MHA: The Warping Hero

Chapter 10 – The USJ

“Midoriya, I usually say what’s on my mind, kero.” Asui started out. “Your quirk resembles All Might.”

I honestly couldn't help but snicker after hearing that. Asui, or Tsuyu as she prefers to be called, has no idea how close she came to the truth.

Guess Midoriya isn’t as discreet as he thinks he is. And predictably, he immediately got all flustered and tried to deny all the accusations. Thankfully enough, Kirishima managed to come in and save the day.

“Woah, hold your horses. Sure Midoriya’s strong, but he injures himself too, doesn't he?” Kirishima intervened.

“Yeah and even so, it's probably just some form of strength-enhancement quirk. They’re not exactly rare.” I agreed. There you go Midoriya, I’ll help out once in a while.

“Strength-enhancement quirks are simple, but they’re also really manly! You can do a lot of flashy stuff with it!” Kirishima then proceeded to harden his left arm. “Not like my hardening. It’s good in a fight, but it gets real boring sometimes.”

[A/N: This is cap. Unbreakable, till now, remains to be one of the coolest super moves to exist in the anime.]

“Ah, but I think it’s pretty neat though. It’s definitely a quirk worthy of a hero.” Izuku stated, happy with the change of topic.

“At least people don’t judge you whenever you use your quirk. Learn to appreciate what you have.” Shinso said bitterly from the back of the bus.

“Ah, right. Sorry about that, Shinso.” Kirishima said regrettably. Most of our classmates, at this point, have realized that Shinso suffered prejudice when he was young.

“My Naval Laser is pro level in terms of strength and flashiness.” Bragged Aoyama, immediately reducing the tension.

“Yea, until you blow up your own stomach.” teased Mina, causing Aoyama to give a shaky smile.

“Well if you want to talk about strong and flashy,” started Kaminari. “Then it’s gotta be Kazuya, Bakugo, and Todoroki right? Our very own monster trio!”

Bakugo and Todoroki, who weren’t listening at all to the conversation, perked up at their names being mentioned.

“But Bakugo is always mad, so he’ll never get popular. And Todoroki is always acting cold, so I don’t think people will like him.” stated the ever blunt Tsuyu Asui.

Predictably, Bakugo exploded and roared in anger. Proving Tsuyu’s statement right then and there.


“See?” Tsuyu said, with no change in emotion.

‘Kacchan’s getting bullied… Who’d have thought. Guess that’s U.A. for you..’ Midoriya thought, shaking in disbelief.

“Cut the chatter and look sharp, we’re here.”

Aizawa’s voice got the entire class to snap back to attention. It didn’t take us long to disembark from the bus. Without further fanfare, our homeroom teacher brought us into the USJ.

The first thought that came to my mind upon seeing everything was that I’m impressed.

Flood Zone, Conflagration Zone, Landslide Zone, Downpour Zone, Mountain Zone, Ruins Zone. So many different types of disaster sites that could be used in different scenarios with so much excruciating detail, all for the sake of U.A.'s hero students to get a life-like experience in rescue training and get the best possible education.

U.A. definitely doesn’t do things half-assed.

As we entered the large dome building, a woman wearing a large space suit approached us.

“Everyone, I’ve been waiting for you!”

The pro hero thirteen greeted us with enthusiasm. I could hear Uraraka behind me shrieking in excitement. Looks like someone’s a fan.

As expected of a Pro Hero, Thirteen gave a good and enlightening speech on the existence of quirks and their dangers to today’s society. On how our powers, no matter how dangerous and destructive they seem, are not meant to cause harm. But rather born for the sake of helping people. To use our quirks for the safety and rescue of others.

She certainly is good with words. To be able to uplift and excite a group of people is a great aspect to have for a hero.

“Thirteen’s words honestly just fire you up, eh?” Shinso said to me as he clapped his hands alongside the rest of the class when Thirteen ended her speech.

“Yeah unlike you.”

“Jokes on you, my words and my voice could influence people a lot more than you ever could.”

Tch, he got me there.

All chatter stopped however, as a big black hole materialized out of nowhere at the center of the plaza. From it emerged a guy with hands stuck to almost every part of his body. And seeing this person, alongside what seems to be a hundred more pouring out of that black hole, a part of me just screamed fight-or-flight mode. And luckily, unlike the more naive students in my class, some of my classmates were quicker on the uptake.


“I know.” Was his reply as Shinso immediately placed his Artificial Vocal Chords on the lower side of his face. I brandished a knife on one of my hands as I mentally counted the amount of enemies currently standing in the plaza.

“Huddle up and don’t move!”

Our homeroom teacher confirmed our worst fears as he put on his yellow goggles and prepared his scarf.

