MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 037(Trespassers)


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


"WHAT?!" Horizon statles awake, nealy rolling off his spot on the roof as alarms start blaring. Sitting up he immediately opens a ROOM, not sensing any fights taking place.

"A mob?" he senses dozens of people rushing the front of the school.


One of his throwing cards appears in his hand and he immediately throws it across to the other tower.


He swaps with the card before recalling it, casually walking to the edge of this tower and looking down.

"Ahh... the hero-worshiping trash broke in," he mutters, watching the press desperately scramble like the ants they are, Eraser and Present Mic already blocking them from the main doors.

"So much for the UA barrier keeping them out, wait," he shrinks his room down until only the main campus and the main gate were inside, then focuses on the main gate. "They broke it? Guess one of them has some serious balls, not bad."

After a few minutes the police arrive, quickly kicking the intruders off UA property and clearing them from the sidewalk. And moments later Nezu, Midnight, and Recovery Girl walk out, moving toward a pile of rubble where the main gate was.

Horizon stays on the roof, watching the pros inspect the gate, until Nezu turns around and looks up at him, seeing him standing on the ledge, his toes at the edge of a fifteen-story drop to the ground.

All the others turns around, and he sees Recovery Girl and Present Mic panic before Nezu gestures for him to join them.

'Hmm, alright,' he throws down a card, and a moment before it reaches them swaps to it, then summons it back to himself.

"So you really can Warp," Midnight says, her sexual persona cast aside to deal with this serious matter.

"Among other things," Horizon says, looking down at Nezu. "You need something?"

"Could you take a look at this for me, you may see something we don't," Nezu gestures to the pile of rubble where the gate was. Appearing like black sand.

"Sure," Horizon walks up and touches the rubble, SCAN. "This is the gate, three feet of solid steel, disintegrated."

"Disintegrated?" Eraser asks in surprise. "We know the Quirks of all the press that was here, none of them could do that."

"And even if they could, they wouldn't," Mic adds. "They know how illegal it is to just use your Quirk in public without a hero license, and especially how bad it could get if you attack UA."

"I see," Nezu taps his chin and considers his options. 'Closing school for the day could cause a panic over nothing, and this isn't the first time a villain would have done something like this. The teachers and upper-year hero course students can handle the run-of-the-mill villains, once the main campus hasn't been infiltrated we should be fine.'

"How do you want to proceed?" Recovery Girl asks.

"Let's have a full sweep of the main campus," he turns to Horizon. "Can you check for anyone suspicious or new, or any destruction like this at least?"

All the other staff look toward Horizon, not sure what the hell Nezu was talking about.

"Sure," Horizon shrugs, much to their surprise.


He expands his room five hundred meters in every direction, with him in the middle as always. Enough to cover the four main towers and all the training fields and courtyards directly around them, and since his room is a massive sphere, he also got the sewer system.


He focuses for a few seconds, then shakes his head. "Nothing new or destroyed, aside from one person."

All the staff stands on edge at that, Eraser and Midnight ready to rush into action.

"Is Thirteen in the staff lounge?" Horizon asks, and everyone relaxes.

"So you really can do that huh," Eraser says. "And yeah Thirteen is here as a guest lecturer, Nezu bribed her with a fancy new facility and a big budget."

Nezu smiles proudly at that, "nothing but the best for my students of course."

"Right, well I only scanned everything for a few hundred meters around me, sewers included, I can expand my range if you want..."

"The security system can handle the rest," Nezu says. "This building is where most of the students are so it's our main priority, but right now you all need to get to class, lunch is about to finish, you should get to class Horizon, and congratulations on the election."

Horizon rolls his eyes, "right, as if you didn't plan that."

Nezu smiles innocently, "I have no idea what you're talking about!"



"Wow," Present Mic says as Horizon leaves. "Playing hide and seek with him must have sucked."

"I don't know," Midnight smiles lecherously, "I bet he could find all the best spots..."

Recover Girl smacks her in the shin with her walking stick.

