MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 013(Doubts)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


Retrieving a bottle of water from the fridge Tsukauchi returns to his seat on the couch, anxiously waiting for All Might and Horizon to return, ready to act in case anything happens.

Taking a sip from his water he places it on the coffee table and leans back, glancing over at Nezu who was happily reading something on his phone.

"How can you be so calm about this?" he asks Nezu.

"About what?"

"All of this, I know you have 'an intellect beyond human comprehension,' as you say because of your Quirk, but isn't this a bit much even for you?"

Nezu puts down his phone to give Tsukauchi his full attention, "you don't think we can trust Horizon?"

"He has power, motive, and at the moment since he has Toshi under the knife, leverage," Tsukauchi says.

"True," Nezu confirms. "Thankfully he doesn't care about any of that."

"And you're sure of this?"

"I already told you, I had him figured out from the moment I sent you that recording to verify. As powerful and capable as he is, his weaknesses are quite obvious, his family, and his obsessive need to upkeep any contract he agrees to, even if it turns out to be much more difficult than expected. He'd die before he breaks or renegotiates a contract, and all he wants is his family back, we can trust him so long as we don't betray his trust in me."

"And what will Toshi think about you letting a serial assassin off the hook just so he can operate on him, you and I are a bit looser in situations like this, but you know he isn't, not if it's to save only his own life instead of others."

"He'll see all the good Horizon can do when he becomes a hero," Nezu says matter of factly. "That should convince him that I made the right decision, plus, he's only a child still. As mature and experienced as he may be, he's young, without his parents whispering in his ear who knows what he'll become."

Tsukauchi sighs, "that's what I'm afraid of, we don't know what he'll become. But we know what he is now, this could go very badly Nezu."

"Or we could have a new national power on our hands," Nezu says.

Tsukauchi immediately realizes what Nezu is thinking, he takes a deep breath and tilts his head back to stare at the ceiling. "Nezu," he pinches the bridge of his name, "what is his Quirk really?"

"Hand Of God."

Tsukauchi's eyes shoot open and he stares at the bear-mouse. "What? What the hell does that even mean?"

"No clue," Nezu shrugs. "He refused to give me more than a name, didn't explain or list any abilities, but gave me the classification, Mystery Class."

"So you're taking his word for it that his Quirk 'exceeds all logical and scientific comprehension' to be named Mystery Class, you realize only one person in history has ever gotten that classification, right."

"I know."

"And how is our government dealing with Horizon suddenly appearing in their system with that Quirk?"

"I've spoken to Pantu and Bosu about it, they won't bother us," Nezu assures him.

"And when America learns that they aren't the only people with a Mystery Class, that suddenly Start and Stripe may have competition..."

"Obviously the requests will flood in for him to study and migrate to the states, but he'll stay here since that's his contract."

Tsukauchi sighs, "you seriously want to make this kid into the next All Might?"

"No, he'll never be All Might," Nezu leans forward and takes a sip of his tea before he continues. "A few days ago he contacted me, told me he wants to show everyone how useful he is, its obvious what method of thinking he follows."

"And what might that be?"

"Simply that it's better to be a necessity than to be liked. He will never be a symbol of peace like All Might, but he will be a dependable hero that Japan can lean on in the future, and that's enough, don't you think?"

"Assuming he doesn't put a sword in your back," Tsukauchi grumbles in response. "My Quirk hasn't detected a single lie out of him, ever, but I just don't like this whole situation. A confirmed killer walking the streets like a hero, sitting in a classroom with people who want to be real heroes, it's... I can't even put a word to how messed up it is."

Nezu sighs, "if people were incapable of change, especially people so young, then I would still be on my quest to eliminate all humans for what they did to me in that lab," he raises a hand absentmindedly to touch his scar. "I believe he can be a force for good, just like I am now."

Tsukauchi relents, "yeah...I suppose that's true. But I'm still not won over just yet, even if he does help Toshi. He's dangerous Nezu, don't ever forget that. Healing and Scanning aside, Warping is a monstrous Quirk in the hands of any enemy, and we know he's good at fighting with it. Only a few of those Quirks exist in the world that we know of, and he's the only one proficient or actively using his."