“Sensei, what’s going on? Are those robots from the entr-”

“Those are villains!” Aizawa’s shout got everyone in the class to tense in shock. “Thirteen! Protect the students!”

“Hmm? I only see Eraserhead and Thirteen.” Stated the person with blue hair and hands all over his body. “Where is All Might? According to the staff schedule, he should be here. Was there a change of plans? As expected of U.A”

“So they’re the scum responsible for trespassing.” growled Aizawa as he glared at the villains.

“Ah, what a shame. And I even went through the trouble of bringing all these people together too. All Might… The Symbol of Peace… I wonder if he’ll come if we kill some kids?”

That particular sentence sent a shiver down a few of my classmate’s spines.

“Villains?! How’d they get in here?” shouted Kirishima.

“Sensei, don’t we have motion detectors in the buildings?” asked Yaoyorozu.

“We do…” answered Thirteen, hesitantly.

“Doesn’t matter!” Barked Aizawa. Seeing as they’re in a precarious position, Aizawa started giving out orders.

“Thirteen, begin evacuation. Get the students out of here and protect them!” Thirteen nodded and started to steer the students to the gate.

“Kaminari! See if you can reach the school with your communicator.”

“Yes, sensei!” Kaminari shouted

“Kazuya! Can you use your quirk and get to the school?” Aizawa asked

“Sorry, sensei.” I said with a shake of my head, “I didn’t leave any tags in school grounds, didn’t see the need for it.”

Aizawa just nodded. “Head for the exit, Kazuya. I’ll handle this.”

“But Mr.Aizawa, you can’t take on all those villains by yourself.” Midoriya said, worried.

“No good hero is a one trick pony, Midoriya. Just focus on getting out of here. Now move!” Aizawa said to Midoriya, before jumping towards the villains below.

Using his quirk and capture scarf, Aizawa engaged the villain in battle. Just looking at the fight, it was painfully obvious that regular thugs stood no chance against an experienced pro. Aizawa took out most of the villains in seconds, without much effort.

The students ran for the exit but were stopped as a familiar black and purple mist took form in front of them.

“Greetings. We are the league of villains. I am Kurogiri. We humbly let ourselves into the noble school of U.A. Our goal, to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath.” said Kurogiri, causing the students to be shocked at the revelation.

“They’re here to kill All Might?!” shouted Hagakure.

“All Might was supposed to be here, but has there been a change in schedule? Well that’s besides the issue. Since he’s not here, my role remains unchanged.”

Thirteen flipped out one of her finger caps to fight, but before he could use her quirk, Bakugo and Kirishima reacted and charged Kurogiri.

“Stop, you idiots!” My yell went ignored as Bakugo blasted and Kirishima punched Kurogiri with a hardened fist.

“Hah! Didn’t expect us to take you out first, did you?” taunted Kirishima

“Oh my, that was dangerous.” Kurogiri said nonchalantly as the dust began to clear. “Despite being kids, you all are golden eggs.”

“Students, move out of the way!” declared Thirteen as he pointed her finger towards Kurogiri, but it was too late.

“My job is to scatter you all and watch you writhe in agony as we torment you! Now begone!” announced Kurogiri.

Kurogiri spread his mist and covered the majority of the students. Luckily, a few students were quick on the uptake. Iida had managed to grab whoever was nearest to him and dashed out of the mist. Shoji grabbed the few who were next to him and managed to anchor himself down.

As soon as I saw Kurogiri make his move, I threw a kunai sideways and teleported away before the mist could get me.

The rest tried to stabilize themselves, but didn’t manage to get away as they were absorbed by the portals.

“Everyone!” shouted Iida in worry, as the mist dispersed.

“Hoo, quite a few students managed to dodge. How impressive.” mused Kurogiri.

Putting her worry for the students at the back of her mind, Thirteen continued to study her opponent for an opportunity to strike.

Shoji and Sato, who were among the ones to not get transported away, immediately charged Kurogiri with their fists raised.

“No, don't! Move out of-” Before Thirteen could finish her sentence, a tri-pronged kunai whooshed in front of her, heading towards Kurogiri.

I appeared in the middle of Kurogiri, Sato, and Shoji in a red flash. I grabbed both Sato and Shoji, and reappeared among my classmates.

“What the?!”


“Now, sensei!” I shouted.

As expected of a pro hero, Thirteen didn’t even hesitate and immediately used her quirk against Kurogiri. Wasps of air began being sucked to her finger like a black hole.

“Ugh!” Kurogiri’s mist like body began to be absorbed by Thirteen’s quirk.

The mist villain, however, opened a portal behind the space hero, and used her own quirk against her.



The worried voices of my classmates began to ring all over the plaza. Seeing a teacher be taken down caused panic to overrun the class.

