MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

It’s BIG BRAIN Time.

After defeating Muscular, I was racking my brain for all the possible answers, the police could question me. I'm still in my Slow-time mode to extend the little time I have in my hands before the heroes and police arrives.

After few minutes, sound of siren can be heard, I lifted off my Slow-time mode with

{SPEEDITUP} - Fast Motion

[Cheat Activated]

After the pop-up faded, time started flowing normally for me but still there is some problem with my perception as everything is still slow but not much lie in slow-time mode, then I remembered I have my Adrenaline mode on, so I also deactivated it by

{ANOSEONGLASS} - Adrenaline Mode

[Cheat Deactivated]

Now everything is normal but there is a problem now, as I have deactivated the adrenaline mode, my body will enter a fatigue state as I have overtaxed my body.

But even after a minute, the expected fatigue state did not came. I have a light headache but still my body is working fine without any problem.

'What is the reason of this?'

As I was in my mind, thinking about the unnatural aftereffects of the Adrenaline mode. The police with heroes, arrived at the damaged street with a burly villain lying in a human-sized crater.

Heroes quickly rushed out to check the civilian's and heroes' (as they requested reinforcements) condition and the police rushed towards the unconscious villain and the person standing next to the villain, having a knife in his hand.

Water Hose approached the average looking civilian who is lost in his thoughts. They thought it was due to shock as a civilian apprehended a villain and a strong one at that. Water Hose M shook Shido a bit which made him return to the present.

Water Hose bowed towards Shido and said,

"Thank You, If you were not here, we would... we would have died and we can't see our son become orphan. Thank you very much." Water Hose said as his voice faltered sometimes, he and his wife had some tears in their eyes.

I had no response to their thanks as I just stayed there looking at them, without any expression.

Something clicked in the mind of Water Hose M as he said,

"Ah, you must be still amazed what happened after the rush ended right?"

Something clicked in my mind,

'Adrenaline rush is very common in fight-or-flight situations, so can I put the entire blame on adrenaline rush?'

"Yeah, I didn't what took over me and rushed towards the villain as he was going to attack you." I replied in a bit absent-minded to make it look more real.

Satisfied with my answer, Water Hose F said

"It may sound the right thing to do but still don't put your life on line. We were ready for death the time we chose to become a hero."

"But your son is not ready for your deaths, right?" I said in a flat tone.

This time was the Water Hose's turn to stay silent while thinking about their son. They didn't said much and left. Taking the leave of Water Hose as cue, two policeman came towards me and stopped a considerable distance from me due to some reason.

"Sir, can you put down the knife in your hand." Policeman A said

'Ah! I forgot about this', It would be terrifying scene where a guy is holding a knife with blood on it.

"Ah.. Sorry" I said while putting the knife on the ground.

"Sir, can we ask some questions about the situation that happened here?" Policeman A said

"Yeah, Do as you please." I said still acting a little absent-minded

'My action of holding knife while talking to heroes even after the fight should affirm my act of absent-mindedness.'

"Sir, can you tell us what happened here?" Policeman A asked

"Umm, There was a Hero-villain fight and the heroes were at disadvantage after a few minutes of fighting."  I replied

"Then?" Policeman A asked

"Then, the villain wanted to kill the heroes so I rushed to apprehend the villain."

"And you succeeded." Policeman A said, completing my side of the story.


"Sir, What is your quirk?" Policeman B asked

".... Quirkless ..." I said in a low voice, but it was enough for the policemen to understand what I said.

"So, can you explain me how a quirkless civilian can defeat a villain who is capable of putting two pro-heroes in disadvantage in a fight?" Policeman A asked

He continued, "No Offence, If you had some powerful quirk, then it is still understandable, but you being a quirkless makes it more bizarre."

"Yeah I understand as I also cannot explain what happened, as I was in an Adrenaline rush."

"So, That also explains your rushing towards the villain?" Policeman B asked

"Yes, I was watching the scene from my house, as I saw the villain going for a final move on the cornered heroes, I rushed out." I pointed towards my house while answering the Policeman.

"May I ask, how were you able to damage the villain and surroundings so much?" Policeman B asked

"I cannot clearly explain what happened, it was just a blurry fast moving scene for me, but he was fighting Water Hose for a few minutes with equal strength so he may have some injuries and for the crater he just fell unconscious on the road with his muscles covering his torso"

The Policemen looked towards Muscular who is still unconscious with the muscle fibers out of his body wrapping upper-half of his torso.

Content with the answer for the damage of surrounding, they ended the interrogation as they knew further questioning Shido would lead to no point.

After putting the villain in the armored police car, the police left. Watching the police leaving, some heroes went with police for safeguarding the entourage while some went to their own areas for patrolling.

After that, I went towards my home.

After Entering, I closed the door and went towards the bathroom to wash my face, I want to clear my mind a bit.

After wiping my face with a towel, I went to my room lying on the bed. I guess I need some good sleep.

'I am completely tired..... only mentally....'


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