Mercenary of Lust

Chapter 9

Gore warning.

Lilac's claws were extended, and her eyes were sharp. Like a bellow, her chest was pumping air into her heart. She also had a metallic aftertaste in her mouth.

However, nothing bothered her. She fixed her gaze on Liya's lifeless body in front of her.

The throat had been punctured, and blood was dripping from the four deep wounds on the throat.

Her mouth had also leaked blood mixed with foam. Lilac detected the stench from the liquid that leaked from Liya during her struggle.

However, it was the smell of fresh blood that had overwhelmed her mind. And before she knew it, she bent down and started to lick the blood that was leaking from the wound.

She could hear someone say "Nenayk," but she didn't want to pay attention.

Albi called a couple more times before Lilac realized it was the name of the body she was controlling.

"Because it's your first kill, you should do the ritual," Albi advised. Albi was smiling at Lilac when she looked at her.

"Huh!" Lilac groaned as she tried to figure out what she wanted to say.

She turned to see Liya's throat was even more crushed than it had been a moment before. It was as if something was chewing on her throat.

"I never expected our lazy princess to be so strong," Albi stated.

"Congratulations on your first kill, your highness." Scard also complimented. She, like Albi, was ecstatic about the Lilac action.

It was only then Lilac understood the gravity of the situation.

Her mind was still fighting the urge to bite Liya, as well as the aftereffects of the adrenaline. But Lilac realized she'd killed someone.

She'd seen many actors portray the horror of acknowledging the fact that they'd committed their first murder, but she wasn't feeling anything.

There was no sense of dread or disgust. Unlike those actors, she had no desire to vomit in such a situation.

But she had a strong desire to eat. Even though something in her mind told her she shouldn't, the urges grew stronger.

"Do you want me to assist you, your highness?" Lilac looked at Scard, perplexed by what she was saying. "Should I extract the heart for you?" Scard asked.

"Heart?" Lilac mumbled. "Can you tell me what you want me to do with her heart?"

She wanted to ask, but Scard moved in and extended her claws before she could. And a gruesome sequence ensued.

'What a messed up world!' She wanted to ask, but Scard moved in and extended her claws before she could. And a gruesome sequence ensued.

When she gave it some thought, she realized it wasn't all that different from Earth. On Earth, medieval nobles had also killed servants and slaves for fun.

'This body is a beast too. A lion's daughter. And, given that she is the king's daughter, it's not surprising that she could kill a commoner for food.'

Lilac unintentionally growled while thinking. She smelled the same enticing smell that her body was craving.

Looking around, Lilac discovered Scard and had already removed the excess meat from around the dead body, exposing Liya's dead heart.

"It is your majesty's first kill, and eating its heart completes your awakening ritual. It will significantly boost your strength." Scard elaborated on the so-called 'ritual.'

Lilac turned around to find Aldi still staring at her. Even though she was smiling, her gaze was not the same as the first time she had seen her.

It was apprehension. Lilac was able to identify the emotion. However, her thoughts were still on the bloody buffet.

The instinct that she had struggled so much to control began to take over her mind once more.

Lilac didn't realize she was doing it, but Scard took a step back instinctively after noticing the change in Lilac's eyes.


Or, at the very least, she tried. She was standing too close to Lilac's trophy, and her movement caught Lilac's attention.

And after so many years of serving the royal family, she knew that if she moved a single hair on her body, Lilac would jump on her.

Then all she could do was wait for her death. It wasn't that she wasn't more powerful than Lilac. She was far more powerful than she was.

However, as long as the princess desired it, she would be served as a meal to the princess. That was the fate of the servants of the royal family.

Nonetheless, she was perplexed as to how her princess could change so drastically. After reaching maturity, it was natural for the princess to hunt, but it was still too abrupt.

Looking at Lilac, who was snout deep in blood, she was still puzzled. It was only then that she turned her gaze to Albi.

'It was all because of her. It was because she had done it to her.' Scard couldn't help but curse in her heart.

Only the king would approach her after the princess started ovulating. After all, it was natural for a woman from the Inronclaw family to become violent in the heat.

And it was clear from her actions that she was attempting to seduce the princess. It wouldn't have been a problem at any other time.

It was, however, the princess' first ovulation, and it was natural for her to lose control.

'Even though she is a princess, she should not have done it. Unless…' Scard looked at Albi, remembering the rumor going around.

'She wouldn't dare,' as she thought about it, Albi turned towards her and gave a kind smile.

Scard couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he saw such a sweet smile. She quickly dismisses the rumor of a revolt.

After all, even though she was old enough, Albi had never had her first kill. She was a kind person.

She returned her attention to Lilac, putting the topic behind her. She'd already finished the meat on one side. It wasn't a surprise. After all, it was natural for her to eat while ovulating.

Nobody would be allowed to enter the bridal chamber with her and the king for four days. As a result, it was natural for them to eat until they were full before mating.

It took some time for Lilac to get her to fill. Lilac looked around and saw that she had cleaned up the left side of the body.

Although she wasn't feeling any different, it wasn't a pleasant idea. She decided not to think about it anymore.

After cleaning her snout, she turned to Aldi. She asked, "Would you like a taste?"

Aldi shook her head and smiled at her. "Then why don't we start from where we left?" Lilac asked again.

Scard almost screamed, "Your highness!" as Aldi looked at her in surprise.

"Leave." Lilac didn't give her the opportunity to speak.

She knew from her body's memory that she wasn't supposed to have any intimate moments with anyone else while ovulating. Aldi, on the other hand, was a lady. And even if she wanted to, she (A) couldn't impregnate her (L).

Furthermore, Lilac was sure that she was ovulating because of the scent Aldi was emitting when she had first arrived. That was why she craved the touch as well.

After all, this urge was too strong. Unlike humans, who have wild mood swings during this period, this body only has one feeling, and that is to be fucked.

'It's no surprise they could fuck for four days straight.'

It would be an understatement to say she wasn’t eager to have such an experience. Knowing that it would be her father who would fucked her made her even more hesitant.

Lilac wouldn't mind if Ingwe fucked her instead of the father of this body.

She wouldn't mind if her so-called adopted brother broke into her room and forced himself on her right now.

'Just thinking about that thing entering me...' Lilac's lower lips began to salivate as she thought about the sensation.

She could, however, only use this woman in front of her to satisfy her lust.

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