MHA: ‘Serene’ Life in Another World.

The Crew.

The next few days went as usual, Fuyumi and I spent time together, I opened the shop regularly. But I didn't went for the villain-hunt. I just wanted to spend these days in peace. The peace was broken after I got a call from Giran.

"Hello, is Mr. Erebus is talking?"-Giran

"Yes.."-Shido/Erebus (Erebus is the alias he used to meet Giran. It is the name of primordial god of darkness in Greek Mythology.)

"I have gathered the all the information Present in the underworld, about Shie Hassaikai Clan in Hosu city."-Giran

"I will come to your shop for the information and paying the remaining payment."-Shido

"Ok, I will expecting you by 5 PM"-Giran

Shido hung up and the call and looked at the time

'It's 3:45 PM, I should leave now.'


Shido was seating in front of Giran who having a file filled with the details about Shie Hassaikai. Shido gave a slight read to the details and putted it aside. He took out a big stack of cash and placed on the table. Giran happily took the cash.

"Pleasure to doing business with you."-Giran


Shido was silent for some moment before taking out a list and placed it on the table. Giran took the list, he looked at the list, he saw some names written on it. He looked at Shido for the meaning.

"I am looking for the information of the people whose names are written on it."-Shido

"With recent location?"-Giran


"I have the details of some of the people but I will have to check about their locations."-Giran

"How much time will it take?"-Shido

"You can expect it by tomorrow, but you'll have to pay half the price in advance."-Giran

Shido placed 2 big stacks of cash and placed it on the table.

"I am paying full now, You just prepare the information as soon as possible."-Shido

Giran nodded with a grin and took the money. He was already liking this customer, always to the point and giving more money than the price.

Shido left Giran's shop and went back to his usual routine.


Next day.

Shido is standing outside the door of an apartment. After getting the details from Giran about the individuals mentioned in the list, he is standing in front of the door of one the mentioned individuals. He is currently in his 'Night Slash' outfit. He stood their for a while thinking about something, then

{SJMAHPE} - Recruit Anyone                                                                                                                    [Cheat Activated]

{WORSHIPME} - Maximum Respect                                                                                              [Cheat Activated]

The Recruit anyone cheat does the same as it's name it helps to recruit anyone. When this cheat is activated, the words of Shido will be very convincing and alluring to the target, but the cheat fails if the words are totally contradicting or not in line with the target's thinking. The maximum respect cheat increases the [Respect] stat to max temporarily. This increases the chances of recruiting someone as the more respect you have, more likely people will follow you.

Shido, after activating the cheats, knocked on the door. After some time, the door was opened by a short girl with twin tails.

"Hello, can you call Mr. Danjuro Tobita"-Shido

The short girl was a little surprised as the person on the door was wearing a costume and called Gentle Criminal with his real name. The important thing is, the person is very elegant and seems to have a high status (effects of the respect cheat). This made the the little girl happy inside, as she thought their videos finally caught the attention of someone important, but her happiness was short-lived as she realized the person can be from the government law enforcement agencies to arrest them.

"Who are you?"- Little girl asked with some wariness.

"You can call me Night Slash, as most people call me by the name."-Shido said. He still doesn't like this alias given by the police and public.

The name Night Slash made the girl realize who was standing in front of her. The name is very popular on the internet, as the said person is very mysterious and is only mentioned by some witnesses saved by him or the reports from the police. It is rumored that he kills very high level villains and threatens the low level villains by placing a grenade in their mouths. The said vigilante is famous for his week-long villain hunt, where he killed high-level villains continuously for 7 days.

The little girl was now alarmed and panicked, the man in front of her is a vigilante and her accomplice Gentle Criminal is a villain, it was obvious what could it mean. The girl was thinking what to do. While she was thinking what to do, to avoid this situation, a voice from inside the room came,

"La Brava dear, who is on the door this late?"-Gentle

This made the girl who is La Brava, fear more, as the person now knows that Gentle is inside. When La Brava wanted to say something,

"What is taking so long La Brava.. Oh.. who are you?"-Gentle who came to the door now.

La Brava had some cold sweat forming on her forehead.

"My name is Night Slash, I saw your videos on the internet and came to see you"-Shido

Gentle was surprised as he didn't expected a viewer to meet him personally but didn't find it odd as he met La Brava in the same way. Gentle was now looking at the person. The person definitely has a high status than him as he subconsciously had a feeling of respect towards him (effects of respect cheat). Gentle was now praising himself as he was able to attract a person of high status through his video, but La Brava was having a complete different thought process, she interpreted the meaning as 'I have watched you doing a crime, so here I am to kill you.'

"Oh.. I am very happy meeting my admirers, why don't you come inside."-Gentle said excitedly, inviting Shido inside his apartment.

Shido entered the apartment which was just average, not very luxurious or small. But the eye-catching thing was the various types of tea sets consisting of luxury looking tea cups and pots. Gentle and La Brava also followed him back.

"Nice collection you got there."-Shido praised him genuinely

"Haha.. It is just a hobby of mine but also shows my love towards tea."-Gentle was now liking his new 'admirer'.

"So, may I know the reason for your visit to my abode?"-Gentle

"Yes, I was just going to that point."-Shido

La Brava's heart was beating very fast, she believes in Gentle's abilities as he had defeated many pro-heroes, but the difference in this case is the pro-heroes wanted to arrest or subdue them, the vigilante in front of them will attack with the intention of killing them.

"I want you to join my crew."

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