Eraser just shakes his head, "let's just be glad he has whatever he just did, the security system can do the rest. And at least now we know a bit more about his warping, he can just find something and decide to move it...there's warping, then there's that."

"I told you he's impressive," Nezu boasts. "Plus I'm sure it will make your rescue training lesson a breeze for him."

"I'll probably have to stop him from warping the dummies out, just to make sure he knows the procedure."

"Isn't he a doctor?" Midnight asks. "I figured he'd know how to take care of people."

Recovery Girl frowns, "his bedside manner is by far the worst I've seen...well, there was that one surgeon I worked with for a while in Central Hospital, he was also horrible... and we know how that turned out..."

"The important thing is that this campus is safe and we're learning more about our students," Nezu quickly changes the subject from Recovery Girl's story. "I think it best for Aizawa to join All Might and Thirteen for rescue training later, better safe than sorry."

"I agree," Eraser says. "I'll go talk it over with them so everyone is on the same page..."

After making a quick detour to the washroom Horizon takes a casual walk into class, letting his body wake up after that refreshing nap.

Walking past class 1B's homeroom, their neighbors, he can't help but stop in front of the glass panels separating them from the hallway. Freezing in place he slowly turns, seeing one of the students finishing up a snack, or more like starting a snack.

With white hair and void black skin and features, only his smile and eyes standing out on his shadow-like body, the boy was sitting at the second to last seat in the back of the first column, eating a cookie, a meter-wide chocolate chip cookie.

"I need this in my life..." Horizon mutters and immediately walks to the back door of class 1B.

With three quick knocks he pulls the door open, thankfully not sensing any teachers on this floor yet so he had some time.

"Yo!" He leans into the room and casually waves at everyone, and the entire room falls silent as everyone turns back to stare at him.

"Uh-hi?" The orange-haired girl in the back of the first row greets him, only a meter away from him. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm Horizon, the 1A Class Rep, just wanna know where he got that," he points directly to the massive cookie. "Please tell me Lunch Rush sells those."

"Uh sorry man," Kuroiro turns around and smiles apologetically. "Yui made this," he gestures to a girl at the front. Short black hair and a blank expression on her face.

"Bakery Quirk?"

"It's Size, hi, I'm Kendo by the way," the orange-haired girl greets him with a handshake. "I'm the Class Rep for 1B."

"Nice to meet you," Horizon steps into the room and shakes her hand, and suddenly Kendo's looking up at him.


He immediately senses the odd Telomeres, bones, and stem cells in her hands.

"Oh, Big Fists?" he asks.

Kendo's eyes widen in surprise as they break the handshake. "How'd you know that?"

"Lucky guess," he shrugs. "Anyway, I should get out of here, Vlad just left the teachers' lounge with Eraser...really sucks that I'm stuck with tail-boy and Deku while you guys get cookie girl," he sighs and begins leaving.

"Wait," Kendo says, causing him to stop and turn back to her. "Since you know mine, what's your Quirk, Horizon?" Kendo raises a hand and enlarges it to the size of a car door, flexing it, and then brings it back to normal.

"That's fair, my Quirk is called Hand Of God, it lets me do a lot of things."

One seat away Ibara -a girl with green vines for hair- flinches at the blasphemous name. While everyone else just looks confused.

"A lot of things like what?! With a name like that it has to be strong, right?!" A silver-haired boy excitedly asks, eyelashes so long it appears as if he were wearing a domino mask.

Kendo sighs, " and this guy with no manners is Tetsutetsu, he gets excited meeting new people."

"And you're the first person from your class we've met!" Tetsutetsu says.

"Right, well I figured you'd meet us at the sports festival anyway, but yeah my Quirk lets me do things like Warping, Healing, Telekinesis, Invisible Bullets, and a few other things," Horizon says, enjoying their looks of disbelief and amazement, unsure if to believe something that impossible.

"Ohh, you're that guy," a girl with green hair says, only 156cm tall, Setsuna Tokage.

