MHA: A Cat’s Way

All Might and Costumes

In class, everyone gives me odd looks for some reason, but I ignore them. I couldn’t have possibly done anything strange, after all. Nope. Definitely not. Anyways, the day goes by pretty quickly, and before I know it it’s lunch.

The Cats are sitting with the Nyas while the Clan is at the table next to ours, leaving a peaceful atmosphere around everyone. Which seems to encourage some to ask me some questions about this morning.

“Well, Nya had a nightmare that led up to me and Mineta about to kiss. Then I woke up hanging from the ceiling by my claws.”

A collective shudder goes through the girls at my words, and a few of them start to nod in understanding.

“Still though,” Ojiro protests, “don’t you think throwing him into a wall was a bit much?”

I shrug. “Purrhaps.” But do I care? Not really. It’s not like I wanted to throw him into a wall specifically. It just happened to be there when I threw him.

“I do think it was a bit of an overreaction for something he did in your nightmare, but I feel like there’s something more to it. What was the rest of your nightmare about?” Momo asks the question that everyone else has lurking in the back of their subconscious.

I pause,  chewing my food as I consider how to answer. Obviously I can’t tell them about Ass Might’s quirk, Midorinya would be the one to get the blame if that information started circulating since he’s the one that was told. But I also don’t want to lie, in case it gets caught later. So something true, but vague would be best…

“Nya dreamt that I let some prey I’ve had my eye on for a while escape.” They don’t understand, but that’s the point. Knowing that Ass Might can turn into a skeleton man and has a quirk that can be passed on to someone else is major information. The question now is how I’ll use it…

The rest of the day passes by quickly, and before I know it it’s time for our first heroics class. Though I’m still not sure who the teacher is. Hopefully it’s someone like Mr. Aizawa or Nyamuri. As long as it’s not-



All Might bursts into the room with an over the top entrance, shouting something so ridiculous that I can’t help but respond. But I don’t respond in just words, no. The surprise and idiocy of the entrance, as well as this being my first time being near him, cause me to let loose some of my bloodlust for him.

Unfortunately this doesn’t go unnoticed, a few of my classmates stiffening up at the unfamiliar pressure. But I manage to get it back under control after only a few seconds and they simply look around in confusion. They haven’t experienced it before, so they don’t know what they felt. No, the ones I have to worry about…

All Might looks over the room with a suspicious look in his eyes. Of course he’d know what bloodlust feels like, he’s been a pro hero for decades. Luckily after a few seconds of looking over the class as they begin freaking out about him teaching us, he seems to shrug it off as his imagination.

Mr. Aizawa is not so easily fooled. But the excited chatter of the classroom makes it difficult for him to pinpoint where it came from, luckily for me. Apparently, my shout is also deemed to be unimportant, since nobody comments on it. Though it could also just be the fact that they’re overly excited about Ass Might.

Seeming to give up, he instead decides to address the class, clearly irritated. “Why do you all seem so surprised? I told all of you he’s teaching here yesterday.”

A few of them exchange uneasy glances, trying to decide who’s going to speak up. It’s Kaminari who gets chosen as the sacrifice. “Weeeellll, we thought that it was another ‘rational deception’ to get us excited for the class.”

He gets a glare in reply, and I think everyone has an ‘oh shit’ moment. “So you don’t think your heroics class will be ‘exciting’ enough do you? We could always make it more ‘exciting’ if that’s the case.”

It’s clear to everyone that he’s about to add some condition to our heroics class, but luckily for us he’s interrupted by All Might holding his hands up placatingly.


He gets glared at for defending the class before Mr. Aizawa lets out a long-suffering sigh. He looks at me, causing me to roll my eyes. Understanding the look, I summon a fluffy defense cat and send it over to him. He grabs it, zips into his sleeping bag, and rolls into a no longer secret compartment under the chalk board to take a nap. All in one smooth motion. 

I’m going to have to steal that spot at some point.

Seemingly ignoring the shock of the class, All Might explains that for our first Heroics class we’ll be doing battle training. Seems kind of dumb considering it will be our first time and he doesn’t know our capabilities, but whatever.


Pointing at the wall, parts of it slide out revealing numbered suitcases, which I assume are our seat numbers since he just tells us to change into our costumes and meet at Ground Beta before leaving.

Rolling my eyes, I follow the rest of the girls out after grabbing my case, ignoring Ojiro’s pointing out how I shouted at All Might. I was wondering when someone would say something. Too bad for him that I’m not the only one who ignores him as the others are too excited about their costumes to pay him any attention.

Luckily my costume isn’t difficult to put on. Matching white shorts and a high neck crop top are the basics. Then over those I put on a sleeveless black vest with a pair of large ‘coattails’ curving halfway around my knees. I also have to pull up a pair of dark purple leggings. Black shoes with a purple trim to match, and to top it off a black pair of fingerless gauntlets. The last part of my costume is small, but a quick check has me smiling as I put the black band on my tail, the coloration blending in with it seamlessly.

Looking at me, you’d think that I chose poorly. But this is a hero outfit! I made sure to request that everything would be made out of something strong but flexible, and a quick strike with my claws tells me that they pulled through on that front. I can’t test the gauntlets yet, but they’re supposed to be able to absorb some amount of shock when I redirect attacks.

My shoes are outfitted with something that boosts my jumps and softens my landings, as I show the girls as I bounce between the floor and ceiling a few times until Momo asks me to stop.

Looking over the costumes of the other girls, I can’t stop my tail from swaying in satisfaction. Other than Momo’s they definitely fit their personalities, but she has the excuse of her quirk needing a lot of exposed skin. Still though, I can probably help her think of something less… stripper-like.

But as we’re all starting to head out, I have to stop us. Because there’s a major problem with one of our costumes. Or rather, I guess I should say lack of one.

“Toru, I’m nyat one to kink shame, but I don’t think you should show off like that to nya class.”

The others look at me with confused eyes while Toru freezes. Slowly, her head turns towards me. “W-what do you mean, Catia? I’m wearing my hero outfit!” As if to emphasize her words, she pumps her arms which causes my eyes to be drawn to a certain jiggling.

“...Gloves and shoes are nyat a costume.” She freezes with her arms in the air, baring everything. “Though I am enjoying the view~.” I purr.

The others exchange raised eyebrows as Toru gets a look of horrified realization mixed with tinges of… hope?

“What’re you talking about Catia? Even if she isn’t wearing clothes, she’s invisible so there’s nothing to see! Though it is a shame for us, take satisfaction in the fact that the boys don’t get to see anything either!” Mina decides to be the one to speak up in support? of Toru, but there’s something in her words that doesn't add up.

“What do mew mean no one can see her? I can see nyall of her!” To emphasize my point I wave my hand down in front of her, kind of like I’m showcasing a new product.

But my words seem to just make the others more confused, at least until Toru finally speaks up, her voice cracking.

“You… you can… you can see me?”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “Of course I can, nya.”

Suddenly tears are falling from her eyes, and she looks torn between hugging me and running away. Shocked, I look to the others for help, but they seem as clueless as me! Tentatively, I reach out a hand and pat her head.

“There there, nya?” She just cries harder and clings onto me. My reassurances have failed! Curse my lack of comfort skills! I blame Coach! We stand like that for a bit, the silence broken only by Toru’s sobs.

Seeming to realize something, Momo is the one to finally say something. “Catia, you are aware that Toru’s quirk is always active, correct?”

My blank stare is all the answer the girls need. Amidst the rush of questions about how Toru looks, explanations about nobody else being able to see her, and theorizing on why I can, the Invisible Girl in question continues to cry, overwhelmed by joy at finally being seen.

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