Meiman Killer Daily

59 transactions


The speedboat did not travel towards the inland seaside. Instead, it quickly headed towards a certain area in the deep sea. After about an hour and a half, an island appeared in front of Peter's eyes. On the beach, Tony Tucker stood in the air with his hands in his pockets, his feet supported by the mecha and he looked very handsome.

"I didn't expect you to save me."

Looking at Stark's expressionless face, Peter sighed with emotion. To be honest, the chaotic changes and sudden problems made Peter a little overwhelmed, especially when he knew that his tenant was Bruce Banner. time, but now it seems that Stark has changed greatly since the last time they met. This man now feels more like a gloomy politician than a hero.

"I didn't save you, I was just saving him."

"Just put him on and put him back on. I need to talk to you alone."


He raised his hand and pointed at the unconscious Bruce Banner on the boat, and then stabbed a syringe into his chest. After doing all this, Stark turned and walked towards the beach. On the edge of the woods, there was a simple house, Peter smiled and followed.

"Give me money and I'll help you deal with the Winter Soldier."

No matter what Stark's purpose was, he was saved anyway. Repaying a favor is Peter's style of doing things. He decisively took over the task of killing the Winter Soldier. In fact, whether it is Captain America or the Winter Soldier, these super None of the soldiers pose much of a threat to Peter. In my eyes, Captain America is no different from an ordinary person without his shield. He has been strengthened and he has been strengthened. He is fast and not slow, and he has heavy firepower and other things. The power is far more powerful than Captain America. The word death is just a matter of willingness or not in my mind.

In fact, Peter doesn't want to lose so much fun. Killing bad guys is because he lacks points. Killing good superheroes will make the whole world lack some fun. But now Peter doesn't need to worry about the problem of too few superheroes, because They are growing like mushrooms after a rain.

"This is just the first transaction between us, that's not what I want to tell you."

Standing at the door of the simple house, Stark raised his finger, and the answer he gave surprised Peter slightly. His tone of voice was not entangled in the slightest, and there was no hesitation in the slightest. It seemed that the results of his spoilers in advance had been compromised. With the changes, Stark's character and actions became somewhat different at this moment.

"Go on."

Following Stark into the room, he sat on a simple stool. The virtual image was reflected in front of Peter from Stark's mecha. It was full of lists and information of the people he had killed, and there was also his own Time and place of murder, Stark pressed the red cross in the upper corner and said.

"I have investigated your murder records in the past two years. From the beginning of killing for money to the later of killing only those who deserved to die, the legal framework cannot impose any restrictions on them. Such people should indeed use an extreme method. To solve the problem, I agree with your ideas, but I don’t agree with your actions. As a sign of sincerity, I have deleted all your files in the world including SHIELD. From today on, you will be a good person without any records. "

Stark's gifts or trading items are obviously of some benefit to Peter. At least Peter does not need to hide. Even if there is still the issue of the wanted order, all the criminal information is gone. Those who want to arrest His own people could not legally judge him at all. Then Peter suddenly remembered another thing.

"and many more"

"What's wrong"

Whiten your identity to make yourself look like a clean and good person, and then use other means to give yourself a new identity. Then the Avengers alliance is likely to appear in front of Peter, but after stopping Seeing that Stark was looking at him with disdain, Peter also asked unhappily.

"You don't mean to think of me as that bullshit Avengers, do you?"

"Are you worthy"

He snorted disdainfully. It was obvious that Stark had not even thought about this issue. Peter touched his nose awkwardly. It seemed that he still looked down upon himself. He was indeed a bit arrogant. Stark had already said that he was If he came for Bruce Banner, then the main purpose would definitely not be to invite him. He decisively gave up his self-righteous thoughts and stretched out his hand to signal Stark to continue.

"The island behind me will be completely transformed in the next three months, and then the initiative will be handed over to you, and the artificial intelligence will be customized for you, but the premise is that you must record all the people you killed. , let me know who you killed. At the same time, I will not acknowledge your existence, nor will I act to help you in any way. You and I are still enemies, but I need you to keep a low profile as much as possible when transmitting information, especially In terms of killing methods, I don’t want the war-like behavior in New York and Mexico to happen again.”

