Melody of Mana

Chapter 57 Another meeting

The walk back to Bishop Theodore's office was silent. It seemed everyone had their hackles raised, and the priestess behind me wasn't really helping. I knew that she was waiting for me to give her a reason to drop me and just haul me off, and I was just waiting for a chance to see her jump off a cliff.

Eventually I did find my way back to the Bishop's office. The man himself wasn't there when I arrived but I found myself a seat while my erstwhile companion stood behind me. It seemed she didn't trust me for some reason; like I'd attack her or something silly like that.

After a few minutes of waiting a very tired, and again, quite cross looking Bishop arrived.

"There are literally tens of thousands of children in this city and you, I am sure, are the largest headache."

"Good day to you too Bishop."

"I understand you were at a ball that was attacked last night."

"I was."

"Where a number of people died, rather violently."

"Yes, that is correct Bishop."

"Our order was called to come and assist."

"I'm aware. I was healing people as best I could. I even saw you arrive."

"And you didn't come to say hello? I'm a bit hurt." The last bit was so dripping with sarcasm that I was actually surprised. Normally he was just a smug jerk.

"You looked busy. What exactly can I help you with today Bishop? Your... assistant? Was quite insistent that I come and meet with you." That designation got me a nice sound of grinding teeth from behind. It was probably stupid to harass her, but...

"Good, I'm happy to get to the point. You remember our last conversation yes? How I told you that if I felt the need we would be reevaluating your living situation we would? Well, based on last night's events I believe we must now consider that."

"Explain your reasoning."

"I do not need to explain myself to you Alana."

"You do if you want me to live under your nose without me setting said nose on fucking fire." The air could be cut with a knife. I knew they could, and would if needed drop me. As did they, but we all also knew that eventually I'd get back up, and when I did, I wouldn't be coming at them straight.

"Very well, you have now been at the site of an attempted assassination."

"Which I was decidedly not the target of."

"Involving extremely dangerous magic."

"Also not my fault."

"Your current guardians have even failed to keep you from such danger."

"That is a patently ludicrous accusation. No reasonable person would have expected an attack at a ball. Even if you were to tell me that you could, I wouldn't believe you. Because there was a priestess of my approximate age there as well. If the adults with me were being irresponsible you need to go bother The Order of Lovers about their foolishness too. I'm betting you won't." He was getting a little eye twitch. I knew I could win this argument if I could just keep him from coming down without explanation.

"Alana, I know you dislike me. Will you at least believe that I wish for your safety?"

"Dislike is a weak word Bishop, you threw some of my most private business in front of my friends in a blatant attempt to embarrass me. I believe that you think you are doing what is best, but I also believe that you are a petty little tyrant and completely wrong."

He spent several minutes staring at me, thrumming his fingers on his desk. I could tell he was thinking, going over arguments and ideas in his head. I would wait, this was a game where I needed to wait and respond to whatever he came up with.

"There are so many things which I cannot tell you right now Alana. If you but knew you might agree to work with me, but you might also go and put yourself in even more danger. When you come of age I will tell you."

"That explanation is just evasive and will not convince me."

"I'm aware. You wish to go to the academy next fall yes?"

"I don't see what that has to do with anything."

"As one of the wards of The Shield I can provide for your education. As a matter of point we do have an agreement with the academy to have our spellcasting capable wards attend, if they show enough skill and can pass the entry exams. I've no worries that you shall do so."

"Are you trying to bribe me into staying at your orphanage?"

"That would be ideal, yes, but I'm wagering that you won't."

"You're quite right." I nodded to the Bishop.

"How about this then. We'll make arrangements for you to be paid for IF you agree to stay at the dormitories there and have one of the professors appointed as your guardian while you attend. Until that point though I want someone to be able to openly keep an eye on you who I trust as a responsible adult. They would basically be acting as your guardian until you go."

Now it was my turn to think. That was not a bad deal, and would make paying for school a non-issue. I had a few questions, but I thought there might be a chance we could come to some arrangement. Even Lucien had suggested that if they came to me with some reasonable compromise I listen.

"I have some questions." When the Bishop made a gesture for me to continue I began asking. "Who would you be assigning to keep an eye on me until I attend? How would you have someone keeping an eye on me openly? How would the professor who would be appointed as my guardian be chosen?"