"I know, all the more reason to finally have a hero with a warping Quirk, don't you think."

"Yeah, I suppose. But what about that thing he did to Chrome, tore through his organs and brain without cracking his tungsten skin, did he say anything about that ability?"

"No, he refuses to speak on his Quirk, says the information is too valuable to be in any system or the hands of anyone else."

"Of course he'd be paranoid, when considering his criminal life and history it makes sense."

"Mhm," Nezu nods in agreement. "If he had the attitude of a hero I would have pushed for him to get a full hero license immediately, already more capable than most pros. But as you know, he needs time among aspiring heroes so that he can see what it's really all about, it won't work unless he wants to be a hero on his own."

"If he's as smart as you say then you realize he knows that's your plan, right?"

"He does, he essentially confirmed as much, he also told me his plan to use his new Medical License to build his brand, and I offered a way to help him."

"Build a brand?"

"Horizon Miracle Solutions," Nezu waves his hands about as if it were a big reveal, only to earn a blank stare from Tsukauchi.


"I used my connections to get him access to some influential people, that way when he enters UA he won't be starting from zero in terms of name recognition."

"And it'll instantly put eyes on him, get him into more situations where he gets essentially forced to see how great heroes can be, and accelerates his growth because of it. You're using his plan and popularity to guide him to be more heroic...that's damn brilliant."

"Exactly, since it's the same as his own plan nothing has to change, I've simply made it much, much more effective. But there is one thing I can't account for..."

"What's that?"

"His attitude, you've heard him speak, what do you think?"

"Aside from the fact that he's an uncaring asshole?" Tsukauchi asks, recalling how casual Horizon was about delivering life-changing news and a death sentence earlier. He recalls what Horizon said about liars and people who break contracts as well, and something clicked in his mind, "he's a very hard judge...of himself, right? He holds everyone to the same standards as himself and isn't shy about telling them when they're failing."

"My thoughts as well," Nezu nods along. "He's also very direct and abrasive, downright vulgar to get his point across most directly, hates being told what to do, and will attack anyone who even mentions his parents in a bad light, add the fact that he'll talk down to or ridicule anyone who doesn't meet the standards he has for himself and I don't know what effect being at UA could have on him, much less being a full pro."

"A powder keg to blow up in our face or to take down villains, damn..."

Nezu nods along, "I'm sure he will do great things for us. And Japan will finally have its own Mystery Class hero, with All Might stepping down, hopefully soon, we'll need it..."

---1 Hour Later...

"You've finished already?" Tsukauchi asks, blatant concern in his voice as Horizon takes a seat opposite him.

"Yeah, it went exactly as I said, he's already getting dressed and should be out in a minute," Horizon leans back and takes a deep breath. "Everything ready Nezu?"

"You can head to the airport immediately, everything is already set up and they're expecting you, and you'll be using my jet."


A few minutes later and Toshinori enters the living room, looking around and taking careful steps, trying to get used to the strange feeling in his body.

Tsukauchi gets up and walks over to him, "how are you feeling? You should sit down. Is everything alright?"

Toshinori laughs and pats his friend on the shoulder, "I haven't felt this good in years, I can finally breathe properly...and, I'm hungry."

"I fixed your stomach," Horizon says, already scrolling on his phone. "You went from having eight years to having fifteen years, don't waste them. I'm sending Nezu a list of vitamins for you to take daily, they should help, plus a new diet. Aside from that, you're all done here," he shrugs.

"I see," Toshinori says before turning to Horizon and bowing, completely doubling over. "Thank you doctor Horizon, I'll never forget what you've done for me today."

Beneath his visor Horizon rolls his eyes, "don't thank me, thank Nezu, I was just doing my job and sticking to my contract, no big deal."

"But still, thank you."

"Sigh, yeah yeah, now if that's all can we please wrap this up, I've got a jet waiting for me..."


Volume 1 is complete, onto volume 2...

pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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