MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.


Its's time for the rescue. I called Toshinori on the phone.

"Hello Toshinori"-Shido

"Hello Shido, so what do you want to talk about early in the morning?"-Toshinori

"Can you come to my shop? I need to talk to you about something very important." -Shido

"Ok I will come as soon as possible."-Toshinori

After half an hour, Toshinori in his small might form came to the shop which have a sign 'CLOSED'. He went in, Shido was waiting for him. They took seats, Shido sat opposite to him.

"So what is the important thing?"-Toshinori

"Can you rescue a girl from the Yakuza?"-Shido

Toshinori frowned as it was not such a big request, a team of heroes will be enough for it and Yakuza are not that strong compared to their power before the age of heroes. but asked

"Is it that simple?"-Toshinori

"No, the Yakuza is Shie Hassaikai and the girl is the granddaughter of the Boss of the Yakuza."-Shido

This further confused why Shido is trying to rescue a girl from the Yakuza her grandfather runs. Seeing the confusion Shido explained things to Toshinori that the boss is in a comatose state and the Yakuza is now under the control of Kai Chisaki. Kai Chisaki wants to make Quirk-Destroying Drug to reduce the power of government and heroes, while also selling the antidote to gain the monopoly in market and raise the power of Yakuza to their former glory. And the key to the drug is the girl. Shido didn't revealed Eri's quirk.

Listening to this, Toshinori now knew the seriousness of the matter. If the drug is released it will create a power imbalance between heroes and villains in the country leading to chaos everywhere.

"Can I know the source of the information?"-Toshinori wanted to know the authenticity of the news.

"Can't tell, the person wants to be anonymous, but the news is coming straight from the Underworld."-Shido

This cleared the doubts of Toshinori, as such things will first appear in Underworld. But Toshinori was wondering how to rescue the girl.

"How did you get to know the news?"-Toshinori

"Hmm, I have some contacts here and there you know."-Shido said while showing a small smile becoming more mysterious to Toshinori.

"I will what I can do."-Toshinori stood from his place and left.

"Yeah you do your thing and I will do mine"-Shido said as he looked at the back of leaving Toshinori.


That day, Nighteye called Toshinori as he wanted to talk about something. Toshinori went to Nighteye's Agency in Hosu city to talk. It was already evening, Nighteye told him about the future where All might with several heroes are fighting the gangsters, and an unexpected help came. All might was now sure about the authenticity of the news, decided to tell Nighteye about it, how the gangsters were Yakuza members and the Quirk Destroying drug Yakuza is making to destabilize the heroes.

As Nighteye heard about this news, he quickly called for the meeting of heroes who can present in the area or can respond as soon as possible. Not many could show up, but the number was sufficient according to Nighteye as he saw the number of yakuza members in the vision. He briefed the whole situation to the present heroes and declared that they will take action tomorrow morning as soon as they get the arrest warrant. The reason for the sudden attack was, if the news of the product is already in the underworld, then the release of product is not that far away. They don't want the drugs to be even released.

Nighteye contacted the authorities about the issue and were guaranteed that they can issue an arrest warrant as the first thing in the morning.


Next morning, the heroes and the police rushed towards the Yakuza base (Seen in the future vision of Nighteye.) , the yakuza members started resisting the police and heroes by fighting and blocking the entrance. While this was happening, All might didn't want to take more time to complete this mission, as the more the time passes the more the time the yakuza gets to gather and flee.

"Texas Smash" he made a powerful wind pressure to throw yakuza members from the way.

Nighteye began leading the police force and heroes inside the base. While this was happening, a person in black costume was already moving inside the secret passage.


Few minutes earlier,

I checked the heroes and villains are tangled, I ran in the base from the other entrance to avoid heroes, as there may be a hero with a perception based quirk.

{AEZAKMI} - Disable Wanted Level

[Cheat Activated]

This cheat makes my presence very thin making it hard to find me or see me under normal conditions. If someone is actively looking for me, then may be able to find an approximate position. If I attacked someone in this state, then they may be able to dodge the attack if they possess high perception skills that is they are very skilled in fights or through their quirk.

I used [Maps] to find the correct route towards the room in which Eri is in right now. I made my towards the room but found two more presences coming towards the room, but they are far from the room and it will take some time.

I entered the room

{AEZAKMI} - Disable Wanted Level

[Cheat Deactivated]

Eri was startled to see a person 'suddenly' appearing in her room, she feared as the person was fully covered in his costume.

I walked towards Eri which was making her uncomfortable as she was curling herself more and more with tears in her eyes. To make the situation a bit light, I removed my helmet, she must have been fearing my helmet, and crouched.

