MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Meet and Greet.

"Well, let's go to meet the other members." I turned to pick up the cat I rescued from Tartarus. This little black fur ball is still sleeping even after the explosive escape I made from the Tartarus.

'Shouldn't the tiredness be gone with {HESOYAM}*Rewind, then why is the cat still sleeping. Must be lethargy from the experiments in the state I reverted back it to. It must be tired in that state as well.'

"How are we going? By walking. I don't see any vehicles." She asked.

"Are you sure about that?" I said and,

{JQNTDMH} - Spawn Rancher  [Cheat Activated]

A Rancher appeared in front of me. Nagant was a bit shocked by the sudden appearance of the car out of nowhere.

"Is this your quirk?" She asked with an amazed expression on her face. She has seen many different and bizarre quirks in her job as a Hitman under HPSC but she has never seen a quirk that brings things out of nowhere.

"I don't know. You guess." I said in a mocking tone. I took the driving seat of the Rancher and put the cat in the back seat. Nagant came and sat on the passenger seat beside me.

I started the car and drove towards Danjuro's Apartment. As she is now a legitimate member and there is no ulterior motive behind joining Night Raid (checked by System List), I think it will be good to introduce our newest member to the team.

"Why are you carrying a cat everywhere with you?" She asked, looking at the sleeping cat in the backseat.

"I saved the cat from Tartarus. I will give the cat to some good family to raise it. That's it." I said while focusing on the road.

"But what a cat is doing in Tartarus in the first place? And if there is a cat in Tartarus then it will be there for a reason. Didn't you think that this cat can be very harmful or dangerous that's why they locked it in Tartarus"

"I didn't think that much about it. You know, when it becomes very difficult for someone to die, they start becoming careless or do things without much thought as they don't fear death anymore which is considered the end-point of all lives." I told her while focusing on the road.

It was true, now I am basically nigh-immortal. With {HESOYAM}*Rewind, I can defy old age, death from diseases, or blood loss. The only thing that can kill me is Instant Death or Cutting my head off or Soul Destruction but I don't know of any quirk that can do that.


And the rest of the drive went through in random talks, like what Night Raid has done up till now. I told her about various things about Night Raid but my main emphasis was on 'Two-Explosion Incident of Hosu' and 'Hero Ambush' as this shows my individual strength. The Respect cheat is still on and I want to make my image as an undefeatable person in her mind.

As they say, First Impression is the last impression. So I will make my position as someone above her in the hierarchy, in our very first meeting, so she won't have some rebellious thoughts in the future.

It's not like they will completely submit to me and change their personality and behavior. It is like, when there is an important decision to make, they will remember the hierarchy and who is above them. For example Knuckleduster. We fight occasionally. He insults me and I insult him 'jokingly' but he knows and accepts the fact that I am the leader of Night Raid.


After an hour,

I am currently sitting on a chair with the other members of Night Raid including Knuckleduster. Knuckleduster decided to stay at Danjuro's Apartment last night, it looks like he made his mind on what to do with the Trigger thing happening in Underworld.

The members were looking at Nagant with vigilance as she is an outsider. I started by introducing her to them.

"Meet Lady Nagant, the former hitwoman of HPSC and the alleged killer of a fellow hero..."

Nagant interrupted me, "You can call me Kaina. I don't want to be associated with that name anymore."

I continued, "Well... Kaina is the help we need to complete the evidence against HPSC and... She is the new member of Night Raid."

When my sentence fell on to the ears of the members, there were different reactions from the members. Danjuro and La Brava went to congratulate Kaina. Danjuro congratulated her as he was the most friendly and cheery of all of us and La Brava congratulated a fellow female in the team.

But Knuckleduster was having a different reaction. He came close to me and whispered,

"Is that okay Night Crash? We don't know much about her and you decided to let her join directly after rescuing her from the prison." He had serious concerns over Kaina's recruitment to the team. He was right, I didn't know much about her personality but I still let her join the team.

I am sure about the choice of letting her join Night Raid because of system Gang Member list but how can I explain this to Knuckleduster.

"When we created Night Raid, we didn't know a thing about each other. Now look at us, only one big mission and we are functioning as a proper team. And...

What is wrong with you? Can't you say my name properly? Yesterday you called me Night Splash and now Night Crash."

"Well, whatever Nice Trash. I can call you whatever I want and your name is also shit. Night Stash, Night Mash, Nice Ass, Nice Cash, Nice Smash, everything sounds the same. What's the problem in calling you any of these if they sound the same." Knuckleduster smoked a cigarette and said to me. My eyes under the helmet twitched. In GTA World, there is Carl and here Knuckleduster. Both of them just cannot say my name properly.

"I don't care about the thoughts of an old man. You are so senile that you cannot even differentiate between words now. Look you cannot even say Night Slash properly..." I said in response to his provocation. He downed his cigarette and looked at me. I looked back at him.

And the 'kids' fight started.


Knuckleduster started, "You are so virgin, You see your ass up in a mirror and masturbate."