“Calm down!” I shouted. “Now’s not the time to panic!” Looking around me, I immediately started hashing out orders to the rest.

“Sero! See if you can patch up Thirteen’s injury with your tape. Shoji! Can you detect where everyone is? I managed to put up a tag on Shinso earlier, so I know he’s still in the building. See if you can find everyone else!”

“Got it!” Sero responded as he immediately went to help Thirteen, with Uraraka helping him.

Shoji replied with a nod, as he spread his limbs high in the air. His arms turning into eyes and ears.

“Iida, we need to get you to that gate. You have to run back to the school and tell them what’s happening.”

“But Kazuya, you’re much faster than I am! Surely you could-” Iida sputtered out.

“My skills are worth much more here. And without a pre-placed tag, my teleportation works better in short distances. You’re much more fit for long distance travel than I am.” I cut him off.

“I’m gonna buy you guys time. So the rest of you, make sure you get Iida to those doors. I’m counting on you. Let’s show these villains not to mess with future heroes.”

“You got it, prez!” Came the voice of Mina.

“Let’s do this!” Sato shouted.

It was obvious my quick action regained them some confidence. Everyone immediately had determined faces, ready to tackle the situation they’re currently in.

“Gotta say, that was pretty nice of you to wait until we were finished.” I said to Kurogiri.

“Well, I did want to show you the mistake of talking about your plans in front of your enemies. But, let’s just say I was intrigued.”

“Is that right?” I muttered as I stood straighter. My arms glowed red for a second as I charged him, knife in both hands.

I threw one of my knives behind him as I dashed in for a strike. He immediately spread his mist to try to engulf me, only for me to reappear behind him, my other hand already mid swing.

Kurogiri didn’t even try to move as he thought himself untouchable. Only to be surprised as my glowing red knife cut into where his back would be.

“Agh!” He screamed out, as he immediately teleported a few meters away.


“Surprised?” I taunted. “This is my ‘Dimension Blade’. By imbuing my quirks properties on my knives, using the markers as a conduit, I’m able to warp anything my blade comes in contact with. The ability to cut space itself. It’s still crude and incomplete, but for the likes of you, it’ll be enough.” I said with defiance blazing in my eyes.

“You may be made out of this black mist, but in the end it’s still your body isn’t it?”

His only response was the widening of his yellow eyes as I rushed in to follow up on my attack. He tried to create a portal in my direction, only for me to again reappear on his front and slashed at his chest.

Blood came out of his injury as he teleported again, this time much farther.

Kurogiri grimaced in pain, as he got his wits back together. In the corner of his eye he noticed the rest of the students running towards the entrance gate.

“NO!” Kurogiri screamed out as dark mist started emanating from him and he reappeared in front of the rest of the students.

He was about to threaten them, until a familiar flash of red appeared in front of Kurogiri.

I blitzed in front of Kurogiri and held the metal bracer he had on his neck.

“Your fight is with me!” I screamed out as I teleported him and myself back to the original location of our fight, the wide area above the stairs.

The rest of the students, who were tense at Kurogiri’s sudden arrival, were relieved at Kazuya’s intervention. They rushed towards the gates to open it, only to be surprised that it wouldn’t budge.

“It’s locked! It must be the villains!”

“Leave it to us!” Mina and Sato shouted out as they dashed in.

Mina melted off the doors’ hinges, while Sato took out some sugar from his pouches and inhaled them. Upon Mina’s thumbs up, he jumped up and punched the door with all his might.

The door broke off, not being able to handle Sato’s strength.

“Go Iida!” They all shouted as Iida ran out the door, and bumped his speed to the max to get to U.A.

Kurogiri noticed Iida’s escape in the middle of our fight.

“He managed to get away.” said Kurogiri with frustration. “If he calls for backup, then this is game over.”

He immediately warped himself away from the group, intent on finding Shigaraki. He scolded himself for underestimating the students. ‘That red haired one is trouble, not only did he rally his friends and come up with a valid strategy. He’s also able to injure me, even through my intangible form. That one is trouble.’ thought Kurogiri as he narrowed his eyes.

He misjudged the abilities of the children, which was a mistake. One he will not make again.


Hey readers!

We finally made it to USJ. And Kazuya’s finally going all out!

Expect more moves coming in the next chapter. Time for him to show the class exactly what he’s made of.

I also exercised a bit on Kazuya’s ability to lead. Iida’s position as class president wasn’t used that much in canon. His authority was only touched on when things didn’t matter. When going gets tough, the students just turn to Midoriya or Bakugo (or even Momo) by default as a leader. I plan to change that here.

That’s all from me!



If you could choose whatever anime world to be born in, what would it be?

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