MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Raid (2).

Shido was running towards the location of Knuckleduster and Mr. Fantastic. He destroyed every wall in his way. They are currently fine, as they had not taken any considerable damage which can be seen in the Gang/Member List from the list. He sometimes turned to ask Eri if she is okay, to which the girl only replied by 'Hmm'.

The Walkie beeped

::LB to Chief. ::-La Brava

"What is it La Brava?"-Shido

::There are movements recorded, Police dispatched a large number of personnel as the people reported the police about the gunshots and tremors coming from the base. Heroes are expected to join the police. ::-La Brava

"Okay, I am on my way towards the guys, after joining with them, We are leaving."-Shido

:: Status of the mission? ::- La Brava

"Objective 1- Target has been acquired, Objective 2- 60% of the data deleted."-Shido

:: Copy that ::-La Brava

"Continue to look at the movement, if they are near the base or there is any change in the movement, notify me."-Shido

:: On it. ::-La Brava

Shido continued his run towards the rest of members.


While Shido was coming towards Knuckleduster and Mr. Fantastic. The situation in the room where main computer is located was not so good.

Knuckleduster and the 3 members of Eight Bullets with Chronostasis were in a stalemate, as Knuckleduster shot the enemies with his pump shotgun which has unlimited ammo and no reloading, while the bullets are stopped by a barrier made by one of the member of Shie Hassaikai, Hekiji Tenga with the quirk Barrier.

Knuckleduster was able to kill one of the member of the Bullets, just as the they entered the room, Knuckleduster with the element of surprise, ambushed them and killed Toya Setsuno. But before he could kill more, Hekiji erected a barrier to block the bullets.

This is going on for some time, Knuckleduster continuously shooting, thus not giving them a chance make a movement. While the Bullets are protected by the barrier which makes them immobile.

"How long is it going to take?"-Knuckleduster shouted while shooting towards the 3 Bullets.

"I don't know, it is 65% now."-Mr. Fantastic

"Then, what are you doing there, if the program is deleting the data?"-Knuckleduster

"I am... I am.. looking at this, if there is any problem..."-Mr. Fantastic said as he couldn't find any words to say. It was his job to upload the program, but now the program is already uploaded and doing its work, but Mr. Fantastic was still on the computer, just looking at the progress bar.

"If you don't have anything to do then, come and help here."-Knuckleduster shouted.

Mr. Fantastic left his position and went to Knuckleduster to help.

"Stop shooting."-Mr. Fantastic

"What? You crazy or something? The gun is stopping them on the bay. Don't interrupt."-Knuckleduster

"Just believe me."-Mr. Fantastic

Listening to this conversation, the Bullets also readied themselves for the incoming attack as they knew the enemy won't be stupid to discard their only advantage.

Knuckleduster stopped shooting, which finally gave some rest to his hands, which were sore from continuous shooting and recoil from the gun.

Even after Knuckleduster stopped shooting, the barrier was still erected as it is. The Bullets were standing vigilantly, waiting for the attack from the enemy, but the expected attack didn't came. After some time, still the attack didn't came. They looked at each other for a moment then rushed to attack the intruders.

Yu Hojo crystallized his hands to form a crystallized fist, while Chronostasis shot several shots from his gun towards Mr. Fantastic. But all their attacks were frozen in front of Mr. Fantastic trying to move towards Mr. Fantastic but they were stopped by something akin to a barrier but invisible.

"Does he also have a barrier quirk?"-Yu Hojo who was stuck, trying to attack Mr. Fantastic

But before someone could answer his question,

"Fantastical Rebound"- Mr. Fantastic

As he said these words all the bullets and Yu Hojo were thrown back at a very high speed. Tjis shocked the Bullets but Knuckleduster was dissatisfied.

"You could've done this just after uploading the program."-Knuckleduster

Mr. Fantastic just scratched his head helplessly. The walkie-talkie started beeping.

:: LB to Gentle. ::-La Brava

"What is it, La Brava?"- Mr. Fantastic

:: Chief is flying in towards your location, after he reaches you, you all will leave. ::-La Brava

"But what about the second objective? it's 30% remaining now."- Mr. Fantastic said while looking at the progress bar.

:: There is a movement recorded, it is from the police. The residents of the area near base have reported the sound of gunshots and tremors to the police. Heroes may also join the police to the base. ::-La Brava

"I understand"-Mr. Fantastic said. He knows that they have to escape as soon as possible before the police reaches the base, but he is still dissatisfied as he couldn't complete his mission.

:: Don't worry about the objective, Chief has alternatives. ::- La Brava

"Okay, we will wait for him."-Mr. Fantastic

::Be careful, Gentle. ::-La Brava

This made Mr. Fantastic smile a little.


Overhaul and Mimic were running to catch Shido.