"What guy?"

"Well there was some chatter about a student that can warp," she says. "I heard some people talking about it, they thought it was a third year but apparently this debunks it's you..."

"I guess so, apparently word got out faster than I expected."

"People love to gossip about what the Hero Course Quirks can do," Kendo says. "I've even got a friend in the second year that heard about you, but the rumor started when someone heard Ectoplasm talking, so nobody knew who it was."

"Makes sense, well now if anyone asks you know who to point them toward," Horizon says casually, as if it wasn't the most sought-after Quirk in the world.

"So how does it work?!" Tetsutetsu asks. "Like do you open a big magic gate and walk into it or something or what?"

Horizon sees everyone staring at him expectantly and beneath his visor he can't help but smile, always willing to have some fun with new people.

"I'll show you," he walks toward the window at the far side of the room, and looks toward the massive open training field. Four hundred meters of dirt before a concrete wall, and behind it a massive grass field.

"Tetsutetsu, do you see that field out there?" he points out the window, and everyone follows his directions to stare at it.



For 500m in every direction, his ROOM opens up.

"Good, get ready to take a picture," he turns back to Tetsutetsu and raises his hand, ready to snap his fingers.


The boy disappears, swapped with a small rock the moment he snapped his fingers.

"WOW!" people gape and yell out in surprise, never expecting to actually see a warping Quirk in person.

"Where'd you send him?" Kendo asks, concern in her voice.



They swap back, and Tetsutetsu has his phone in his hand.

"That was so weird, one second I'm here and the next I'm out there," he points to the window. Then shows them all the pictures he took from the grass field.

A chorus of praise echoes out before Horizon feels Eraser and Vlad walking down the hallway.

"I need to get going, teachers are almost here," he begins walking away. "If you guys ever wanna trade I'll give you tail boy and Naval Laser for cookie girl," he casually says without looking back.

"MMM!" Yui says, still not talking but expressing her... something, nobody was completely sure.

But they had a fair guess when Ibara looked at her with clear worry in her eyes, "really, the blasphemous boy?"


Ibara just frowns and decides to ignore it, 'I'll pray or her to make better choices in the future...'

As Kendo is getting her class under control, trying to get their excitement down after Horizon's Quirk display, Horizon walks back into 1A to see everyone standing around chatting.

"Get to your seats, Eraser is in the hallway," he walks to his seat while everyone scrambles about.

A moment later Eraser walks in a starts class, getting everyone ready for Rescue Training and handing out their hero costumes.

And now they were all just standing outside waiting for Eraser to bring the bus around and take them to Thirteen.

Horizon was standing beside Momo, both in full costume like almost everyone else. Only Deku had his PE outfit on since his costume was destroyed.

He just stands back while Momo adds him to a class group chat, other students scattered about having light conversations.

"So you really like this Class Rep stuff huh?" Horizon asks, watching her put his number into the group chat.

"Well it's best to stay on top of things and proactive, being prepared is always a must," she gives him a beaming smile.

"That's why I voted for you," Jiro adds as she joins them, Mina and Kaminari beside her. "I figured you'd be super responsible with us."

"Just don't babysit them too much," Horizon says.

"Yeah I'm with Horizon on that," Mina adds. "He made a pretty good point earlier...he actually almost always has a good point, he's just a total jerk at expressing it."

"Really?" Horizon asks jokingly. "You guys have only ever seen me be either nice or neutral, you really wouldn't want to see me actually try to be mean..."

Those words send a shiver down their spines.

"So who do you guys think the third pro is, Aizawa is supposed to be taking us to meet them and All Might right?" Jiro asks.

"I hope it's Midnight!" Kaminari cheers, immediately joined by Sero a few meters away.

"It's Thirteen," Horizon says flatly.

"THIRTEEN!" Uraraka screams, as if trying to rival Mic, Horizon tunes out her and Deku as they begin having a fanboy meltdown of some kind.

