MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

The Agreement Fear.

Knuckleduster was on his way to the mainland after leaving the Submarine Base of AVL. He was in the blue car - which made its dramatic entrance in the hall of AVL before the meeting with Silas- with AVL Agent Lucy Wilde.

Knuckleduster was amazed to see that a tiny car can also act as a submarine, which drives through the rough, deep waters effortlessly. But aside from the feeling of amazement, there was a much bigger feeling. It was the feeling of impending a great threat.

Knuckleduster has a cautious side which he has cultivated in his days of being an undercover hero in the Underworld, and a Vigilante who fought against a huge number of enemies, just to save his daughter. He is called a Paranoid by the team leader Night Slash as he was against the plan to threaten the HPSC, and he believes that Night Slash should lay low when No.2 Hero is behind him.

It is just that the man called Night Slash himself is an anomaly, which can blackmail the HPSC and defeat three top-ranking heroes alone, otherwise, his advice was something to be taken very, very seriously.

And again this time, his fear is justified. The source of the threat this time is an International Organization and it was the director of the Organization himself who gave the 'warning.' After working with Night Slash for two months, and experiencing a lot of shocks, He knows one thing for sure.

Night Slash won't accept the terms that Silas presented.

And that's the problem. AVL is an International Organization, and fighting against them is plain foolish. Now, all on his mind was to form a persuasive argument to persuade Night Slash. The terms are not that bad. All they had to do is cooperate in the Investigation after that, they are free to go. There is no condition that there should be results of the investigation. This thing can be solved easily if and only if Night Slash cooperates easily and without any resistance.

This was the reason he asked Silas for some time to give the answer. He needs to talk to Night Slash to delay the mission that Giran gave them so that he can agree to Silas' offer.


"Why didn't you agree to Silas' offer. I mean there's nothing you are losing right? Maybe we will be partners and then you know Bad guys, *pew* *pew*, Gadgets, and all that exciting stuff. Being a secret agent is really great." Lucy asked Knuckleduster in her usual 'happy-go-lucky' tone.

"There are things to consider and there are things which need to be taken care of. I cannot take decisions for the team without even consulting them."

"But we asked only for your cooperation, not your team's."

Knuckleduster realized that he accidentally slipped up a bit of information to the opposite party. So this time, Knuckleduster didn't reply.

He just sat there and looked outside the window. Throughout the travel, Lucy tried to make some small talk with Knuckleduster but failed to do so.


"Here is my card. You can use this to contact me when you have an answer for us. Till Then Bye Bye and Sayonarrraaa~~~." Lucy drove her car away, leaving Knuckleduster alone on a desolate street.

He started walking down the road, and he took out a card from his coat. Lucy said the area mentioned in the address is near where she dropped him. This was the address of Giran's connection in America. Knuckleduster wanted to meet the connection first and to know the situation here. After assessing all the information, he will contact Night Slash and discuss future actions.

After asking the only people he could find in that desolate street, he found his way to a big house painted black, in the middle of white-colored houses on both sides.

Knuckleduster rang the doorbell and stood outside with a suitcase in his hand. After waiting for a few minutes, the door finally opened and revealed the one who opened the door,

"Hola... tu??"

It was the same yellow bizarre creature that he saw in the AVL but now in a maid dress.


[Shido's POV]

I groggily woke up as I felt my phone vibrating near the futon. I picked up the phone,

"*Yawn* Hello.." I answered in a small voice, while still laying on the futon.

But there was no answer and the vibration hasn't stopped. Then I realized that I have another phone that I use. I picked up the Nigh Raid phone - besides the futon - and accepted the call.


:: Night Slash, are you awake now? ::

"I was not... But whatever... What do you want?"

:: I Need to talk. Very Important stuff. ::

"Wait a minute." I need to go outside the room to talk. Eri and Himiko are sleeping. Fuyumi only stays at my house on weekends, so today she is not here. And Eri needs someone to sleep in the same room with her. Either it is me or Fuyumi. So I slept on the floor like I used to do in the early days after Eri's adoption.

