MHA: A Cat’s Way


“Well now, that was quite informative.” Nezu says with a happy clap of his paws. On the other side of his desk, I can’t help but feel incredibly suspicious. The questions I was asked were… non-incriminating.

Whether the Cult had conducted any crimes that didn’t involve helping kids (other than the USJ, no). A member count (which I have no idea about). Who the leader is (he accepted my refusal to answer that one). If I truly intended to become a hero (wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t!). And so on.

While I confirmed that the Cult is responsible for the absolute abandonment of crimes revolving around children in several prefectures, he was already aware of that. But he didn’t ask for anything specific. No names, no bases, no plans.

Nothing that could be used to find out which have committed crimes and which only handle the charity aspects of the Cult. Nothing he could use to commit any arrests. Nothing that could help bring the Cult down.

It’s thrown me off, but that’s not the oddest part of the questions. Other than getting an update on how many cats I can summon and for how long, the only thing he asked was how often I spied on them with the cats I give to Mr. Aizawa.

Honestly though, I almost never do. I don’t want a bunch of memories where I feel my teacher snuggling with me as a cat. The only exceptions are when I sleep and decide to possess them for a bit.

“Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Catia. I’ll have a meeting with several heroes scheduled in three days for the raid, though if you have any suggestions…?”

I frown before shaking my head. “Nyo, but I should have more information tomorrow. Maybe a list of their strongest furces in two days.”

Nezu hums while Mr. Aizawa raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t you say that the cats you sent were already dismissed? If that’s the case, how exactly are you going to get that intel?”

I shrug. “I already have someone infurtrating them. Should be inside by tonight, nya.”

“Hmm. From the Cult?” Nezu asks, a thoughtful look on his face. I nod. “If that’s the case… would they be interested in aiding in the raid?”

I feel like this is revenge for earlier, because now it’s me and Mr. Aizawa being shocked instead of Nezu. “I can assure you that they will not be arrested after the raid is completed, though I would recommend that they don’t stick around after the fact.”

This entire conversation has been a trip. I may not be entirely sure about what’s even going on anymore, but I do know that even Nezu can’t make a claim like that. There’s bound to be at least one hero in the entire raid who would try to arrest whichever of the Cult gets involved. Though I do know one person who wouldn’t care so long as they get to fight…

“Purrhaps. I’ll check with some people I knyow.”

He nods and I take it as the dismissal it’s meant to be. But as my hand rests on the handle, he speaks up once again. “Ah yes, I almost forgot. Catia Akihiro.”

I tense once again. Really, I think I’ll need a massage to get them loose again. I wonder if Tormew or Minya give good massages?

“I would like to know your own take on the ideals of the Hero Killer, Stain.”

“Nya?” I turn and blink at him in surprise. Of all the things to ask… that came so far out of left field that it’s not even from the same stadium. But I guess there’s no harm in telling him what I think. It’s just one girl’s opinion, after all.

“They’re naive and idealistic, mrow the dream of a kitten than an achievable goal.” At his urging, I clarify. “Being a hero is a purrfession, just like a firefighter or a doctor. Some people join to help others, but a lot dream of the high salaries that come with it, nya.”

I scoff. “Meowing about how a hero is fake because they like money is ridiculous. So long as they do the job, uphold the mrowsses’ expectations of them, and help people?” I shrug. “Who cares if they’re money grubbers so long as they do their best to save and purrotect people.”

I scowl as my mind flashes to a villain flying backwards from a punch. My mother vanishing from my sight. What she looked like after. “The only fakes are the ones who don’t care or aren’t aware that they killed those they were supposed to purrotect.”

“Hmm. An interesting take. Thank you, you may take your leave now.”

I nod, finally opening the door and putting his office behind me. As I make my way back to the dorms, too worked up to deal with the rest of the school day or my classmates, a shiver crawls down my back. It’s safe to say that I’m going to do my absolute best to avoid ending up in there again. The rat is unsettling.


“Should we really just be letting her walk around like that?” Aizawa accuses the principal. “Not only did she admit to spying on us, but to also being a part of the Cult of Nya who, need I remind you, killed one of my students!”

Nezu calmly sips his tea, unaffected by his glare. “She has so far shown no interest in harming any of the students or faculty of the school, though I will be monitoring her interactions with All Might closely. In regards to Mineta, we both know that he would have been expelled and arrested by the time the Sports Festival were to occur, if not sooner. In fact, in what little time he was here I obtained no less than four letters demanding something be done about him by the parents of female students that he’d sexually harassed. I’m of a mind to thank the Cult of Nya for solving that headache for us before it could escalate into full-on assault.”

His glare intensifies, causing the principal to sigh and actually answer the question. “It would be dangerous to do anything to her. Other than Nekomura Iroha we have no information regarding who may be a member of the Cult of Nya. Excluding the members of the charity portion of course. Should they have connections within the police, should we attempt to take her into custody, she would likely be rescued before anything could be done.”

He shakes his head. “No, it is much preferable to keep her as a member of the student body, where we are able to monitor her. As well as guiding her down the right path. And to that effect…”

Nezu presses a button under his desk, and a panel on the wall slides open, which isn’t a surprise to Aizawa, he knows that the rat has a variety of secret compartments and tunnels installed around the school. What does surprise him though, is who he sees on the other side of it.


The detective nods in greeting. “Eraserhead.”

“What are you doing here?”

He sighs. “Nezu asked me to be here to make sure the girl was honest, which she was.” He grimaces. “Though her connection to the Cult of Nya’s criminal aspect does give me concern regarding the case I first met her on.”

It takes him a moment to recall the case in question.“When Muscular killed her step-father?”

Tsukauchi nods, motioning inside towards the desk in the wall that has a folder on top. “While I was waiting, since Nezu refused to tell me when he’d be questioning her, I was going over the transcript for my interrogation of her.”

He sighs. “If you can call it that. The girl constantly redirected my attention while keeping me distracted from asking the questions I would usually ask.”

That gets an impressed noise from Aizawa. He knows how dedicated the man is to getting as accurate a picture as he can during interrogations before they realize what his quirk is. Or that the police are in fact allowed to use quirks that are unable to harm others in any shape or form.

Though… “How the hell did she manage to do that? You’re usually so determined to get to the truth that even your boss needs to tell you to hold back.”

An even bigger sigh. “Well, she distracted me with the fact that her step father was scum who was making moves on her,” everyone’s faces twist in distaste at that news, before becoming -once again- shocked when he continues. Though this time it’s because what he says is so randomly ridiculous.

“She also threw me off my rhythm when she told me that her birth father had been eaten by a cactus when she was little.”


A tired nod is all the confirmation he needs before Aizawa sighs. “What the hell is even going on in that girl’s life.”


I stare at the phone in my hand, the moonlight shining through the open door to the balcony highlighting the absolute rage clawed onto my face. I breathe deeply, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out slowly.

I put the phone back to my ear, my desire to claw answers out of the person on the other side of the line clear in my voice as I snarl at them. “I’m going to need mrow of an explanation than ‘He beat me so I joined’, Rappa.”

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