MHA: A Cat’s Way

Talk, LOV

Shigaraki snorts at my words. “Why should we believe some UA brat? You attacked my Nomu! If it wasn’t for you, it might have been able to actually kill All Might!”

I can’t help my own snort at his claim. “That thing? Kill All Might, nya? It couldn’t even kill me, and you think it could have clawed All Might?” I shake my head. “I can give mew credit for staging the attack, but your reliance on ‘Nomu’ was the meowjor weakness.”

He scowls and scratches at his neck while the fingers on his other hand twitch. “Shows what a noob like you knows. Nomu was specifically created to counter All Might. It had Shock Absorption, Hyper Regeneration, and enough strength quirks that it matched him in his prime.”

Both his glare and his scratching deepen. “If it wasn’t for you taking chunks out of it, Nomu would have been more than a match for All Might!”

I sigh, shaking my head. “Then how did it end up stuck in the ground, nya?”

He says nothing, but his scratching looks like it’s going to start drawing blood if he scratches any harder. In the tense silence following my rebuttal, Nekomura reminds us that she’s still here.

“On the bright side, the Goddess-”

“Please stop calling me that, nya.” I sigh, only to get a smirk back.

“No can do, Goddess. Every cult needs a being to worship, and for the Cult of Nya, that’s mew.”

I roll my eyes, questioning under my breath about why the organization needed to be a cult anyway. Ignoring my complaints, she continues.

“As I was saying: All Might is definitely hurt now. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Goddess managed to put him out of commission for a few days based on how far her claws got in.”

That gets a grunt of acknowledgement from the man. But despite his blatant hostility, he’s ignoring something pretty obvious.

“If I wasn’t interested in hunting All Might, why would I have attacked him? It should be purrty clear by meow that Himi’s quirk has nothing to do with controlling animals.”

That manages to bring his complaining to a halt, and it seems like he’s finally thinking. I mean, shouldn’t the guy in charge be more aware of things like this? Sure, I wasn't aware that the Cult was partnering up with them to attack the USJ, but Himiko is the one who set them up to do it!

Plus I’m only ever half-involved in whatever the organization does. In fact, I can barely count for putting it together! Really, the only thing that I contributed was finding ways to make it self-sufficient. Mainly though, it was Nekomura who started gathering together some people I’ve helped before and one day asked how I would feel to be head of an organization.

She did not say I would be the subject of worship to a cult.

Still though, I can’t say that I don’t appreciate them. They usually do their own thing, but anytime I call on them they’re there for me. It did make it weird whenever I tried to hang out at the headquarters though. The whole ‘Goddess’ thing made it hard for them to just relax around me. But now they mainly call me Goddess to tease me!

…I’m pretty sure! Other than the new recruits!

While I’m musing on how I’d randomly been put in charge of a cult, Shigaraki seems to have come to a conclusion.

“...Fine. You really want to kill All Might. And you did manage to keep up with Nomu…” His eyes narrow at me. “But how do I know that a glitch like you won’t just betray the party to the heroes? You’re already a part of their school.”

I roll my eyes. “The fact that I haven’t already signaled them my location should be a purrty good indication. But if you want to be clawful, Himi can stay with mew guys as a liaison with the Cult.”

She shoots up from the floor into a sitting position when I say her name, arms raised in the air. “Whoo! Twice the power, twice the fun! Ooh! I should invite Twice!”

I chuckle while eyeing Shigaraki and the mist guy. The two of them together are sure to drive Shigaraki up the wall with their antics~. Even I can only handle the two of them in small doses!

I wonder if the mist guy can keep everyone from killing each other~.

“Meanwhile, I’ll act as a spy in UA and meow about any opportunities to hunt Ass Might.” I give them a look of irritation. “But try to limit going after the students, nya. That’s just going to put evernyan on guard.”

He starts scratching his neck again. He must be a pretty stressful guy given the marks he has. “And why should I follow the orders of another player? This is my party.”

At my confused look, Nekomura explains. “They’re gaming terms. He’s saying that he’s the leader, so mew shouldn’t tell him what to do.”

Another eye roll before focusing back on him. “I nyaow that. But I’m not joining you. We’re working together. Think two parties teaming up for a boss fight. Once All Might is dead, we go our separate ways. I’m just letting mew know my condition of working with you.”

“And what’s to stop me from killing you and doing as I please?” The threat is clear in his voice, but I simply smile and lift up one of my ‘coattails’, showing that it’s actually composed of multiple sectioned pieces.

“Well~,” I say teasingly. “It might be because I have twenty trac-cats on me that just need a quick flick to activate. Thus alerting the heroes as to the location of your base and instigating the hunt.” I pause at his suddenly enraged but pale face, letting out a chuckle.

“Or it could be because they double as explosives, and I doubt that Mr. Mist can catch them all before you lose a limb, nya.” Oooh~. Now they’re tense. With another chuckle I let it drop, taking satisfaction at their relief.

“Meow then,” I look around the bar to meet everyone’s eyes. “Who would like to help me lie by telling the truth, nya?”


(All For One)

I can’t help but chuckle at how the young girl essentially bullies Tomura into allowing her to help him kill All Might. Though it is easy for me to see that he is content with the deal he’s made with her, despite the grumbling he’s doing.

As she guides both Tomura, Kurogiri, and her own people in crafting a lie built on truth, I can’t help but admire the sheer arrogance she has!

Infiltrating UA while planning to kill All Might. Already having her own organization despite being several years younger than Tomura. Walking into the League of Villains’ base with an obvious concussion and threatening them into allowing her to be a part of killing the Symbol of Peace.

It makes me curious as to where her motives originated from. Perhaps I will set my people into an investigation as to ascertain her story. Capable pawns are always in demand, after all. But I must know more than how to simply ensure she follows my designs.

I must know her hopes.

Her dreams.

Her fears.

Her nightmares.

I will use every piece presented to me in order for my plans to come to fruition. Whether they are given to me or taken by me is of no consequence.

Before me, all are simply pieces on the board for me to use as I see fit.

Hero or villain. There is no difference in my eyes.

For when the game ends, I will be the one standing victorious over all.

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