MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 032(Battle Reviews)


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene



Horizon appears back in the control room, standing beside All Might as he swaps places with the card he left there earlier.

All the students take a cautious step back in surprise as he reaches out and summons the card back into his hand.

"Well, that was boring," he shrugs. "Can I go home now?"

"You still have to review the battles after this," Eraser says. "Hero Course ends at five, as you know."

"Hey I can dream," he takes a few steps away from All Might then turns to face everyone. "So, did you three come just to see me?"

"Exactly," Nezu says. "But first, could you please deal with that," he gestures to the screen.

All eyes snap back to the screen to see Momo dragging Shoto from beneath the building hovering above them, and Ojiro still frozen in place.

"Sure," Horizon raises a hand and gestures to the left with his pointer finger, and the floating building does exactly that, suddenly jerking to the left and shattering as it hits the road. "Done."

"And can you bring them here?" Eraser asks.

"They can manage without me."

"Horizon," Nezu says.

Horizon sighs, "ugh, fine," he takes out three cards and throws them to the floor.


Momo, Shoto, and Ojiro swap places with the cards. Recovery Girl immediately moves to heal them, ignoring their confused and surprised expressions.

Horizon once again Warps the cards back to him, placing all ten back into his jacket pocket.

"So, why did you come here?" he asks Nezu, looking up at the mouse that was still on All Might's shoulder.

Everyone just remains silent, carefully listening to every word.

"I came to see you in action," Nezu says. "So...telekinesis and what, air slashes?"

"No and no," Horizon says.

"Will you explain or are these more abilities you intend to keep secret?"

Horizon shrugs, "I tell the world what to do, and it obeys, because it knows better, that's all."

Everyone sweatdrops at that response, but somehow at this point, they weren't that surprised.

"Well then, good job today everyone!" All Might loudly announces, feeling his time about to run out. "I'll now entrust you all to Aizawa for more in-depth reviews. But allow this experience to expand your views, no matter how strong you believe yourself to be, there will always be competition, I know this was a serious eye opener for some of you," he sees both Shoto staring daggers at Horizon while Bakugo looks heartbroken.

"Even you, Young Horizon," he absentmindedly pats Horizon on the back, then holds his shoulder as he continues. "This is only the second day, if you don't take things seriously you'll find yourself struggling to even keep up with these young and talented heroes in training," All Might smiles brightly at everyone, seeing many of their faces light up at his words.

Until he looks at Deku, a completely mortified look on his face, then he sees a look of disappointment on Aizawa and Recovery Girl as they just shake their head at him.

'Hmm, what's going on?' he wonders, until Nezu taps his shoulder and whispers something in his ear.

All Might immediately freezes, then looks down at Horizon, not realizing that he was still holding the young man's shoulder, and Horizon...he was staring at exactly where Yagi's injury was.

'SHIT! The jig is up!' All Might's smile quivers for a moment as Nezu gives Horizon a subtle nod and they both turn back to the class.

Horizon sets the revelation aside for now as the class is sent to get cleaned up and return to their homeroom for reviews.

While everyone goes to the locker room he heads back to the homeroom. But before splitting off he hears them excitedly chattering about the final match, and he overhears a bit of what Nezu told them about him.

'So they know he's betting on me...that changes nothing,' he decides before taking out one of his cards, seeing the UA main building in the distance, and his classmates walking a dozen meters ahead.


He swaps places with the book he left on his desk, appearing sitting on his desk as it falls to the lawn outside.


The book reappears, another item he was completely attuned to for moments like these.

Taking his seat he leans his sword against the window and gets comfortable as he waits for everyone else.


His hero costume swaps back for his uniform, as if it never left him, thankfully he'd basically done nothing but stand around since class began.

Back in the control room the moment the students left Yagi instantly deflated, a small cloud of smoke appearing around him as Nezu hops across to Aizawa's shoulder.

"Well at least I don't have to worry about him sensing me anymore when I transform," he tries to find a bright side to this, only getting unamused looks from everyone.

