Mei Man: Starting from the Dimension Demon

Chapter 229 Tonight, Either Someone Becomes A God, Or The City Dies!

Chapter 229 Tonight, Either Someone Becomes A God, Or The City Dies!

Umbrella Company Hive Base No. 3, Area E.

Bang bang bang.
The field team formed by S.H.I.E.L.D. was fully armed to the teeth. They calmly advanced slowly in an awl-shaped formation, and at the same time blasted the bullets in their guns to the monsters ahead like a rainstorm.


The sharp claws cut the ground under their feet, the monsters roared and fell to the ground, the bullets pierced through the skin and penetrated into their flesh, and the super self-healing ability from the virus made them almost ignore the attack.

This is the biological weapon developed by the umbrella company - the creeper.

They are mutated from zombies that have reached a critical point through the infection of the T virus. Due to the degeneration of the eyes, they have lost their visual ability, and their hunting depends entirely on their keen sense of hearing.

These man-made lives are extremely hideous, killing is their only meaning, the red fascia is exposed outside, and the beating brain is directly exposed to the air.

An arrow pierced through the hail of bullets and precisely inserted into the brain of a creeper.


With a howl, a creeper collapsed and simply died.

"Quick, shoot them in the brains!"

Seeing a successful blow, Eagle-eyed Button, holding a bow and arrow, immediately shouted to the agents in front.

Bang bang bang.
Receiving his prompt, the agents changed their formation rapidly, covering each other, and crossfire.

These carefully selected elite agents were extremely good at marksmanship, and the creepers were killed and wounded in an instant.

But these dangerous biological weapons are not mindless idiots. They quickly change their tactics, relying on their powerful limbs and claws to climb upside down on the walls and roofs, exuding a strong murderous intent.

Coupled with the powerful bounce and fast action speed, it is difficult to hit their bodies with burst-firing weapons.


An agent screamed and died from his claws piercing his chest. More creepers stepped on his corpse and broke into the crowd from this gap, raising their sharp claws and attacking frantically.

In just a short moment, the formation was in chaos, and more than 7 agents died one after another.

"not good!"

The shield in his hand blocked the claw attack of an agent, and Captain America kicked a creeper's body away.

Luke tore off his shirt, roared and headed towards the gap in the formation. The precise shots from Frank and Barton killed all the crawlers near Luke.

"Roar!!!" x3
The three crawlers surrounded Steve's body with a strong murderous intent. He bent over and knelt, a crimson flame exploded in his right palm, and an invisible fist flashed in the air. The three crawlers The body burst and belched.

Peng! !

The ground under his feet was heavily dented, and Steve's figure flashed at high speed in the room. When all the dust fell to the ground, more than a dozen groups of creepers wrapped in flames turned into ashes and gradually died under everyone's cold eyes.

"The Umbrella Company actually developed so many monsters! What the hell are they trying to do?"

Wiping the blood on his body with a torn cloth, Luke couldn't understand the purpose of the umbrella.

It is said that it has something to do with the new human god-making plan, but these disgusting things have nothing to do with "gods".

"These look like biological weapons. Now I am only worried about whether these terrible technologies will be passed on."

Turning over a creeper corpse at gunpoint, Frank's eyes were stern.

"This is not something we need to consider now, the road ahead must be very difficult!"

Cursing his lips, Barton retracted the last arrow from the creeper's body.

"Button is right, I can feel that there are more dangerous existences waiting for us ahead"

Standing at the entrance to Area D, Steve tried his best to poke inside.

The smell of blood in the air was so scary that it was like a slaughterhouse was set up there.


Several people looked at each other silently, and walked in carefully with the agents.

The next moment, they ran out in a panic. With the sound of violent vibrations, several huge monitor lizards roared and chased them out.

"Hi-!" x4
"Damn it, it's a Komodo dragon!!"

Relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, Luke guarded the back of the team. He recognized these guys and just called out their names before being violently whipped out by a tail.

Bang! !

Seeing Luke Cage smashing into the wall, Frank had to quickly throw a few grenades back, trying to block the pursuit.

The speed of these giant lizards is very fast. Under the transformation of the umbrella company, their bodies have surpassed more than 3 meters, and the defense of the scales has been improved by more than one level.

When several grenades with their fuses pulled out exploded in the rear, not only did none of these monitor lizards die, but they rushed towards the crowd with furious rage while holding their bloody bodies.

"not good!!"

The rising flame blocked the attack of the explosion for everyone. Steve held the shield in his left hand and clenched his fist with his right hand.

