MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.


Next day,

Shido went to the beach to meet Yagi and Izuku. Yagi was getting a piggy-back ride from Izuku who is trying to run fast as he can. When they noticed Shido was coming towards them, Yagi got up from Izuku's back. They exchanged pleasantaries, and Shido asked

"How's your training going Izuku?"-Shido

"It's going good Kanzaki-san"-Izuku

"What about the weighted bands I provided?"-Shido

"I always wear them when I'm training."-Izuku

"You had to wear them all the time,... but it's my fault for not instructing how to use it."-Shido

Shido pondered for a bit and gave Izuku a new set of weighted bands.

"You should use this set as this is more heavier than the set you use now."-Shido

"All the time?"-Izuku

"All the time.."-Shido

Izuku nodded and wore the new set and started running, he stumbled a few times due to disbalance coming from his new weight, but he managed to adapt and started running normally with a lower speed than usual.

When Izuku was far away from Shido and Yagi, Shido turned towards Yagi and asked

"When you're going to retire?"-Shido

Yagi was shocked as his eyes widened, but he kept a straight face

"Why are you asking this, I am not that bad you know, hahha, you may have more knowledge in training in me, but I know how to get results from my trainee."-Yagi saying in light tone.

"I already know your secret Small might, you don't have to hide it from me."-Shido

Yagi knowing there is no meaning to change the topic now, asked


"I saw you transform from your All might to the weakened state after you helped a civilian."-Shido spouting lies.

"I see."-Yagi

Yagi didn't raise any questions as this has already happened with his friend, Tsukauchi Naomasa who is a detective in the police. Tsukauchi knows All might's secret and about his quirk One for All.

Yagi considers Shido somewhat as a friend, from their small meetings where Shido had helped his successor. Shido has invited them to his store several times to eat for free. Their friendship cannot be said to be a close one but it is better than being acquaintances. Yagi sighed

"Since you know about it, what are you going to do?"-Yagi

He wants to listen to the answer Shido will give, if he wants to spread the news, then he cannot do anything, he cannot force a civilian to keep a secret with his force, he believed it was his fault for not being careful. He will not use force as this is against All Might's morals. But the answer of Shido surprised him

"I will keep this as a secret between us."-Shido


"Why would I do that?"-Shido

"You can sell this news to media and you will become famous for getting this news and not to mention a lot of money."-Yagi

"Now you are insulting me Yagi, do you think I will sell a vital secret of No.1 Hero to the media. not to mention HPSC and the government will be after me If I did that, also I don't sell my friends."-Shido

Yagi was surprised by the mention of being friends from Shido, as he always had a normal face or a slight smile whenever they met. But now since Shido has shown his goodwill, then there is no reason for Yagi to decline it.

"I guess, we are friends now. hahaha"-Yagi

Then Yagi continued

"Why did you asked me about my retirement?"-Yagi

Shido nodded "I asked because I was surprised by the intensity of training you had put Izuku in. It was very fast like you wanted the results very soon, if you wanted to train him only for UA entranace exam then 10 months of normal intensive training was enough, but you were putting him through much more intense training as if you are in hurry for something, so I asked about your retirement, I thought you want to make Izuku your successor in just a period of few years."-Shido

"How do you know little Midoriya being my successor?"-Yagi

"Isn't that obvious, why would the All Might train a quirkless kid everyday for the UA entrance exam?"-Shido

Yagi was shocked to see everything was so obvious, if any enemy of his knew about his secret then they would have reached Izuku easily.

"Thank You"-Yagi turned into All Might and said

"For what?"-Shido

"For showing my mistakes, if I continued to do that, my enemies would have already reached Izuku or his family to threaten me."-All Might

"It's ok, but you know you just turned into All Might in public, it's good there is no civilian around at this time but still, you need to be careful. This carelessness of yours gave your identity to me and the number may increase if you don't correct it."-Shido

All Might turned back into Yagi again and said

"I'll be careful from next time."-Yagi

Shido just sighed as he watched All Might turning into Yagi, he didn't said anything.

"So can you explain the reason for your hurry."-Shido

Yagi nodded and started explaining his quirk One for All to Shido. One For All is a transferable Quirk that can be passed on from one user to the next. He received it from his master and now he is going to forward it to his successor. One for All puts a huge strain on body, if the recipient's body is not strong enough, the body may explode. That's the reason he wants Izuku to have a body strong enough to handle One for All.

Shido nodded while feeling disappointed in his mind as he didn't received any extra information than the same explanation from anime. Shido, at least gained the trust of All Might as this explanation was known by few people close to Yagi.

"So when you are going to give him the quirk? I think he has a body strong enough to handle it."-Shido

"Yes, he achieved it quite early than what I've expected but I will give him the quirk on his examination day as a reward for his hard work."-Yagi

"So you are telling me you will give him the quirk on the last day, when you can him the quirk now and let him train his quirk so he can perform better in his exam."- Shido

"Yes, then he will go beyond his limits in his exam. PLLUSSS ULLTRRAA"-Yagi

Shido was looking at Yagi with a disappointed expression, this makes a image of two brothers talking about representing the hood come into his mind. Shido just shook his head to clear these thoughts.

"You plain stupid or what? You should give the quirk in this very month. 2 Months will be enough for Izuku to adapt and train his body to accustomed to the quirk."-Shido

Yagi, initially was very stubborn about giving the quirk at the last moment for the 'Plus Ultra' moment. But Shido somehow managed to convince him. Shido was thinking if he let Yagi do what he was planning, the situation would turn from a 'Plus Ultra' moment to a 'Bruh' moment.

Izuku came back from his run, panting heavily. Shido gave him a 15-min break and started teaching him some general fighting techniques. After an hour he left.

While he was on his way, he thought he was ready.

He took out his phone and messaged to Fuyumi

:: Can I come to meet your family today? ::

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