MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.


After I left President Ige's Office, I directly went to the data storage room of HPSC HQ. I went to one of the drives in the huge stacks of drives present in the room making a labyrinth for anyone who is not familiar with the plan of the room. I checked on a USB connection to the drive, if it's still correctly connected or not. Now here I am sitting on a chair with {AEZAKMI} cheat activated.

"La Brava, How is the progress?"

After a beep sound, La Brava started talking,

:: The Data is being downloaded but the size of all the data of their scandals is too much, so I only downloaded some of the 'interesting' ones ::

Yeah, that's right. I bluffed in front of the HPSC President. I may know what they do behind the scenes but I don't have the exact details. So I asked La Brava to make a program to let us remotely access the data stored in these drives. I placed the program when I entered the HQ and let La Brava do the work here, while I brought more time for her by stretching the talks with President Ige. Looks like wasting my time with her was not that bad.

"What about your profiles?" I asked.

:: I made our profiles more 'normal' equivalent to a normal citizen. Now, when they check our identities, they will only find us normal without any problem. I deleted every single piece of data related to our aliases as well. Now the HPSC is completely oblivious of us ::

This was the main objective of my 'visit' to the HQ. I want to delete every single piece of data related to our alters (Like, data related to Knuckleduster, not Iwao Oguro). As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When HPSC won't even know what its enemy is capable of, how will they fight?

But the main problem comes to the identities of Danjuro and La Brava, their identities are like an open book, as they used to upload their videos of crime regularly. La Brava now may have deleted the videos or anything related to them from the Internet, But they've conflicted regularly with the Pro-Heroes and Police, so an investigation on them was natural.

In the Investigation, Police have a lot of information on Gentle Criminal and La Brava but they don't know yet, that they are related to the 'Two-Explosion Incident'. But leaving their data in the hands of police for too long may not be a good idea.

'Maybe I should raid Police HQ as well.'

But let's deal with the HPSC first.

"How is the bug I installed in her office working?" I asked her. While waiting in her office, I thought it would be a good idea to install a bug (Listening device) in her office. Then I will always be up-to-date with any hidden moves the HPSC might want to play in the future.

:: It is all good and clear. I have recorded the entire conversation...::

'Nice. One more card to play against HPSC in case they want action.'

:: But there is a problem. President Ige has ordered Hawks to gather the heroes in Hosu City to confront you and she told Hawks to kill you the moment he gets a chance::

"Don't worry, I got this."

I would say, this was as expected. My threats are just paper warnings if I cannot even escape them and get captured by them. They can easily 'silence' me then. But there is a thought in my mind, It's not like I doubt my own abilities but in case I got captured, didn't they thought I might have some backup plan like exposing the information to the public if I got caught.

Looks like she is hellbent to dispose of me that she didn't even think of possible outcomes. Threatening her was good but now she is full-on behind me. There must be some deterrence to stop her from doing something stupid.

'A show of Power will be a good deterrence in my opinion.' I got out of my thoughts when La Brava started talking again.'

:: How can you say that so easily? No.2 Hero Endeavor is there along with other heroes. Knuckleduster was correct, the Heroes are swarming the Hosu City...::

:: A Bad news Chief. The installed bug is exposed. I disconnected it before they could reach me. So there is no problem of tracking, but we lost our lead against them::

"No need to worry, just focus on downloading the files...." but then I remembered something.

"Open Eri's file, We should make some modifications in that as well."

:: Don't worry Chief. As a responsible Nee-chan, the first which I modified was Eri. Aside from being Shie Hassaikai Boss' Granddaughter, there is nothing too attractive to look at. I also have deleted the part about her.. father:: She said the first part in excitement but her voice turned low when she said the last part.

"...You looked into that?.. then how do you feel about her now? Disgust, Fear what is it?... " I asked as I wanted to know her true thoughts on this. Apart from me and Fuyumi, Eri is comfortable with Danjuro and La Brava. If La Brava turns her back on Eri, it might be pretty devastating for her.

:: None of those... Actually, I feel like our conditions are somewhat similar. We couldn't control our quirk which led to the abandonment. I got abandoned by society, she got abandoned by her family. Went through the pain in living life. But we found someone who cares for us. I got Gentle, she got you::

"You know La Brava... You are a good big sister. Want to be adopted by me, so you will be literally her big sister?"

:: What are you saying Chief, I may not look like but I am 20 years old. Don't get misguided by my height...::

"Hahaha... I was just kidding La Brava."

:: Has anyone told you Chief that you are a big meanie...::

"Yeah, many times."


I conversed with La Brava while waiting for the files to download. After La Brava confirmed the files are downloaded. I took out the USB drive containing the program and got ready for leaving the HQ.

"You are sure, you destroyed the traces right?" I asked while I was checking if I left anything here. I don't want them to trace back to our place.

:: Yes Chief. I deleted our traces of infiltrating their computer completely. You don't have to worry about them tracking us, but you should focus on escaping the HQ::

"Yeah, I am leaving the HQ. Take note that I won't come to your apartment directly, so put Eri to bed as it is already her bedtime."

:: Ok Chief::

After that, I went to a wall that separates the HQ from the outside. I removed my glove and placed my hand on the wall. I used 'Overhaul' to open a hole in the wall and walked out of it and then again reverted the wall back to its shape.

I started running through the streets to get to a safe location first. I still had the {AEZAKMI} cheat activated. While running, I felt an inaudible sound wave went through me, as its vibration frequency was a lot higher than usual, which makes it easier to detect for someone with heightened senses. I realized I was standing in the middle of a crossway road.

When I turned in the direction from the sound wave came from, Several feathers came towards me from the sky. I took out two Uzi and shot down every feather. I saw Hawks flying in the sky with another flying guy who looked like an eagle. He was just flying above without any movement like he is observing me.

Then a big ribbon-like cloth came towards me intending to wrap around my leg, but I side-stepped and put my leg on the cloth. When I saw the owner of the cloth, I was surprised. It was a slender and tall, pale-skinned man with messy, shoulder-length black hair. He pulled his cloth back trying to make my trip and fall, but I just raised my leg. The cloth went back to its owner without any resistance. He was blocking my south.

A big man who has the appearance of an Orca (Killer Whale), in a white suit made his entrance, blocking the west. After him a man in a robot-like suit at a very fast speed and blocked my east.

And then came a big man covered in flames, even his face and beard are covered in flames. He blocked the north while facing me. He had a stern and serious expression on his face.

He shouted,

"It's over Night Slash. You are completely surrounded by all the sides. There is no escape...

Therefore stop hiding and Surrender willingly."


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