"Hello, is your name Eri?"-Shido said in light and caring tone.


"So, Eri do you want to leave this place and live happily?"-Shido

Shido was asking obvious things just to communicate with her to lower her wariness.

Eri was stunned for a moment , but quickly nodded as she wanted to leave as soon as possible but quickly shook her head as Kai had told her that she is a cursed child, wherever she will go she will bring misfortune to others.

"Eri, don't be so weak-willed, everyone has the right to live freely, live in happiness and live with freedom."-Shido

This made Eri to see some light of hope for her freedom. She also wanted to be free and happy like others.

"You can also live happily and there is no need for you to stay in a room for the rest of you life."-Shido

While he was talking, the presences ere getting closer and closer to the room.

"Eri, can you wait here for me? I or an uncle with blonde hair will come to rescue you. ok Just wait here for us."-Shido said this and put back his helmet.


He dashed towards the incoming two presences. He took out two sawn-off shotguns, as he went closer, he found the two presences were of two people from the eight bullets.

He quickly fired and blowed their heads-off before they could register who was in front of them. He ran towards the direction of Overhaul. When he reached there, All might was already in a fight with the 2 of eight of bullets, Overhaul and Chronostasis and Mimicry. Nobody turned towards Shido as everyone was entangled with All Might.

Shido took aim and started shooting the members of eight bullets first.

'Unexpected Help from the vision of Nighteye.' All might Thought

Some members were able to dodge the incoming bullets but four were not able to dodge and died on the spot.

"What are you doing? Don't kill them, we have to arrest them."-All might

"It's your work not mine."-Night Slash

Night Slash didn't stopped and continued to shoot while changing weapons from shotguns to assault rife to submachine guns. He killed all of them, including Overhaul while All Might was trying to subdue them.

"You know what you have done, it's murder you will have to be punished by the law, you are coming with me."-All Might said while not having the his signature smile on his face.

"Let's save the girl first, then we can talk about this."-Night Slash

"There is no need of any talk, you will be handed to the police after this and Nighteye already went to save the girl"-All Might

Hearing Nighteye is with Eri  should give him some assurance but something was bugging him right now.

'I killed 4 of the eight bullets where are the others.'

When he reached the room where Eri was, they saw police and heroes standing in a circle surrounding something, making it difficult what was ahead of them.

Shido pushed the police and heroes aside to go to the center. The heroes and police quickly recognized him as Night Slash as the description from witnesses matches him very accurately. When he reached the center, he saw two bodies lying on the ground. One was of a man with green hair and some yellow mixed in it and other was of a small child with white hair.

This scene was never expected by Shido. He quickly went towards the body of the girl, and took her in his arms.

"Hey Eri, wake up, look I have saved you from the villains who captured you, You can live happily now."-Shido

He threw his helmet off his face.

"Look I threw the helmet, no need to be afraid of me right? It's me... look Eri I told you You can live happily and freely."

Tears started dropping from his eyes.

"Hey Eri.. Why don't you reply.. say something."-Shido

Everyone was shocked to see the real face of the vigilante Night Slash and how he was crying for the girl. All Might was also surprised to see his friend being the Vigilante known for the week-long Villain Hunting.

All might now understand why Shido had the news and he wanted to save the child. He placed his hand on the shoulder of Shido to console him.

"She cannot ... She is dead Shido. You have to let go"-Shido

Shido turned towards All Might with bloodshot eyes.

"It's all your fault.... Yes , it's all your fault. "-Shido

Shido knew it was his fault but he cannot accept it, he cannot accept the fact that Eri died because of him. He could have taken her to a safe place first while he was in stealth then fight Overhaul and his minions, but his overconfidence took over him. All Might could have fought them for more time but still he interrupted the fight instead of saving Eri.

He didn't knew why he was crying, was it the fact that Eri is dead or Eri is dead because of him.

All Might couldn't say anything, He was in shock with so many things happening, his former sidekick Nighteye died along with the rescue target of their mission, trying to defend her from the remaining 4 of eight bullets. He died with Eri before the reinforecement could come. The reinforcement quickly subdued the remaining Eight bullets.

And his friend turned out to be a Vigilante.

Shido felt really bad as he gave her hope to live. If she died earlier, she would be liberated from her torment, but Shido gave her hope to live freely and happily ,saying he can save her, and she died. This made her death more horrible for her when she just had some hope for her future and she died after few minutes, crushing her hope entirely. This made her death more horrible for Shido.

Shido was on his knees, holding the dead body of Eri, with tears falling from his eyes.

"Don't..... don't d... Die. Please... Don't die on me"

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