Meiman Killer Daily

15 Changed the life trajectory of others


Killing people all the time is a very depressing thing, and even work can make people feel bored. Peter is sitting in the New York Public Library, looking for some biased and gossipy books on ghosts and gods as recreational novels for entertainment and relaxation, quiet books Although there are many people walking around in the museum, quality can sometimes be solved with a sign.

Anyone who is not blind can see the word mute. Coupled with the patrolling and guarding of security guards, the rest is actually a small problem. The largest library in New York, and perhaps the largest library in the world, stores all the information here. There are more than three million books in twelve languages ​​​​in the world, recording the spread of civilization throughout the world.

When you have nothing to do, you can read and entertain yourself here. While increasing your knowledge, you can also enjoy the tranquility without impurities, because in the ocean of knowledge, although what you can enjoy may not be the purest kind of spiritual purification, it can also make you feel better. At this moment, your mind will be slightly washed away from some dirt. Your ethereal brain will fall into a very strange way of thinking because of reading. You will be indifferent to anything, have no emotions for anyone, and rationally feel that the whole world is meaningless. , because I read the book and learned about some people and things in the book, and once I formed a contrast with myself,


The sudden scream scared Peter so much that he broke into a cold sweat. He raised his head and saw a man and a woman arguing about something at table No. not far away. The woman should be the one who roared, and the man looked embarrassed. It seemed that she wanted to hold the other person's hand, but the woman took a step back and shook off the man.

"Why does it look so familiar?"

Peter seemed to have seen the quarreling couple in front of him somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while. His mood for reading was also broken. Although his cell phone hadn't rang yet, he didn't want to stay here any longer. A mouse died. After a pot of porridge, the two people who ruined the atmosphere seemed to deserve a shot.

After getting up to return the book, Peter walked out of the public library and walked on the street, reflecting on everything he had done now. Although he often intervened as an unscrupulous person, he was convinced that he was doing good things and committed murder and arson. He killed the bad guys, and burned down the drug gambling stronghold. If he committed all kinds of evil, he really couldn't get rid of it.

“Hey friends, let’s chat”

A car stopped on the street, opened the window and spoke, Peter stopped and looked at each other, the black braised Nick Fury was shining

"How about I buy you a drink? I won't take you too long."

Following Fury's invitation, Peter raised his hand to look at the time again, and then nodded.

"it is good."

"Killing cannot solve all problems. You should know very well that you kill."

Peter made a detour without hesitation and sat in the passenger seat. Then, after hearing the slightly preachy words, he smiled and interrupted his retort.

"It can solve my problem."


What problem can be solved is naturally the problem of money. Although Fury has not yet found out what Peter needs so much money to do, in this year, unless Peter goes into stock trading, nearly 10 million funds will flow. , he doesn’t buy a house or food, and he doesn’t have a private car or a girlfriend. Where did all the money go?

"Make a deal, join us to protect the world and our country"

Protecting the world makes me smile, and protecting the country is even funnier. I have no so-called American spirit at all. The American spirit cannot exist now or in the future. You ask me to protect the United States. This is not a cold joke.

"I am not an American. I have no concept of protecting the country. If anyone bids, even the President of the United States, I will kill him with one shot. Believe me, Mr. Nick Fury, I know you and I also know everything about your S.H.I.E.L.D. It's actually very simple for me to join S.H.I.E.L.D., I'll be paid every month, and at the same time, I'll report my murders to you, but you can't stop me from taking action, you can persuade me, but the decision-making power is mine, so when you need to solve it, When you are someone, I can help you solve it for free, and the same choice is mine.”

Peter accurately called Nick Fury's name, which surprised Nick Fury, but he still calmly gave Peter a final reminder.

"You mean you refused, right?"

"It seems that there is no need to eat this meal. What a pity."

Before the slightly emotional words were finished, the entire car began to suddenly blockade. The tempered iron plates sealed all the glass on all sides, and a thick hypnotic aura began to spread. Since conversation and recruitment were impossible, the other party must be arrested and imprisoned. , hypnosis is also effective on Fury himself, but as long as both of them can be put into a coma, everything will become very simple.