The monitor lizard's defense was unexpectedly strong, and the wounded body was still recovering slowly under the transformation of the virus. What's more, not only monitor lizards, giant crocodiles, jaguars, and boa constrictors rushed out one after another , to attack the crowd.


The Umbrella Company really thinks highly of them and dedicates 12 points of "respect" to them.

[Mood value from Steve Rogers +1911]

[Mood value from Frank Castor +1917]

[Mood value from Clint Barton +1915]

[Mood value from Luke Cage +1919]

Area B.

Stepping on a huge shadow, Huoyun Cthulhu stood here with his hands folded.

There was no change in the attire on his body, and he began to calmly adjust his breathing.

Hurray! ! !
The noise caused by the attacker became more and more intense, the ground kept shaking, and even the air that came blowing had a hint of heat.

Can withstand the attack of those animal zombies, it seems that there are some masters among the attackers!

"Mr. Huoyun Cthulhu, Your Excellency Wesker asked me to tell you, please be sure to stay here to the death."

The Red Empress who suddenly appeared gave an order, Huoyun Cthulhu glanced slightly, smashed the authority code lock behind him with a palm, and completely closed the metal door leading to the central hall.

This time, don't think that you can rely on cracking passwords and fingerprints to get in.

"Thank you, Mister Cthulhu, the Red Queen wishes you a complete victory!"

The tone of voice was turbulent, and the red queen nodded slightly to him, and left in an instant.

"Hehe. Victory?"

Closing his eyes, Huoyun Cthulhu continued to adjust his breath, the corners of his cold mouth curled up, unwavering in his victory.

That victory can only belong to oneself! !
new York.

Burning cars were densely piled up on the street and no one was clearing them up. Someone kept smashing the windows of the cars and dragging out the unconscious driver.

The flames licked greedily at the houses, and thick black smoke rose all over the city.

The ambulance of the hospital was blocked by the crowd and could not leave. Even if it left, the hospital could not receive more patients, because even a large number of doctors and nurses fell to the ground inexplicably. Their foreheads were hot and they were unconscious. Also in urgent need of medical attention.

Countless streets were full of people lying on the ground, unprecedented panic biting people's psychology.

Some gangsters with weapons broke into the store crazily, laughing inhumanely, trying to make a fortune by smashing this opportunity!
Spider-Man Peter Parker jumped down from the air, punched and knocked all the gangsters unconscious with three punches and two kicks. Thankfully, Aunt May did not fall into a coma, but the city seemed to have nerve necrosis and was gradually dying.

Dazed and helpless filled Peter's heart, he must know the secret of what happened in New York!
[Mood value from Peter Parker + 1933]

Ta Ta Ta.
The helicopters of the major news stations continued to hover over the city, transmitting all the images from the camera below.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Amy, a reporter from the New York Times. We are now in the sky above New York. It is 7:45 p.m. The situation in the city is as you can see, and more than a million people have collectively fallen here."

Standing at the cabin door of the news plane, the beautiful host asked the cameraman to focus on the crowd below the city, while seriously broadcasting information to everyone.

"The current situation is extremely urgent. It may be some unknown infectious disease, but unfortunately, we have not been able to obtain specific information from the government."

White House.

Peng! !

"Enough! Tell me, what's the matter?"

US President Barden slapped the table angrily, venting his anger loudly.

Senior officials on both sides of the table, you look at me and I look at you, everyone looks at each other.

"Mr. President, I think this incident may be similar to the last 'spitting syndrome incident', may we ask S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

A bald man glanced at everyone, knocked on the table, and gave a suggestion.

"Spitting syndrome? Migratory birds migrate?"

President Bearden was taken aback, and subconsciously mentioned the migration of migratory birds.


All the senior officials in the room were speechless. Why are you still talking about migratory birds after such a long time?

Isn't that your bullshit?
Seeing the strange expressions on everyone's faces, President Bearden finally recalled the secret hidden in the water spit syndrome. He clapped his hands and squeezed the air to his side, wiped his buttocks with a demented expression, and called the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. .


With such a boss, the senior officials are also a little helpless, this guy has dementia and no intelligence, and the director of SHIELD is not toilet paper, how could he be here?


"Mr. President, this bad incident was all done by Umbrella Corporation"

The moment he pushed the door open, Nick Fury yelled loudly.

He put the umbrella black materials he had collected specially in front of President Barden, focusing on describing the crisis of the incident. After he finished speaking, he realized that everyone was looking at him strangely.


For some reason, Nick Fury always feels dirty.

Once the target is determined, the United States moves very quickly.

