Meiman Killer Daily

70 Don’t mess with me! (superior)


In the desert at dusk, the setting sun is like a reflection. When a breeze blows and stirs up dust, the figure flashes on the horizon. The footsteps sway quickly, and the dilapidated house gradually flashes out, with green skin and Wearing a mace-like weapon, they are almost one meter tall, and they look very much like the goblins that appear in comic books and movies.

“It’s really interesting”

Peter was in urgent need of weapons, so he had no choice but to choose a copy of a weapon with only twenty points. It was called a training pistol. It was not a well-known weapon. When he clicked to confirm, he was sucked into the sudden vortex, and again When I woke up, I found myself in a strange desert.

Following the barely clear carriage tracks, Peter walked for more than twenty minutes and stood at the gate of the dilapidated village. The scene in front of him was a bit inappropriate for children. The broken body and the dead eyes. When human beings want to be kind because of their kindness, When you want to give animals space to live, do you think that these so-called animals will one day chew humans like snacks?


The sharp roar was like a call. There were at least three to four hundred goblins in the group. They rushed out of the village waving the big sticks in their hands. Gatling placed the fire snake in front of him and spit out mercilessly. The confrontation completely made it impossible to distinguish between human and monster flesh and blood, and the dark green blood also changed the color of the crimson earth again.

The bullets of the machine gun were empty, and the number of goblins was reduced by more than half. These creatures, which seemed to have no intelligence and only knew how to kill, were not timid at all because of the death of their companions, and continued to charge towards Peter. Some even picked up stones or other objects on the ground and threw them at Peter


The grenade exploded in the group of goblins, and the sniper rifle penetrated three or four goblins in succession. Peter quickly retreated. Since he did not have a pistol as an ordinary weapon, he could only use skills to attack the enemy to avoid physical damage. Unnecessarily hurt, Peter decided to fly a kite and kill all the monsters in front of him.

Located in the desolate Gobi desert, there are no big obstacles around. This place is simply a paradise for long-range attacks. Run back quickly and throw out grenades to kill the enemy, followed closely by sniper rifles and Gatling attacks. Facing the charge of the goblins, without any effort, the last ray of sunset finally fell completely into the valley. Under the moonlight of the stars, Peter returned to the town again. The goblin corpses all around had been completely killed by him.

There was no one alive in the whole town. Feeling the emotion that was like guidance, Peter soon came to a house that looked like a police station. He kicked the door and slightly lit up the dark room. There were three or five goblins in the office. The corpse showed that there had been a fierce battle here. He continued to move forward and found an oil lamp on the wall to light.

"You are really cheap."

Finally, a black vortex appeared next to Peter. In front of him, under the body of a policeman in this world, two pistols flew up. They were a little worn but still intact. They disappeared into the vortex, waiting for him to call and take them. It was already a brand new weapon, but the bloody scene just now still made Peter feel speechless. He had to admire the shoddy workmanship of the system and gave it a middle finger in his heart. The system never took care of itself anyway.

Everyone in the entire town was completely dead. Under Peter's inspection, the word "survivor" seemed to lack mercy and luck. Standing in the square in front of the church, the bell suddenly rang. Peter looked up and was very surprised. said with sad regret

"got windy"

"Help me kill someone"

In the quiet area of ​​the Queens Branch of the New York University Library, a woman suddenly sat in front of Peter and spoke without warning. Peter raised his head in confusion. Her beautiful features and figure were still so familiar. He had seen this woman before. Woman, she is the young couple who had a fight in the library some time ago.

"I'm sorry, young lady, I'm a serious person."

Although it was a bit strange, Peter still smiled at it, and then lowered his head and continued to read his book. He was looking for the world he traveled through. The patterns above had appeared in the central region of the United States in 1860, but those villages They are all now dilapidated, and the patterns have no special meaning.

"I know you are a killer. Your name is Peter, right? Kill someone for me and I will give you everything I have."

"I'm sorry I don't like everything you say."

