MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Rewards and Information/

I found myself in my room back. Only a few minutes have passed, when I was gone for the mission.

'Did I complete the mission?'

I opened the status screen and clicked on [Brief/Logs]

[Mission Objective- Help CJ and the GSF members to repel the Ballas from the Grove Street.]

[Mission Passed!

Respect +20%]

[Mission Available

Mission- Burning Desire


'Yeah, when I completed the mission 'House Party', the system showed the next mission, I declined it, as I wanted to meet CJ and others, but the System forcefully teleported me back.'

I looked at my stats screen

[Respect- 20%

Stamina- 30%

Muscle- 38%


Finally, some I got something in respect.

'Then, does it mean people will start to look at me with respect? Yeah that will be good.'

But, there was something that I couldn't understand, Why the System gave me such a random Mission instead of the first mission from the start of the game.

'I guess I can only find out about this next time there is a mission available.

Without further thinking, I went to sleep.


Next morning, I just did some basic exercise and went to open the shop. I didn't went to Izuku and Yagi because I was only giving some tips and Yagi is responsible for his training, I will go to him when he completes his physical training, to teach him some fighting techniques to further increase his fighting power, but I will meet them occasionally.

I decided to go Giran today to get some information about the Yakuza and some high-level villains.

Serving the customers having a smile on the face all the time can be exhausting sometimes, even though I am doing it for several months and have some experience in it.

I closed the shop at noon and went to the address Giran messaged me. It was far away from my house but the good thing is, it is accessible by taxi. I equipped clothes from the San Andreas shop and wore a black face mask with a beanie on the head and black shades. It covered most of my face.

I reached the place after 1 hour in taxi, On the address, there is a normal looking shop. I entered the shop, where I saw a receptionist was sitting behind a glass wall like in banks. I went to him and asked

"I wanted to meet Giran"-Shido

The receptionist was looking towards me the moment I entered the shop and nodded when I said I wanted to meet Giran. He stood up and lead the way. We reached a door and he knocks the door three times but with a particular time period between them.


The receptionist opens the door for me, I entered the room and he left the room. The office is comparable to other offices without any peculiarity or special to make it stand out.

"Then, Mr?"-???

"Sorry..I was a little lost in my thoughts. You can call me Erebus and I was looking for some information."-Shido said in a calm and steady tone, as he knew Giran is a character from the story who will later join League of Villains and knows that Giran stays very professional to his work.

Despite being only interested in profiting of his dealings, Giran possesses standards. He refuses to have dealings with anyone he hates, and no amount of money or threats will change his mind. Even under the most severe of tortures, such as when his fingers were chopped off, he refuses to collaborate and disclose confidential information of his clients and partners.

Thats's why Shido wants to make a favorable image in front of Giran, to make future transactions more easy and Giran also offers advise or his opinion to his clients if he thinks it is necessary. Getting advice from a guy with keen intellect can be very helpful.

"Giran, Now you can have information from me as long as the pay is right."-Giran

"Money is not a problem."-Shido

Listening to this, Giran had some light flashed in his eyes but was not noticed by Shido as Giran was wearing a pair of circular glasses.

"So, what kind of information you want from me?"-Giran

"I want information about the Yakuza in Hosu city and a list of some High-level villains with their most recent locations."-Shido

"That will cost you a lot y'know."-Giran

"As I said, Money is not a problem"-Shido

Giran had a grin on his face listening to this. He stood up and went to a stack of documents and took a document folder and placed in front of me.

I opened the folder to find details of villains with some details such as quirks, recent location of activity etc. I closed the folder and again praised the professionalism of this broker.

Giran took his seat and said

"Currently, I don't have that much information about the Yakuza group you mentioned, It will take around 1-2 weeks to get the information. You will need to pay in advance half the price of the information."-Giran

I nodded and placed 3 fat bundles of bills on the counter.

"Two for the villain information and one for the advance payment."-Shido

"Isn't it a bit much?"-Giran

"Just take it as a First transaction gift from me."-Shido

"Haha, yes I will gather the information as fast I can."-Giran

"Well I hope you will inform me as you get the information"-Shido

"Yes, just give your phone number to the receptionist, he will contact you when we get the information."-Giran

Shido nodded and then said

"Isn't your security a bit lax?"-Shido

Giran grinned and said

"Don't worry, the receptionist has a quirk to identify who possesses a hostile or malicious intents, if someone is identified as one, the guys behind the shop will take care of them."-Giran

'Well, it's my mistake to underestimate a broker connected to Underworld. Things are not that simple as they seem.' Shido thought in his mind.

Shido stood up and raised his hands for a handshake towards Giran. Giran also stood up and handshakes Shido.

"Thanks for the business."-Giran

Shido nods and leaving, but he suddenly turned around while opening the door.

"I hope my identity and our transaction remains a secret."-Shido

"What kind of merchant sells out his customers?! You don't have to worry about that. "-Giran

Satisfied with Giran's answer, Shido leaves the shop after giving the receptionist his number. While he was waiting for a taxi. He saw an old guy with white hair wearing extravagant clothes walking with a short girl recording him. The old guy was talking to the camera. The short girl with twin tails is recording the video as well as asking questions to which the old guy replies her while looking towards the camera and doing poses. The short girl is making squeels of excitement.

"Well La Brava, it's time to show my wonderful masterpiece of a plan to the world."

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