His eyes began to become blurry, but after seeing Peter's movements, Fury pressed the button to eject the seat immediately without hesitation, because three or four grenades were placed on the stage in Peter's hand, and one of them was Pulling the ring, the ejection seat flew up, but was deformed by Peter holding Nick Fury's shoulder with one hand. The iron plate sealing the seat leakage naturally could not be closed. Fury opened his mouth and wanted to say something compromising, but Peter held Nick Fury's shoulder with one hand. He locked Fury's chin and stuffed the unstrung grenade into Fury's hand. The handle that was about to pop out was stuck tightly in his mouth. Once it fell, Fury's head might become more than just a grenade. Eggs are so simple.

In order to prevent Fury from making small moves with his hands, Peter once again pulled the string of the grenade and pulled Fury's hand over, forcing the grenade to the opponent. It may not be Fury's nature to be afraid of death, but it was obvious that he and Peter would die together like this. This is the last thing Fury wants to see. Since he is unwilling to die and cannot defeat the opponent, the techniques Fury is using now have no effect at all. The biggest message is that the sleeping gas seems to have no effect on Peter, or maybe Peter is During the thirty seconds that he attacked him, he held his breath and did not inhale the sleeping gas.

Opening the car door with his fist, Peter nodded and thanked him. There are always people who feel that they are awesome and have to kidnap morality from the point of justice in everything. Unfortunately, he doesn't pay attention to the so-called morality at all. He didn't kill Fury just because If you want to make the world a more exciting place, of course another very important reason is that no one gives you a quote.

One of the strongholds of Crimson Bar Billy Russo. Today Billy Russo will start collecting rent for each location for a whole year, and then carry out repeated expansion. Billy Russo was once Kingpin's subordinate, but it seems that Billy Russo couldn't satisfy his status as a dog-leg, so he established his own business within a few years, and then, as if cheating, he took a bite out of Kingpin's hand in New York, a place where every inch of land was precious.

Kingpin had conflicts with Billy Russo many times. The former had a lot of money, while the latter, of course, had a small family that didn't have so much resources to consume. So Billy Russo came up with a very strange plan, which was to catch the vigilante. They came to fight back against Kingpin. First, he began to look for those veterans, and selected some of his men disguised as Kingpin to kill their families. Secondly, he bribed the media to continuously publicize how Kingpin's underworld operations polluted people's hearts.

During a conflict that broke out, the battlefield was a famous restaurant. Frank's family was celebrating their child's birthday. Blood, bullets, flames, screams, and roars turned a veteran into a demon, but the demon He had his wings cut off by himself, and now he seems to have become the good guy again. Who knows, anyway, the ding-dong in his mind when he was talking to Frank seems to have indicated that Frank's future will no longer be the Punisher.

After changing the future of Frank Custer, based on the analysis of the other party's thoughts and emotions, the other party will completely become a superhero different from the Punisher rather than an anti-hero. His dream still exists like Captain America, even if I am physically disabled, but I want to be a good person for my children. I want my children and my wife in heaven to smile happily at me. I will be rewarded with fifty points.

Such a passage changed Frank's life. Peter thought it was normal, but he didn't expect that there would be rewards for changing a person. Frank had just transformed into a vengeful punisher, but within two days he had his hands chopped off. The painful treatment in the hospital, unable to avenge his children and wife, the pain was absolutely unimaginable.

At this time, Frank actually needed someone to persuade him, and the person who persuaded him happened to be himself, and threatened him to summon his child's soul. This was perhaps what Frank feared most, and his love turned into deep anger. But killing is something that will always dirty a person's soul. No father is willing to let his children see his blood and filth covered in dirt.

It was only then that Peter discovered that Frank's family all believed in Catholicism. However, God's habit of always dozing off and his ruthless attitude towards human beings obviously would not change in any way because of Frank's piety. Damn it. People will not die, and people who do not deserve to die will always go to heaven. In fact, if there is a chance, Peter really wants to ask God, are all heaven really good people? If you take all the good people to heaven, what will happen to this world? Is it a blessing you bestow upon mankind, or do you want to make the world a hell?

The bad guys go to hell, the bad guys are in the world, and the bad guys are not in heaven. So what’s the point of the world? You might as well just merge the world and hell, and then select the souls of good people to take to heaven. Wouldn’t that be simpler and more convenient? Despair naturally means there is no hope. Perhaps this kind of confusion is what God wants most. Peter smiled and shook his head and walked into the bar. He sat in the corner of the entrance and ordered a cocktail, admiring the pole dance in the center. From time to time, Look towards the door.

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