Since the location of the umbrella is close to the downtown area, the nearby policemen rushed here first.

They got out of the car and looked at the unlit umbrella company's factory area. The sound inside was quiet, and the quietness was a little scary.

"What do you say, Piccolo?"

Helping the police cap on his head, the African-American police officer narrowed his eyes slightly. Since he came here, his heart has been beating violently. The strong sense of anxiety erodes his nerves and makes him want to escape.

"Xie Te, what else can I say? Just let us temporarily surround this place and wait for the military to enter!"

After spitting on the ground, Police Officer Peak cursed angrily. It seemed like a big case, and the military just took them out.

"I know that this company is engaged in biochemical research. I heard that they are very close to the military. Maybe it's something like a test leak!"

He speculated as he talked, linking the current chaos in New York with the umbrella company, and his former partners would talk with him, but for some reason today, he ignored him.

This made Police Officer Peak a little unaccustomed. He stretched out his hand and pushed the other party. Just as he was about to speak, the other party covered his mouth and nose, and then heard a "shh"

The trembling palms were telling his partner's emotions, and he followed his partner's line of sight and looked over quietly.

Then, his eyes widened in fright, and he almost screamed. His partner's palm tightly covered him, and the two stepped back carefully.


There was an inexplicable sound, it was an eyeless monster with thick sharp claws, and it crawled silently along the wall on the right.

It crawled downwards while spitting out its mouthparts, and its shaking head seemed to be detecting surrounding objects.

The evil appearance made them very frightened. What's more, the two of them were not the only police officers who received the order to come here. Soon, several police cars approached this direction with their alarm bells ringing.

The monster moved its head and was instantly attracted by the sound.

Its long mouthparts were swinging in the air, and its limbs kicked on the ground. It first jumped onto the carriage of Piccolo and the two of them, and then rushed towards the police cars.

After 4 or 5 minutes, looking at the burning vehicles and corpses everywhere, the military rushed to report the news.

"Yes, the police suffered heavy losses. We learned from the two police officers who survived that there are monsters lurking near the Umbrella Company."

"Understood, I will let everyone be careful and arrest Albert Wesker as soon as possible!"

Hanging up the phone of the boss, the white colonel's face is extremely contemptuous, no matter what monster it is, it will kneel before the guns of the American soldiers!

"Pass my order down, send some people to guard the entrances and exits of this area, and the rest of the people enter the inside of the umbrella at full speed, I will arrest Wesker within 15 minutes!"

In exchange for the messengers, as soon as the order was handed over, the army encountered new problems immediately before they acted.

First, the military doctor who was inspecting the corpse on the ground was bitten by the corpse inexplicably, and then the dead corpses stood up from the ground with low growls, their bodies swayed, and they dragged their organs to attack people.


What's more, the troops surrounding the Umbrella Company from various nearby intersections all encountered the same problem. An unbelievably large number of zombies rushed out from nowhere, mixed with crawlers lying on the ground with four limbs, and they were surrounded by three layers. The outer three layers are surrounded together.

The colonel in charge of the command changed his face drastically. While calling for support, he ordered the whole army to attack.

bang bang bang
Explosions and blood were intertwined in an instant.

On the roof of a tall building a thousand meters away, the four leaders of the Ten Rings Gang quietly gathered together.

Silver hair fluttered in the wind, leaning on a black and gold cane, the corners of the mouth of the man in green and yellow collar curled up slightly.

"The sixth commandment is Albert Wesker, and the seventh commandment is Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi. The two leaders have consumed so many resources of the organization. Will they be able to open up the realm leading to the realm of God?"

On the left, a tall man in an army red coat crossed his arms. He looked at the area of ​​the protective umbrella in the distance, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Part of Yingluo's technology is shared with Umbrella, I don't want to see a failure!"

Standing on his left side, the ancient black robe fluttered in the wind, and the black-haired old man in the frost mask raised his chin, not caring about the world.

"Only life is eternal. Before going to Kunlun to slay the dragon, let me watch this drama in New York!"

With his hands behind his back, the man in black robe and red cloud wears a one-eyed spiral mask. He and the masked old man looked at the panicked city side by side, shaking their heads and whispering.

"In this world, fear and death are only temporary choices, and only choosing unlimited monthly reading is the eternal meaning!"

The four leaders of the Ten Commandments Gang each said that they came this time only to observe the ceremony.

Tonight, either someone becomes a god, or the city dies!

 Thanks to the book friend 20221019000443761 for the 100 starting point coins!

  Thank you for the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by the egg roll peanut milk! !
(End of this chapter)

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