"Valid questions. While I would like to have a priest keep an eye on you due to your magic that is simply not feasible, so it would be one of the members of our staff. We would need to make arrangements for them to live with or near you and you would have to interact with them often. As for what professor, I believe that generally a volunteer is sought, or if none is available someone is assigned randomly."

I already knew at least one person I thought would jump at the idea of having me as his charge. Not sure how I felt about that, but I liked him more than I liked Theodore, that much was certain. The rest didn't seem too egregious.

"Why are you spending this much time and money on me?" He was really bending over backwards here. Even if he was supposed to keep me safe, this was just a bit insane.

"I have my reasons. Not the least of which is that you are a rather more potent than average caster with a habit of making... shall we say 'interesting' spells." He stared hard at me. "I think you have potential young lady. Will you take my deal? Or shall we see how this ends if you don't?" The threat hung there for a few moments while we stared at each other.

"I will, try to find someone with less a stick up their ass than you. It would also be nice if they could play an instrument, as I think we'll be spending quite a bit of our winter playing at The Sky."

I could see the eye twitch, but he seemed to relax a bit. "I'll see what I can do, and Alana. I really do not enjoy these meetings. So I will ask you to not cause any more problems, or get involved in any large scale disasters until you've come of age. Or at the very least are attending the academy."

"I'll do my very best." I replied in a saccharine sweet voice, while making my brightest smile.

After the irksome girl removed herself from my office and I could get back to the paperwork that needed to be done I heard a slight cough. The now full priestess seemed a bit irked at me.

"Bishop, you can't let yourself be bullied by a child."

"Oh? How did she bully me?"

"Getting you to pay for her education, all of the kindnesses you're showing letting her stay at that tavern."

"Well, first thing, I have received no less than three requests to see to it that she attends that academy from those who have both the interest in her to know that she's one of our wards and the power to push a scholarship through. I bribed her with something she could have gotten without me. I got a full report on how last night she might have influenced bardic combat magic more significantly than we've seen in decades. That alone would qualify her." I chuckled. "Secondly, I will choose who keeps an eye on her. Did you know that Eleanor plays the harp? If anyone can both whip that girl into some semblance of shape and keep her out of trouble that will be the one."

"Sir, Eleanor, that's just... a bit mean. You're right though..."

I nodded and began filling out all the needed paperwork.

When I finally made my way back to The Sky I was greeted to even more interrogation by my two teachers. First of all I had to give a full demonstration of my new flamethrower. Both of them were nearly floored, as was I, the mana cost on that was still somewhere near my absolute limit. They made a couple of tries, but got nothing nearly as effective.

Then I had to explain about my deal to Lucien. After I finished with the overview he nodded.

"So, when should we be expecting your new guardian to show up?"

"Dunno, tonight or tomorrow I guess."

"You really need to learn to ask more questions. Will they be renting a room to stay here?"

"No idea."


"Come on, don't give me that look. I got a good deal at least!"

"I'll give you that. You at least managed to keep most of what you wanted. You're not being forced to live at the orphanage, and you've gotten school paid for. Were you going to stay at their dorms anyway?"

"I don't know, would have depended on the cost. Dras is, and it will be far more convenient anyway I suppose. Do you think the professor they assign to keep an eye on me will be a problem?"

"I don't know. Some of those types can be a little single minded. They normally are safe people though, and know a lot about magic. Anyway, first thing tomorrow you need to prep a room. Won't hurt anything if we end up not needing it. One of the ones down near you will probably be best."

"Okay, I'll make sure it's ready."

Bright and early the next day I picked the room just to the left of mine and began cleaning. By time for breakfast I was well assured that it was ready with fresh sheets, no dust, and everything just in it's place.

As I was eating the mix of leftovers from dinner and warm bread she appeared. The woman was middle aged, with lines around her mouth and a rather large case for a harp. An older boy helped bring her luggage in and stood back as she marched up to me where I sat at the bar.

"I suppose you must be Alana then?"

"I am."

"Good, I'm Eleanor. Know that I've been told you're a right handful and I'll be having none of it. Now, where is our room?"

"There's one ready for you right beside mine. You'll need to talk to Lucien first though."

"That won't do at all. We'll need to stay together if I'm to keep an eye on you no?"

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