"How do you know it's Thirteen?" Asui walks up and asks, now joining the circle.

"Nezu asked me to do a quick check of the main campus earlier after the alarm scare, found her, Eraser mentioned she's here as a guest teacher. Something about Nezu giving her a dream facility or something," he shrugs.

"Wow they asked you to check the school, that's a pretty big responsibility, Principal Nezu really trusts you a lot," Asui points out, and everyone nods along.

"I just had to check if anything was off with the main campus building, Eraser's here," Horizon nods toward the bus before it even rounds the corner for them to see.

'Did he just 'sense' it?' a few people wonder as it stops in front of them.

"Alright everybody in," Horizon orders, and everyone silently boards. He and Momo board last, entering to see the open layout in the first half of the bus. He spared an odd glance at the small robot driving the bus with Eraser in the seat behind it. "How far away is this place?"

"Only 3 kilometers, should only be a five-minute drive," Eraser says as everyone gets seated, with Horizon and Sato sitting beside each other in the front while Momo moves to sit with Jiro in the middle.

Horizon leans back to enjoy a quiet ride, an impossibility with his classmates, and naturally, the conversation drifts toward heroics.

Opposite him, Kirishima sighs, "man I hope I can do something to stand out today, it's hard enough trying to go pro with just my plain Quirk but the competition in this class is insane."

"Well at least you don't have to worry about Bakugo," Asui says. "He's way too loud and violent to ever get public support, especially considering what his Quirk is."

Bakugo's eyes snap open, he leans forward to respond, but just decides to bite his tongue and sit back. Not in the mood to compare himself to the obvious competition, glaring at Horizon sitting close to Asui.

This reaction doesn't go unnoticed by Deku, who just looks down at his lap, kneading the fabric of his PE clothes nervously.

"Yeah Todoroki and Horizon are the main competition," Aoyama says. "And moi of course, my Naval Laser is stylish, flashy, and powerful, the people will be sure to love me."

"Too bad you need a diaper," Horizon mutters, causing everyone to laugh lightly.

"Then I guess that leaves Todoroki," Sato says. "Fire and Ice in one Quirk, pretty hard to compete with, I mean I'm in an even worse boat than Kirishima, at least his hardening can look cool."

"If you stack enough wins it doesn't matter," Horizon says. "Endeavour is intolerable but he's got by far the most resolved incidents in the world, even more than All Might, yeah it helps that his Quirk is flashy, but the commission uses raw numbers to calculate rank too."

"Easy for you to say," Kaminari groans. "You're Quirk is warping, that's like a golden ticket into the top ten, plus all the other stuff you can do, and you're good in a fight too, honestly man it's like you were grown in a test tube to make us feel bad..."

"I kinda was," Horizon says flatly, causing everyone, including Eraser to stare in worry. "Not the test tube thing, but my parents have been teaching me since I was five, homeschool and all that, everything from the basics to medicine to combat and Quirk training, not much of a surprise that I'm so much better," he shrugs.

Todoroki frowns at that description, memories of his horrendous childhood with Endeavour surfacing, the thought that he and Horizon weren't that different slowly forming in his mind.

A dangerous assumption.

"That explains why you're so much better at this stuff," Sero says. "You've been at it for like ten years, most of us didn't start training till a year or two ago," most of the other students nod in agreement.

"It helps that your Quirk is super cool," Mina says. "But I guess all the homeschooling and training explains why you suck at making friends huh?"

"Excuse me?" Horizon leans forward to look at her. "What do you mean?"

Mina raises her hands in surrender, "nothing personal, just...people respond better when you're nice to them, you're super abrasive and direct, not cute at all."

"It doesn't matter," Horizon says. "All that matters is competency, everything else is secondary."

"Ohhh," Mina gets a thoughtful look, the pieces finally coming together. "That explains why you suck at making friends, you just don't think social skills matter," she snaps her fingers, solving the case.

"Why would I care if---"

"We're here!" Eraser announces as the bus comes to a stop.

