not so far off. Wells, ponds, fruit trees, wheat. Just a normal medieval village; rather clean and didn’t smell like shit. I saw some kids playing with magic. One was blowing fire while the other was blowing water while some other kids laughed their assess off as they danced around. Peaceful huh?

The world I’d wandered off to was a fantasy one. I mean, it was pretty obvious to me from the moment I breathed my first breath. But yeah, after coming all this way, I did feel it anew. A brand-new world with a brand-new life. But with the same old rotten me.

I took a good look at my face, courtesy of the still pond water. Rather symmetrical face with soft features, big eyes and white ashen hair. The hair in particular was silky and straight and somewhat long, almost touching my ankles. If I crouched, my hair would have surely caught stuff in it. Though I doubt anything would actually stick. I looked pretty good and pretty petite. But… Why couldn’t I be a little curvier?

It was evening but I made it to the village elder’s house. He was the one who sent Elmond to the dungeon.

I knocked a few times and someone opened the door. A young man. I knew him too. He liked Emilia and he was also one of the few who led their mother to the abandoned house.

“Hi,” he said, clearly awestruck. I didn’t blame him, I looked good, hot even. “Are you new here?”

“Yes. I was lost. Are you the village elder?” I asked meekly.

“I’m the future elder.” A proud smile, flashing his almost perfect teeth. “Lost you said? So you got separated from your parents?” Brown hair, poking beard and somewhat decent muscles. Apparently, he was the most handsome man in the village. Apparently.

“Yes. The guard at the gate said I could request you to help me reunite with my family.”

“I’d love to but it’s late tonight. How about we do that tomorrow?”

“Okay…” I stepped back, feigning sadness.

“Do you have a place to stay or money to rent an inn?”

“No…” I did have imaginary credits or whatever in my system though.

“In that case… why don’t you stay over at that house. The residents have gone on a vacation.”

“They wouldn’t mind? I mean-”

“It’s fine. I’ll explain to them.” He winked.

The house he pointed, I knew all too well. It was Emilia and Elmond’s house. Vacation, huh? “Okay.”

“I’ll bring some food later,” he smiled. “Oh, I’m Jarme!”

“Claudia…” My sister’s name; I couldn’t tell him I was Clyde. I mean, what kind of girl has the name ‘Clyde’?  

When was the last time we spoke? Oh yeah, back when her first child died last year but I didn’t show up for the funeral. She slapped my face and just left crying, never calling again. Till that point, she was the only person who still called sometimes but… I guess at that point, I’d really given up on everything.

Jarme acted so kindly and dashingly any normal girl would have fallen for him. There were two problems though. One, I wasn’t normal. And two, I wasn’t a girl. And a bonus problem, he wouldn’t be alive for long.

I made way for Elmond’s home. It wasn’t abandoned but the place was pretty dirty. They lived fairly close to the village’s center and were important people to the village. Yet, the moment Elmond’s father could no longer guard the village, was the moment they all lost their worth.

I looked around inside the house. Someone had already pillaged this place. Sadly, there wasn’t much for them to take. Emilia’s bed was still here and so, I decided to lie down. Some people were outside, trying to sneakily take a peek at me through the window. I knew they were there, but I pretended to be ignorant. Probably the village elder’s son and his friends, the very same ones….

A lamp burned and meekly illuminated the room but given how little oil it had, it’d probably run out soon.

Are they going to try to- Wait, I could actually make it work just fine. Men were at their weakest when they tried to do stuff.  So far, I hadn’t noticed any potential dangers here, but I still tried to be careful.

It was more fun this way anyway. So, I waited.

Waited… and he eventually came. But he came alone. With food. Rice, bread, and beef pottage. He left almost immediately. I thought he’d attack me, but he didn’t. He also advised me to keep the doors and windows locked before he left. I then wondered if he’d put something in the food, but nope, he didn’t.

Well, that was anticlimactic.

So I ate (the food was pretty okay). I wondered about whether my bowels would move or if my bladder would get full and stuff but that didn’t happen. Apparently, my slimy body didn’t process food like my old one. Speaking of a new body, I wasn’t that curious about it. For as long as I remember, I always sought boobs and wanted. I loved those things. But now that I had a pair of my own, I didn’t feel anything. I touched them, they weren’t much but I did have mounds and my nipples were sensitive but was about it. I didn’t feel like I needed to wank. You don’t have a dick to wank though. I did have a hole down there, and I could have just played with it; I mean, back when I was curious teenager, I’d explored more about the female anatomy than most doctors so I could probably make myself come in less than a minute… okay probably not that fast but still!

But I didn’t.

I slept instead….

I woke up around midnight when I heard some noise. So, you’re coming now?

I shifted my eyes to goblin eyes and stared around in the darkness. The noise came from outside and they were trying to use the window to get in. Ordinarily I shouldn’t have been able to hear that. But well, I wasn’t ordinary now, was I?

The window was locked but the person on the other side must have had some sort of lock picking skill. Click! They succeeded and one person entered the room; there was nothing discrete about it, he just entered with a thud. “Wh-who’s there!” I yelled.

“Shh!” He put a finger on his lip. “Scream and I’ll burn you down with this place!” He hissed. He had some sort of a glowing crystal on his hand that produced meager light, just about enough to let me see his face.

 “No-no!” I tried acting panicked. The fuck is that though?

Burn me? With the glowing gem maybe?

He slowly closed in. Oh, I knew him. The guard. “Miss, anyone ever tell you, you’re too damn beautiful.”

“Mr. Guard? Wh-what do you want? It’s late and-” And no one would know if I’d absorbed your ass.

“So, innocent,” he whispered, sitting down on the bed as I retreated into the corner. He reached for my cheek, leaning in. “Don’t worry, I’ll be very gentle,” a bright smile. “Scream though, and you’re dead.”

I smiled. “Right back at ya, buddy.” I turned to mush and dragged his face in me, literally. Ooops… Okay so, I was so big I didn’t fit into the room, so I had to partially transform. One part of me stayed goblin, while the other part formed a slimy bit big enough to drown his head. He tried his best to scratch at me and kick me and all that. I allowed him. But soon enough there was nothing but his skull left; he was a fool to come here without his weapon. I then proceeded to disintegrate and absorb him fully.

[Human Paul absorbed!]

[Skill Spearmancy, Combat arts (Beginner), Thief Arts (Beginner) acquired.]

[Gem Of Power absorbed!]

[Strength increased!]

Shrugging, I closed the window and slept again, this time in peace till early morning.

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