"You are so old, you used to babysit Gran Torino." - Shido

"You are so coward, you gave lessons to Courage the Cowardly Dog." - Knuckleduster

"You are so ugly, You would be the child of Mr. Krabs and Squidward if they had tentacle sex" - Shido

"You are so narcissistic, you masturbate and make a video of that and then masturbate to that video." - Knuckleduster.

"You are so gay, You wanted to name yourself Mister Knuckle Fister but for some reason, you went with Knuckleduster." - Shido

"You are so gay, that you have a tattoo on your left ass cheek that says 'Come on' and on the right ass cheek 'Just do it.'" - Knuckleduster


Kaina, Danjuro, and La Brava were watching the 'fight' with half-opened eyes. Kaina had a different image of the Leader and the Veteran Vigilante a few moments ago before the 'fight' but watching them 'fight' changed her entire view of these two.

Danjuro went up to the two and separated them from each other.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the future plans. Chief, Let's talk about the future plans." Danjuro tried to change the topic to a serious one.

I backed off and took my seat. I have more serious things to do now. But next time, I will prepare a list beforehand to deal with this old man.

"Okay, now since the problem of Evidence is solved, then we will discuss what we will do.

Danjuro will mainly handle the problems of Hosu City and act as a Vigilante with a no-killing principle. I want people to see you in a good light, not as a murderer like me.

La Brava and Kaina will handle the evidence-making process entirely. Once the Evidence is completed, The team will review it before leaking it out. And Kaina, you will have to train Danjuro and La Brava on how to use guns and make them proficient enough to defend themselves with a gun.

Old Man and I will be on the hunt and the hunt will start tomorrow night. Knuckleduster will clean up Naruhata and I will focus on Musutafu.

Any Questions?" I quickly briefed through the points and turned to the members.

"Chief, Why do we need training with guns? I think Gentle is powerful enough to handle most of his enemies and I won't be participating in the battles." La Brava asked.

"You know I fought Eraserhead in the 'Hero Ambush'? He has the quirk 'Erasure' which can erase a quirk's activation temporarily. Imagine yourself or Danjuro in front of such an enemy. Do you think Danjuro or you can deal with Eraserhead in Hand-to-Hand Combat? There are a lot of limitations in his quirk which can be exploited to evade the erasure of quirk activation, but I think having the ability to self-defend in such cases will be good and a gun is a good tool for self-defense ." I explained to La Brava.

Even if La Brava is not going to fight on the frontlines, but what's the problem in learning how to use guns. We don't know what can happen if we are in a dangerous position and don't have the privilege to save her, Then what?

"Where am I going to live?" Kaina asked the next question.

'Yeah, I didn't think about that.'

I cannot let her stay here as this is Danjuro's Apartment and I am using this apartment as a temporary base for Night Raid. I cannot let her stay in a normal house or apartment as that will be like inviting authorities to her house.

'Definitely, not my house or I don't think Yandere Fuyumi will be happy to hear that I kidnapped a woman out of the most secure prison of Japan and let her stay in the same building as me. Who am I kidding, She won't even think that much and will be angry over the fact that I let a woman stay under the same roof as me. And I don't know how will she react.'

I think Giran can be called at times like this. I then remembered that we still have to give him an answer to his request for revenge. I turned to look at Knuckleduster.

"You made up your mind on Giran's Request?"

He nodded, "I want you to accept his request but I will kill the mastermind and you remember that. I want this Trigger farce to end and I want to do this as soon as possible."

I agreed to his request and called Giran,

:: So you have an answer for my request Mr. Night Slash? ::

"Yeah, I have an answer to your request and that is, we will be taking up this request but on a demand and I want you to promise that the demand will be fulfilled after we complete the mission."

:: What is the demand? ::

"We want a favor from the Top Dogs of the Underworld. We will not cash in the favor right after we complete the mission but I will keep it for the future."

:: These people don't like to owe favors, not even from their family members. It hurts their pride. You know that right? then why are you asking for this ridiculous demand? ::

"That's the point Giran. I want to see if they are sincere enough and will bend their pride to save the Underworld they rule or they will keep their petty pride which has already been trampled on by someone way stronger than them and they couldn't even do anything, Just watching the scene happening in front of their eyes. And a favor from the Top Dogs of the Underworld may be quite useful."

:: I will talk to them about this and give you an answer. Anything else? ::

"Yeah. I want you to find an apartment for a friend of ours. You know, to hide from prying eyes. And some big apartments would be appreciated."

:: Okay I am sending some options with the address. All these residences are my property so there is no problem with your privacy. If you like anything from the options, go to the address of the residence and occupy it directly. For rent, you will have to give money to a guy who will visit you on the first day of every month... And... Yeah, I just remembered...

The shipment of Trigger will leave the Tokyo port at the end of February. I think this will be a piece of useful information for you guys since you accepted the mission::

'But the plot starts after 2 days... Well, the plot is not that important at the start. The Entrance Exam and normal classes don't need my attention. I only need to focus on the USJ Attack which is in March, if I have to focus on something from the plot in its initial phase.'

I hung up the call And looked at the team members.

"We will be off to America at the end of this month and now we will be going to look for a new base for the Team."

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