Stepping off the bus they're immediately greeted by an absurdly massive concrete dome. The massive simulation area Nezu had constructed to Thirteen's specifications.

And standing in the middle of the massive red pathway leading into the fancy orange entry doors is the hero herself. Space Hero: Thirteen, looking like an extra puffy astronaut in her white spacesuit-themed costume, complete with a black bowl-like headpiece with two large white eyes.

Deku and Uraraka immediately go into full hero-worshipping mode as Horizon walks behind everyone with Eraser and Shoji. Not paying much attention to Thirteen's speech as she explains the facility.

'So one big dome with a half dozen natural disaster environments built inside...pretty smart to have this honestly,' he couldn't help but admit it was one of the most intricate and clever things he's seen at UA.

The Unforeseen Simulation Joint, USJ for short.

By the time the speech finishes they're standing inside, at the end of a long and wide walkway leading to a massive set of stairs down to the main floor.

A large water fountain is in the exact middle of the dome. A smaller red dome at one end, covered in flame decals. A fire rescue simulation area.

A similar dome painted white and blue, the hurricane zone.

He also saw a shipwreck zone, a small lake with a medium-sized ship floating in it, and a tall curving waterspout to simulate a waterfall.

A mountain and landslide zone with loose rocks, some small steep drop-offs, and crumbled buildings, likely also doubling as an earthquake zone since this is Japan.


Horizon opens a 250m room, covering the entire USJ facility and taking a few SCANs.

As Thirteen is explaining Eraser stands beside her, noticing Horizon's head moving about, looking between all the different zones.

"And that's exactly why this facility was constructed," Thirteen continues explaining. "Today you won't be fighting or destroying anything, you'll strictly be using your Quirk to rescue and save people, that wa---"

"Shut up," Horizon rudely interrupts and begins pushing through the crowd, head on a swivel looking between all the zones.

"HEY!" Thirteen yells, "you c---"

Eraser steps forward and raises a hand to silence her, "Horizon, what are you sensing?"

Horizon draws his sword and points at the lake, "something is distorting space at the bottom of the lake...actually, in all the zones..."

'This feels familiar,' Horizon thinks. 'It's still forming but I've felt this before... BLINK!' he recalls the Warp user in Swiss Vault, how she'd bend and fold space before forming her Warp Gates.

"It's a Warp Gate Quirk!" Horizon says, "I can sense villains coming out!"

Eraser and Thirteen are immediately on guard, turning toward the stairs ready for action.

"Everyone stay together!" Eraser says.

"Left!" Horizon yells causing everyone to turn, and a small ball of purple mist begins expanding in the air to the left of them.

"Hor---" A deep shrill voice begins speaking through the mist.


He slashes the air, and as his invisible slash hits the mist, the conflicting commands of space cause the Warp Gate to collapse instantly.

'I can close them!' he thinks, then immediately dumps more stamina into his ROOM, expanding it another 3KM.


"What the hell?!" Thirteen yells as she's suddenly in Class 1A's homeroom, standing at the front of the class where the teacher's desk was. Everyone else was standing behind their desks with their chairs missing, and Horizon's desk was swapped with Eraser.

"Everyone ok?" Horizon asks, trying to keep his breathing steady so nobody realizes how much stamina he just dumped into that move.

"Looks like everyone is fine," Eraser says. "I need to go alert Nezu, Thirteen stay with them!" he orders, rushing toward the door while everyone is still reeling from what just happened.

But before Eraser could even reach the door.


The entire floor becomes purple mist, rising up, climbing the walls and the ceiling where both Asui and Sero had already stuck to, reflexively leaping away from the floor.

Horizon instantly raises his sword to slash the Warp Gate, but freezes.

'If I cancel the gate then everyone could get fuck up,' he notices their legs already knee-deep in the purple mist. 'And if I try to Shambles us away while part of us is in it, could it rip us apart?' He can't take the chance.

And the moment it was completely sealed, they were in a different space.

And his ROOM collapsed...


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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