MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

First Blood.


On the street, two heroes and a villain are fighting

The heroes fighting are Water Hose, a hero couple, while the villain is a blond burly figure wearing a white tank top is fighting with his bare arm, having a maniac smile on his face.


I remember this villain from the anime, his quirk is Muscle augmentation, which allows him to control his muscles freely, providing him superhuman strength, defense, and speed. His control is so fine that he can use it for defense by covering his whole body in an armor of augmented muscle fibers.

There was something special about the heroes too, they were the parents of the only child in with the Wild, Wild Pussycats in the Quirk Training Camp, Kota Izumi.

This means that this was their last fight as Muscular would kill ruthlessly in front of the citizens.

Looking at the fight scene, it was clear that Muscular was at advantage as the water-related quirks of the heroes were not enough to cut the defenses of Muscular's Exo-Muscle Fibers. (I am going to call the Muscle fibers he uses as defense as Exo-Muscle Fiber)

Muscular can easily end this fight within 5-10 more minutes but he is stretching the fight just for the fun of watching the heroes in despair, while the Water Hose are thinking to stall the fight for more time and expecting reinforcements from the other Heroes present in the nearby areas.

I cannot let this end as it ended in the canon, A simple reason, I cannot let a kid be orphaned as it is within my power to stop it.


Currently, Water Hose is cornered with their back and Muscular glaring them with feverish eyes and maniacal smile.

"Hey! Why don't you show more despair on your face? You are clearly at disadvantage against me, right? or do you have any more 'FLASHY' super moves to defeat me?" Muscular said in a laughing tone

"You don't have to worry that villain, we have requested reinforcements from the association, your arrest ... is just a matter of time," Water Hose M(Male) said in a serious voice but still there is some trembling in the voice, maybe from energy depletion or fear.

"Quite confident you are about this 'reinforcement' coming to help you, but did you consider one thing? What if I killed you before they arrived, then their task will not be to arrest me but to take your bodies and present my masterpiece in front of your families." Muscular became more delighted thinking about the aftermath of the death of the heroes present.

The last sentence seemed to hit a critical mental strike to the heroes as their eyes trembled, imagining a scene where their 4-year-old son would have to see their bloodied corpse.

Muscular, watching this scene become more and more excited as his grin widens and he continues,

"Geez, Why don't you heroes plead for your lives like the citizens? this could've been more exciting. C'mon, plead some mercy for your lives, You know I am a generous guy, I may consider leaving you alive today."

Water Hose were silently standing in their fighting stance not letting their guard down, just remaining silent but a part of their mind was compelling them to plead, not just for their lives but for their son, they couldn't watch him become an orphan. But they couldn't bring their pride of heroes down by begging for mercy from a villain, they would rather die valiantly in a fight than begging for mercy from a villain.

Watching them just standing there without any movement, Muscular become bored and said

"Since there is no reply for my generous gift to you which had a small price of begging me mercy, you two can just die. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED RIGHT??!!, YOU DENIED MY GIFT, THEN THIS MEANS YOU WANT DEATH!!!!"

Muscular raised his fist and started covering both the arms with Exo-Muscular fibers. Just as he was to land the punch on the hero duo.

A silver reflection came into his vision from the window of the building he was facing, he saw a figure in black having a knife in hand in mid-air. The knife was just a few millimeters away from his skin. He can't see the figure completely as his figure is covering the sun. (in Muscular's vision)

Muscular started to increase the defense of his nape by forming a layer of Exo-Muscle fibers but there was not enough time.


A stabbing sound resonated for a while in the eerie silence.


Muscular grunted and tried to make the muscle around his nape tight to lessen the bleeding, but before he could do something, the figure in black started rotating the knife while trying to pull it out, tearing the muscle fibers around the nape. Blood started to bleed from his nape.

Resisting the pain, Muscular attacked the figure. The person jumped to dodge the villain and landed a few meters away from the villain. Muscular turned around to see the new participant in his 'small' hero-villain conflict. The person's image was finally visible to Muscular, as he said

"A wild cockroach has appeared!  May I know why this cockroach wants to enter the fight of the Titans in front of him." Muscular said in a joking tone as usual but anger in the voice is obvious.

The person just stared at Muscular with a knife in his hand. Muscular started observing the opponent, brown hair, obvious weak body (lack of muscles), ordinary clothes, and average face. Muscular was obviously angry because this random guy just attacked him and was successful in putting a near-serious injury on him too, while the two Pro-heroes failed to do so. This was INFURIATING for him.

"Do you have to say something about this? huh, Mr. Cockroach" Muscular said in a very serious tone as his grin is now turned into a serious battle angry expression. Muscular cannot wait to listen to this person's reason to attack him.

The person opened his mouth and said in a low but resounding voice

"Citizen's Arrest"

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