MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

Skinny Duo And Step-Up.

The skinny duo of green hair and blond hair were training when they noticed a person in a black tracksuit coming towards them. They stopped doing whatever they were doing and watched as the person approached them.

The man stopped and asked "You are training him?" he asked the blond-haired guy.

"Yes"- The blond guy

"Then why are you making him drag a weight which he clearly cannot pull with his strength?"-Shido

"He will find a way out of this... right Young Midoriya?"- the blond guy

"..Yea..Yeah ... I will find a way"-the green-haired 'Midoriya' said

Listening to this, Shido facepalmed and thought

'These two are the same as the anime, All Might being oblivious on how to train the body to vessel the One for All, as he already had developed body when he received One for All from Nana Shimura, and Izuku being a wimp, I cannot judge him for being a wimp as he faced bullying from his childhood, but he should at least have the courage to stand against it.'

"You know, you should start with little heavier objects which he can pull then slowly increase the load. What you are doing is detrimental to his body which can result in injuries like shoulder or knee injuries."-Shido

Listening to this, Izuku looked towards the blond guy and asked

"Did you knew about this?"-Midoriya

"No, haha, you see I didn't face this type of problem during my time so I didn't know."-the blond guy

Midoriya had a 'shocked to death' face while Shido was watching this with a stoic face.

'What is wrong with this guy, he was just experimenting with his training on this little guy and how did Izuku complete his training without injuries in the anime? Must be his plot armor.' Shido pondered for a bit.

"So, I think I should go now."- Shido said while turning around to leave

'Why did I thought, it would be a good idea to meet the main characters, these guys are brain-damaged.'

"NO!!, wait, you look professional in training others, why don't you give some advice and tips to me, I am trying to train him for the hero course entrance exam and it is his dream to become a hero and there are only 5 months for the exam, he might fail you know.... his dream will shatter, it will be very sad to see."- the blond guy started giving 'sad' reasons, trying to rope me in to train Izuku.

'What's with this guy, he can just hire a personal trainer for him with his money, No.1 hero should have a lot to spend right?'

'Since everything is going with anime logic, then who am I to follow logic and rationality here.'

Making the decision in his mind, he sighed and said "Ok, I will meet you here at 6 AM tomorrow."

"Thank you very much, oh I forgot to introduce myself, Yagi Toshinori"-Yagi

"...Izuku Midoriya"- Izuku said with a stutter

"Shido Kanzaki"-Shido

"Then, see you tomorrow"-Shido

Saying this, he left the beach and went to his home.

In his home, Shido and Fuyumi are watching TV while snuggling with each other on the sofa. Shido doesn't open his shop on Saturday and Sunday, as he spends his entire time with Fuyumi on these two days.



"How are you going to make my dad acknowledge our relationship?"-Fuyumi

"You will know... later, Did you told your family other than your mom, about us?"-Shido


Fuyumi had a strange expression while saying that

"It's not like we are going to hide this forever, I will come to your house to announce our relationship to your family."-Shido


"Yeah, but two weeks later."-Shido

"Ok, I get, whenever you are ready, just give me a call, I will arrange everything"-Fuyumi said with some tears in her eyes.

Maybe declaring our relationship to her family is a big thing for her. let's do this after I gain more experience from the villains. Fighting villains is really good as it is making my training have some real-life experiences and it is good to steel my mind for some killings, so I don't chicken out during some decisive moment.

At night, I was out in the city, trying to find some villains, but because of my yesterday's killings, many villains are not showing up on the streets, also the number of heroes and police patrolling the streets is high compared to normal days, Must be their way to offset the hate they got after the incident.

Even with this security, some stupid people act like they possess a quirk 'Retard', acting like a complete moron. These guys are just small villains trying to gain some name in the villain circle.

I just shot these guys on their legs with my desert eagles. With the sound of gunshots, police and heroes will arrive to catch these morons, and people will think the police had to use guns to apprehend the villains. A win-win situation for me and Heroes. I get some field experience from the villains, heroes and police get the praises from the citizens.

Shooting live people is now becoming easier for me as I was not very comfortable with that at first. So this can be counted as a form of experience I guess.

The night went on, I was chatting with Fuyumi till 1 AM, then stopped as she went to sleep, she has to go to school tomorrow to teach. In the remaining time, I just jumped around buildings while looking for any villain. If found any, just shoot them on their legs making a loud sound of the gunshot and run away, the police and heroes will clean up for me.

After a few hours, I got bored and I wanted to go home to sleep.

Doing the same anti-surveillance protocol of changing routes with outfits, I reached home and lied on my bed. I started to think about the gains I harvested today,.... nearly nothing just shot some small-time villains and nothing more.

So let's think about the future tasks,

1.) Convince Endeavor to acknowledge the relationship with Fuyumi, but when push comes to shove, use force to convince him.

2.) After completing the 'convincing endeavor' task, I will go to Hosu city, to look for more information about the Yakuza. I have already delayed this for a long time.

But from today's trip, I learned one thing, I need information, information about villains I can kill, information about the Yakuza, information about the League of Villains who are going to make more trouble later.

'I need the information to step up my vigilante game.'

(A/N: I never explained this earlier, MC only kills villains who are about to do a major crime or have a big criminal history but renders the small-time villains to be a temporary, sometimes permanent, cripple by breaking their bones or shooting them on their legs, and threatening them with various means like RPG, grenades or shotgun, etc.)

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