"You couldn't go one class without messing up?" Recovery Girl asks. "Honestly it's a wonder you became the world's best hero..."

"Do we need to worry about him running his mouth?" Eraser asks. "Him being Yagi's doctor is one thing, but All Might is an actual big deal, this story is worth a fortune."

"Horizon certainly doesn't need the money," Nezu waves away his worries. "And more importantly, he'd never break an agreement, that includes patient-doctor confidentiality. All Might is safe, but we will have to speak with him after school to clear up some things."

"Yeah, I figured as much," Yagi says, holding up his now baggy hero costume as it hangs off his frame. "But did you seriously have to hype him up that much in front of the students Nezu?"

"I simply spoke the truth All Might, and it provided context that I'm sure he never would have volunteered."

"And where did you find this kid anyway?" Eraser asks. "Warping, Healing, and whatever else he has, I know you said you found him to heal All Might, but he's trained, very very very well trained. Were his parents pros?"

"I don't really see how that's relevant," Nezu dodges the question. "What matters is that he's here now and it is our duty to help him become a great hero, now that you've all seen what he can do I hope you all support me in that endeavor."

"I still don't like that he didn't take any entrance exams," Eraser grumbles, "but I see why he got to skip them. Now I need to go to class before they get caught up in the post-battle excitement..."

"Right, thank you Aizawa," All Might politely nods as the man leaves with Nezu on his shoulder, then turns back to the screen, seeing all the destruction caused today. "And I should call Cementoss and tell him about this."

"Mhm," Recovery girl agrees. "I don't suppose you two could convince Horizon to help out at the infirmary could you, it'd be nice having an extra pair of hands...especially if that boy of yours is going to keep breaking his bones every day," she says with a bit a venom.

"Uh, I've already got one conversation with Horizon that I'm sure he won't be pleasant during later today. If I ask him to do something like that...well, I'll mention it to Nezu at least," All Might says.

"Oh, I asked you because lord knows everyone here looks up to you, does the All Might charm not work on him?" she asks cheekily.

"Honestly it has the complete opposite effect I think, he only really respects Nezu... even today he called me 'meathead' a few times, and I'm his teacher," he sighs and rubs the back of his head.

"But you are a meathead."

"Ugh...not you too..." Yagi sulks as Recovery Girl just giggles quietly...

A few minutes later and Iida is the first to arrive, walking beside Deku and Sato, they pause for a moment at the front door to the class, seeing Horizon leaning back in his chair playing a game on his phone.

He'd already received a message from Nezu to speak later, so for now he was just putting the big reveal of All Might being sick aside.

While most people would panic, especially his classmates, he didn't really care.

'Not my body, not my problem,' he summarises, the thought of revealing this secret never entering his mind as Yagi was still his patient.

"Hey Horizon," Sato waves politely while walking to his seat, at the back of the second column. "Nice work out there today," he gives a thumbs up.

"You too," Horizon's words cause both Deku and Iida to freeze, not expecting any kind of compliment. "Guess you're a wrestling fan..."

He recalls Sato's basic but effective wrestling moves used to subdue Shoji earlier.

Sato blushes and rubs the back of his head, not used to compliments, "thanks man, means a lot coming from the next Symbol of Peace."

Deku's heart aches at those words, another nail being hammered in to tell him how far he'd have to go, and how much further ahead his competition already was.

"What?" Horizon pauses his game and turns to face Sato.

The rest of the class walks in as Sato explains.

"Oh, during your match Principal Nezu gave this big speech, said you're pretty much guaranteed to be the next number one hero...and said you're already good enough for the top ten, he said some other things too but I can't really remember, sorry."

"Oh, he revealed that," was all Horizon said, surprising everyone as he turned back to his phone.

"So it is true," Shoto steps out of the crowd and begins walking to Horizon as everyone gets to their seats, the entire class silent and listening in.