An existence similar to a dark organization. The only difference from the killer organization is that it only kills bad guys, including records and verifications, and this seems to be a base in a urn. I am not an old turtle that can be manipulated at will. Trapped in this so-called secret base by Stark, he spread his hands and asked a very practical question.

"Why do you think I will agree to help you, Mr. Tony Stark? Do you think you can convince me?"

Stark fell into silence. Obviously if he wanted to do what he wanted to do, he had to convince the person in front of him. Stark thought for a long time. Could the country really ignore the death of his father and mother? Was it murder? But whether it was the country, Fury, or the damn S.H.I.E.L.D., the answers they gave themselves were just treating themselves like children.

The law is a weapon to punish bad guys. This sentence is just nonsense. What kind of bad guys can be punished by the law? Kingpin, Karls, extremist organizations in the Middle East, the Viper Gang, etc. Why don't any of these bad guys get the punishment? What about the due punishment, the so-called justice, the so-called law, what are you doing at this time?

Stark realized at that moment that he might not get his hands dirty, and he could continue to uphold his beliefs and continue to make the world develop in a good direction, but some people and things in the darkness still remain. You have to solve the problem according to the way of the world in darkness. You will not let your hands be contaminated by the darkness. But if you leave these things to those who are themselves in the darkness, you don't need to remotely control these people. You just need to know what they are doing.

"I can send a signal to the whole world in one hour, and find out all the bad guys and the people they are exploiting in thirty minutes, with just a button, a suggestion, and a network connection."

"I did it"

Stark shook his fingers again, making a shadow image in front of Peter, and told him his chips bit by bit. Peter only said half of the first one and Peter decisively chose to agree, because Stark said this It already makes Peter very satisfied. Peter actually doesn’t need anything else. Just think about the four, one, four, and two sleeps of DNF. If he learned them all, the world wouldn’t let him live in the air every day. Well, as for other transaction contents, hehe, they are all rubbish in his own eyes, and there is no need to rely on others for charity at all.

"Rose, are you okay?"

The chaotic ruins of Brooklyn, the wounded everywhere in the military tents, at least 300 people died, more than 500 people were seriously injured, more than 40 residential buildings were destroyed, and three streets were bombed with craters. This is Peter and the Hulk. Even Ross was almost shot dead by Peter in the end. If a soldier hadn't bravely stood in front of Ross, Ross's head would have ended up like a watermelon hit by a hammer.

"Nick Fury"

Hearing the sound and looking up to see the person coming, Ross gritted his teeth angrily, and Fury's expression was not very good, because the current situation in Brooklyn was too shocking. He thought Ross was catching the Hulk, and he wanted to help as much as possible. for a moment, and then persuaded Ross to give up and rely on the power of the government to take away Bruce Banner.

But in the middle of the battle, his action team was attacked, and then during the battle, before the Hulk was out, he took the lead in blowing up the killer Peter. When he heard the news of Peter's existence, Nick Fury's back was really wet. That was a bastard with absolutely no emotions at all. He focused on the precise killing of the other party and would not be merciful to anyone at all.

Starting from my own experience, there has never been a person or a killer who is as difficult and scary as Peter. If you say he is a killer, you should keep a low profile, but Peter kills people without caring about it every time. When fighting him, you are not only If you want to think about how to catch or kill him, you also have to worry about his constant counterattacks, heavy firepower such as Gatling, pistols, grenades, and sniper rifles. His physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Unless such a person is chased and intercepted by the most elite team, and then he pays an unknown price, he can kill him. He feels heartbroken and depressed. Every time he hears about Peter, it makes him feel sick. He kills people. There is no restraint and no choice. If you dare to chase him, he will dare to attack everyone on the street and in the combat zone indiscriminately. The scene of death and injury has been staged a few days ago, and it cost him fifty agents and Eagle. Now, looking at Ross and the United States today, it is obvious that the price paid by the other side is not much less than that of ourselves.

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