After Himiko's adoption by me, I made Himiko sleep near me and stay by my side most of the time, because she is 4-years old, and her quirk may manifest at any time, and her quirk is something that will make changes in her mind. And If dealt carelessly, she will again become the Himiko who loves blood and make others bleed, with a twisted understanding of love.

And she is still having difficulty moving around all by herself. It seems her brain needs more time to adjust to the changes. But when it does adapts, I will have to see whether she gets her old memories back.


I tried to stand up but felt a weight resisting it. When I looked down, it was Himiko sleeping peacefully while hugging me. There was some drool on my shirt but I didn't mind that, instead, It made me remember when Eri used to sleep while hugging my hand as a body pillow.

I slowly pulled Himiko off me, and placed the quilt over her, properly covering her.

I then slowly exited the room and went down the stairs.

"Now... Tell me what is this important thing."


[Back to Knuckleduster]

"When I landed here in the airport. I was taken away by some people...." Knuckleduster said and waited for the team leader to make the snarky comment like he usually does. But this time he didn't.

:: Hmmm...::

"Then I found out that they were the agents of an Organization. They took me to their base and I met their director...."

:: Hmm...::

"The Organization is called Anti-Villain League, an ultra-secret organization to fight crime on a global level. They majorly fight crimes which are on a very big scale. They have asked my cooperation in one of their investigations."

:: What is the case? ::

"Is it okay? This is top-secret info. If there is a leak, both of us will be on the list of International Wanted."

:: Don't worry about that. You should know that we are talking on the most secure phone in the world. No tracing, No jamming, No problem with eavesdropping::

"I don't know about that... I will only say some key points, there will be no specific information. It is better to be safe than sorry. So... Serum. People go Strong. Stolen. Get it back or Danger."

:: Okay, I got the gist of the case. So you called me because you want to cooperate with them and delay Giran's mission for now? And the reason you want to accept this is that you want action?::

"Yeah, you are right about me wanting to cooperate with them, but you are wrong about the reason. When they said they wanted my cooperation, it was not a proposal, It was a threat.
They warned that if I don't cooperate with them, they will take action against you. They said you are a Demon/National-level threat, and a potential Dragon/Global-level threat. You are clearly on their target list. And don't think I care about you that's why I want to accept this, I accepted this because if they took action on you, then it may also diverge to us too, as we are your accomplices."

:: So what do you want? You clearly didn't call me to take my permission::

"I want you to come here and co-operate with the AVL in this investigation. That way you will not be on their hit-list. And don't you dare give me the bullshit that, we will defeat AVL like we defeated HPSC. No. NO. That..."

:: Who said I was going to reject that? I accept and I also suggest the entire Night Raid cooperate in this Investigation::

"You are not rejecting it?"

:: Yeah... we wanted connections right? Then let's make connections with an International Organization. ::


[Shido's POV]

'Are they making something like Super Soldier Serum? That is not something good. Even a small group of people with radical beliefs can turn into something horrible with this serum. And if mass-produced, an army of Super Soldier will be there. It didn't happen in Marvel and it shouldn't happen here too.
And I will only be cooperating with the AVL, I don't have any intention to join them but..... AVL...AVL... Why does it seems like I have heard about it somewhere? It sounds familiar.'

'Too Familiar...'


After that, the call hung up. Knuckleduster was still a bit shocked as things went completely different from what he thought. All this time he was thinking about how to persuade him, but it turned the guy is already on-board.

Knuckleduster-who was in his own thoughts- was brought back, by the arrival of something or someone. It was the yellow creature in maid dress. It/He/She brought a cup and gave it to Knuckleduster.

"Tè... Kampai~~"

After giving the teacup to Knuckleduster the creature went back, leaving behind a puzzled Knuckleduster.

'What are these creatures?'

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