Metamorphosis: The Story of a Butterfly

Chapter 25: Earthworm

Lost in the torrent of knowledge and new realizations, he crawled forward without truly paying attention to the world around him. The Apex of Knowledge was a wellspring of potential, and his mind was completely consumed with thoughts of how far he could take this. Skills, magic, understanding the fabric of the world—it was all laid out before him, and his curiosity was insatiable.

I can learn anything...

It was exhilarating. His thoughts bounced from one possibility to another, the gears in his mind turning furiously as he considered what to master next. Fire magic was just the beginning. What other elements can I control? Water, air... maybe even more obscure types of magic? He couldn’t help but smile—or, at least, feel like he was smiling in his strange larval form.

But in his distraction, he failed to notice the ground shifting beneath him. Failed to see the dark form wriggling its way through the soft soil, inching closer and closer with every second.

It wasn’t until the earth erupted in front of him, sending a spray of dirt into the air, that he realized something was wrong.

What the—

Before he could react, the enormous body of an earthworm burst out of the soil, its slimy, segmented form towering over him. Its grotesque mouth opened wide, revealing rows of tiny, gnashing teeth. The earthworm lunged, and for a moment, he froze—completely overwhelmed by the suddenness of the attack.

He tried to move, to activate his Instinctive Dodge, but his body felt slow, sluggish from the surprise. The worm was faster than he expected, and its slimy body came crashing down toward him, ready to swallow him whole.

Suddenly, a sharp sting of pain radiated from his side as the earthworm’s gnashing teeth grazed him. He winced, feeling the warmth of his own blood—a sensation he had hoped to avoid after the bird’s attack. But before the worm could latch onto him completely, a blur of black and yellow streaked into the fray.

The bee larva!

She collided with the earthworm, ramming her tiny body against its side. Though she was smaller than the worm, the sheer force of the impact knocked it off course, forcing it to retreat for a brief moment.

Are you okay?! Her telepathic voice rang urgently in his mind, the link between them growing stronger as her worry bled through.

I’m fine, he sent back, though his body still ached from the near miss. But that thing’s not done.

The earthworm slithered back, its slimy body recoiling in a wave-like motion. It was massive compared to them—easily five times their combined size—and it had the advantage of raw power. It twisted its grotesque mouth toward them again, clearly unfazed by the bee larva’s initial strike.

We have to fight it, she sent, her mental voice steady but tinged with determination. It’s not going to stop until we’re both dead.

He nodded internally. There was no running from this thing. If they wanted to survive, they would have to work together.

The earthworm lunged again, its body rippling through the dirt as it charged toward them. This time, they were ready.

Move! he sent sharply, activating his Instinctive Dodge. His body darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the worm’s massive form as it barreled past. The bee larva did the same, skittering out of its path with surprising agility.

We have to hit it together! she sent, her thoughts clear and sharp. It’s too strong for one of us alone!

Got it!

They both turned, circling the earthworm as it recoiled once more. He could feel the telepathic link between them growing stronger with each passing second, their thoughts syncing as they began to coordinate their movements. It wasn’t perfect, but the connection was deepening, and with it, their ability to fight as one.

Telepathy – Level 5/10

The worm lashed out again, its slimy body wriggling toward them with frightening speed. But this time, they were ready. The bee larva darted forward, ramming into the worm’s side once more. The impact wasn’t enough to do serious damage, but it knocked the creature off-balance for just a moment.

Now! she sent, her mental voice urgent.

Without hesitation, he activated his Fire Magic, summoning the small spark of flame within him. It wasn’t much—just a flicker of heat—but it was enough. He sent the flame forward, directing it toward the earthworm’s exposed side.

The flame caught, and the worm recoiled violently, its body writhing in pain as the fire singed its slimy skin.

Fire Magic – Level 2/10

It worked! he sent, a surge of excitement coursing through him. But the worm wasn’t done yet. Though injured, it thrashed wildly, its massive body twisting toward them with renewed fury.

The bee larva was already moving, her body darting in and out of the worm’s reach. We need to wear it down! she sent her thoughts clear and focused. It’s getting weaker, but it’s still dangerous!

He nodded, focusing his fire magic again. The flame inside him was small, but he could feel it growing with each use. The Apex of Knowledge had accelerated his understanding, allowing him to learn quicker than normal. He could control the flame better now, direct it more precisely.

With a flick of his mind, he sent another burst of flame toward the worm’s side, aiming for the area where its slimy skin had already been burned.

The fire hit its mark, and the worm let out a screeching sound, its body convulsing in pain. It thrashed wildly, trying to crush them both with its sheer size, but they were too quick.

Together, they coordinated their movements. The bee larva struck from one side, ramming into the worm’s body and distracting it, while he unleashed small bursts of flame, targeting the creature’s weakest points. The fight was brutal, but they were wearing it down.

One more hit! she sent, her thoughts filled with determination.

The earthworm lunged one last time, but its movements were slower now, sluggish from the damage they had inflicted. The bee larva darted in, striking the worm’s side with all her strength, while he unleashed a final, focused burst of fire.

The flame hit the worm square in the center, and with a final, pitiful screech, the creature collapsed. Its massive body lay still, twitching slightly as the life drained from it.

They had won.

He slumped forward, his tiny body trembling with exhaustion. The fight had been far more intense than he expected, but they had managed to defeat the worm together. He could feel the rush of energy coursing through him as his body absorbed the experience.

Sage Larva Level increased from 3 to 4

A surge of strength filled him as his level increased, his body recovering from the strain of the battle. He glanced at the bee larva, who was panting slightly but still standing strong beside him.

Let’s see how you’re doing, he thought, activating Appraisal to check her status.

[Appraisal Activated]

Name: Unknown

Species: Bee Larva

Level: 4

She leveled up twice... he thought, surprised but impressed. The fight had pushed them both, but they had grown stronger because of it.

We did it, she sent, her mental voice tired but triumphant.

He nodded—or at least, he felt like nodding in his larval body. They had worked together, fought together, and won together.

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