He stood up and refused again. Although he didn't know how this woman knew that his name was Peter, the location he was in was a bit sensitive. The New York Grand Library was not only for tourists to visit and read books, it was also the so-called black card delivery center. , but after completing the task, you must come here to hand over the black card as a record. You and the old ghost use the official system, no longer like the old man Mors Griska.

Peter didn't want to be tied up by a killer agency, which seemed too inefficient. The amount of work he needed now was completely different from what Morse Griska could provide him. The benefit after giving up was that he would be able to work for three consecutive months. He had gained more than 300 points during his career, but under Mors Griska, he only had 500 points in two years.

The woman obviously wanted to stand up and chase Peter, but the two bodyguards stepped forward to block the woman. The woman was unwilling to rush out of the security guard to intercept him, but obviously in terms of strength and speed, this woman was very strong. The ordinary kind, Peter walked to the elevator at the corner and went up to the private area. In front of the glass window of the second-floor corridor, the old ghost was holding a cigarette and crossing his chest. His eyes were on the woman below who was still unwilling to leave.

"who is she"

"A guy with a lot of spare money, but her goal is not that simple."

Turning his head to look at Peter, the old ghost burned out his cigar and explained. Peter walked aside and looked down to find that the woman was still unwilling to let go. Moreover, this time there was a man following him, who seemed to be a friend of the woman, and It was still very intimate, arguing with the security guard.


"Kingpin, this woman's father violated the law and was punished by Kingpin for taking something he shouldn't have. However, obviously money can blind some people's eyes and make them self-righteous. This woman's father publicly offered a reward. They killed each other, thinking they could solve the problem with money."

When the question has an answer, Peter is no longer interested in the woman below. Although the woman is still a beautiful woman, Peter really has no interest in her, and the old ghost's explanation is obviously like telling a story. The joke made Peter laugh.


"five million"

"Hehehehe where is Kingpin?"

"Jin Bin was also very reasonable. He bought the head of the woman's father with 20 million yuan."

"It's embarrassing."

Five million people who bought Jinpin's head were bought at four times the same price. Peter knew the final result without asking. Kingpin was a cockroach-like guy. He didn't It is as simple as cruel means and a wise brain. He can become an emperor in the American dark society. There are all kinds of means, and the man has chosen the most inappropriate method.

use money

"Who says otherwise? Fortunately, Kingpin was very restrained in his actions. He only spent 20 million to buy that man's life, not that man's whole family."

"Let me tell the person in charge that it is best not to let us encounter this type of people in such an environment in the future. I really hate being disturbed by them."

"The meeting is about to start, let's hurry in."

There is also a big event coming to the Assassin League today to participate in. Although most assassins, killers, and mercenaries will not choose to come in person, Peter is indeed a little bored and plans to participate in such an event. You must know this meeting Only the top 100 evaluation members in the world can be invited, and it is not a meeting that ordinary people can attend.

Pushing the door open and walking in, they couldn't see their fingers in the pitch-black environment. They put on the night vision goggles at the door. Peter and the old ghost casually found a seat to sit down. The lights in the center gradually turned on. When the clock struck twelve o'clock, In the background, a host-like character wearing a mask walked onto the slightly bright podium.

"Gentlemen and ladies, you are welcome to accept the invitation to the Council Hall of the League of Assassins. Today we will reveal an extremely dazzling item. Of course, it can also be turned into a weapon. As for why we want to do this show in the form of an auction , and it is also because our consignor has a special requirement, and everyone present must meet the requirements to receive weapons and other benefits."

There is no attractive interest in this piece of nonsense. For killers, weapons do not require strong power from the outside world, etc. Selling this kind of thing is obviously a wrong choice, but the host seems to know it. Turning around, the big screen appears, Peter His eyes were immediately attracted, not to the weapon introductions and videos on the left screen, but to the numbers on the right screen.


A series of Arabic numerals and the units behind were extremely dazzling. Peter gently patted the shoulder of the old man next to him. The other man was also shocked and speechless. It was the first time in his life that he saw someone so crazy. In order to kill A person is so hysterical. If the units and values ​​of the numbers are announced, it will definitely shock the whole world.

"You read that right 350 billion. This bastard actually used 350 billion to buy a person's head."

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