"He's a big dreamer," Horizon shrugs, not looking up at Shoto.

"And you aren't?"

"Meh," Horizon shrugs. "Don't really care for crap like that, being a hero is just a job, you people can kill each other for the top spot as far as I care..."

Everyone is shocked, yet again.

Their minds couldn't comprehend it.

Here was someone that the smartest being in the world declared as the next Symbol Of Peace...and he didn't want it, what they were sweating and bleeding for, and he didn't even care.

Shoto just glares down at him, Horizon still just playing a game on his phone, "good, because the number one spot is mine, and I won't lose to anyone, not even you."

"Unless I wake up one day and decide to take it," Horizon chuckles. "Really isn't anything you can do to stop me, you do kinda suck, remember?"

"Get to your seats," Eraser enters the room, breaking up the tension.

As everyone gets seated and he gets ready to teach some odd glances are thrown about, the moment of calm lets the thoughts get properly realized in all their minds.

'He thinks Todoroki is weak?' Momo wonders, staring blankly at the back of Horizon's head.

Deku looks down at his bandaged arm, still in the sling, and frowns. 'I thought Kaachan was the biggest problem, but Todoroki is stronger than him...and Horizon is so far beyond that, why did All Might even choose me when people like them exist?'

Bakugo was blankly staring forward, his body and mind idly flowing through the motions as it tries to put itself back together.

In a word, today had been 'humbling' for him. Expectations and reality clash. Most of his classmates were exactly as expected, weaker than him. But first Deku is able to actually compete, and even win. Then Todoroki freezes an entire building with minimal effort.

And then there was Horizon... the thought made him feel the throw-up and cry all at once.

He clenched his fist at the memory, 'that damn rat thinks he'll be the best, better than anyone, better than me? And he's so strong, and he's a genius from what Shitty Hair told am I supposed to beat that?'

"Alright, let's get this class started," Eraser taps the board, and the pairs they were grouped in before appear listed. "This session is all about reviewing everything that happened, but let's get the standout performances out of the way first."

Most of the class stiffens up at that, expecting some harsh punishment as a result of poor performance.

"First off, this is the start of your real hero training, I expect constant improvement from this point onward, that goes double for you," he looks directly at Deku. "I took a look at the recording, you've got a good head on your shoulders, if you master that Quirk then you'll be a useful and versatile hero in the future."

Deku manages to smile, finally feeling like he got a win today.

"The next standout is Bakugo, you didn't work with your teammate and let your emotions cost you the victory. Terrible. Focus on building some discipline or what would have been easy wins will keep evading you."

Bakugo just stares down at his desk, somehow going from the look of a kicked puppy to a completely beat-up puppy.

"Todoroki," Eraser throws his gaze to the back of the class, this confuses everyone as Shoto seemingly performed fine. "You're confident in your abilities, clearly. But this world is a big place, and today you were matched against someone clearly stronger than you. I doubt it would have mattered in the end, but you would have had a better chance had you not disregarded what Yaoyorouzu could have added, if you didn't take the lead and sideline her. Your confidence is not unfounded, but leaping into unknown situations with no backup is stupid, even for the strongest heroes."

Shoto just nods and glances over at Horizon, 'so even Aizawa thinks we couldn't have won?' was all he heard, was all many people heard.

"And I saved the worst of all for last, you," he looks directly at Horizon, surprising everyone.

Horizon doesn't react, still leaning back in his chair and paying attention.

"You not only disregarded what your ally could add, but you didn't both to help free him from the ice at all. Helping your allies is the absolute basics, yet somehow you didn't know that," Aizawa glares slightly before composing himself. "Not to mention I can tell when someone isn't trying, and you weren't even half-assing it, that would be a lot more effort than whatever you did out there. UA is for people willing to put everything they have into being a hero, have some respect for your classmates, and at least try, it's literally the least you should do."

"Got it," Horizon says, no intention to ever stress himself about any of this.

"Right, now onto the main reviews..."


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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