"How long will the rest of the Bullets will take to come to the base?"-Overhaul

"30 Minutes, as they were in the other side of the city, dealing with the thugs who were killing our trigger dealers."- Mimic

Overhaul pondered for a bit while running. Then he looked towards Mimic with a serious expression.

"Take over the base."-Overhaul

Mimic nodded and took out a syringe filled with Trigger. Without any hesitation, he injected the trigger, which made him yelling while clutching his head. He calmed a bit, then jumped into the wall. He took over the base and quickly rushed towards Shido. Overhaul continued on foot.


Shido was running, when he felt the ground waving making his steps unstable. He looked at the walls which were looking like they were made of Modelling Clay. He understood that Mimic has took over the base.

Shido quickly connected to the walkie-talkie.

"Is everything okay on your side?"-Shido

:: Yes, everything is fine. But we are still stuck here with the enemies. ::-Mr. Fantastic

"Good, what's the situation now?"-Shido

:: We broke the stalemate, but we couldn't escape as the barrier guy held us down. Now we are again in a stalemate, in which we are unable to exit. ::-Mr. Fantastic

"How's the progress of the program?"-Shido

:: 75% data deleted. ::-Mr. Fantastic

"Just a little bit more time and I am there."-Shido

{KANGAROO} - Super Jump

[Cheat Activated]

Shido jumped while preparing for a punch.

'Super Punch 20%' He punched the roof and was outside the base. He ran towards the location of the guys, reached easily as their was no obstacle in his path.  Shido heard the sound of sirens coming far from him, he concluded that police is really close to the base.

When he reached the place, he again prepared his fist and punched the ground. He made a very big hole on the ground. He could see Knuckleduster and Mr. Fantastic countering the attacks of the Bullets with the Elastic air layer (Mr. Fantastic's Quirk). He jumped down the hole, while shooting the Bullets with his UZIs. He killed two of them, Yu Hojo and Chronostasis, while only Barrier guy left alive.

"Took you long enough Chief."-Mr. Fantastic said with a smile.

"Yeah, the main boss showed up."-Shido

"Done with him?"-Knuckleduster


They looked at the progress bar which is at 85% which is far from completion.

"Do we wait till the completion?"-Mr. Fantastic

"No, Police is on the way and they are already near the base. We have to leave as soon as possible."-Shido

When they were talking, someone interrupted them.

"Not on my watch, I will make you stay here until Boss arrives."-Hekiji Tengai

Shido was not in the mood, he quickly took out a Minigun from the inventory and shot Hekiji Tengai mercilessly. Tengai didn't have the time to erect his barrier, as before he could, he was riddled with holes.

"You were saying something."-Shido said in irritated tone.

He looked at the progress bar, which was at 87%. He then took out several white bags with an antennae and placed them near the computer and on the walls.

"What are these things?"-Mr. Fantastic

"My gift to Shie Hassaikai."-Shido

The walki-talkie started beeping

:: LB to Chief. ::-La Brava

:: The police has surrounded the base, Heroes and police are preparing to enter the base. ::- La Brava

"Okay, we are leaving."-Shido said and looked towards Mr. Fantastic.

"Make the ground elastic."-Shido

Mr. Fantastic complied and made the ground elastic.

"Fantastical Trampoline"-Mr. Fantastic

Shido stretched his hands towards both of them, they understood what he wanted to do, they grabbed his hands. Shido then prepared by bending his knees.

'Super Jump'

Super Jump with Elastic ground made them jump very high. They passed through the hole which Shido made earlier. They were high in the air, they could see the base under them surrounded by Police and Heroes.

Heroes and the police noticed three figures rushing upwards in the air. Police raised their guns and heroes prepared for the battle.

Shido took out the detonator from the Inventory to Knuckleduster's hands. Knuckleduster was puzzled by the sudden appearance of a remote with a single red button in his hands.

"Would you do the honors of completing the last phase of my gift to Shie Hassaikai."-Shido

Knuckleduster now understand what is Shido going to do.

"Gladly."-Knuckleduster said with a excited grin on his face.

He pressed the button and then,

The entire Shie Hassaikai compound was filled with explosions, the entire compound fell down making a large hole on the ground, revealing the underground base of Shie Hassaikai to the world.

Knuckleduster had a question,

"How did you placed so many explosives in the compound?"-Knuckleduster.

Shido didn't said anything. He just took satchel charges from his Inventory to random places within 5 meters range while running.

Mr. Fantastic continuously made elastic air layers on their feet to jump forward and with this they were able to come out of the range of Police and the Heroes.

:: Chief, What is the situation now?::- La Brava

"Mission Passed."


(A/N: I am stuck with how Shido will legally adopt Eri, so I want to ask the readers to give their input on this. Point to consider: Eri's data is available to the government. Overhaul is no that influential to erase Eri's Data from the Government records.

You just have to comment on this paragraph if you want to give your thought.)

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