MHA: Undying

Girl Talk

Well. This is inconvenient. Sure, it’s not the first time I’ve been blind and tied, but it is the first time when I’ve only known the girl a day. And usually Himi is on standby with all the other stuff for us all to have a fun night. Still, I was hoping to at least see where I’d be sleeping before getting into any more shenanigans.

Yet here I am, trapped within the boundless darkness of a female form, unable to pull myself free. Buried to the greatest degree I’ve ever- nope, there was that one time Himi and I got curious about why people were interested in that thing called ‘vore’. It worked well to test both of our quirks, but neither of us could really see the appeal of it when applied to sexual interest.

Anyways, to list off my current situation: Dark Shadow is wrapped tightly around me, I can’t see, I can’t move, and it doesn’t seem like she’s going to let me go any time soon. My usual go-to options for being restrained?

Firstly, I could suffocate and die: Not feasible since the human body naturally attempts to breathe after losing consciousness. If Dark Shadow’s body prevented or stifled the flow of air, then there would at least be a chance. But interestingly enough there’s no disruption of any sort. It does mean I can’t traumatize her and whoever’s around though.

Secondly, I could snap my neck and die: Also not feasible, since I physically can’t move any part of my body. Which really sucks since I worked hard on learning how to snap my neck with no help. Like, people wouldn’t believe how hard it is to twist and jerk your head hard enough in just the right way that you die instead of just becoming paralyzed! Especially with no hands!

My final option would be… to take a nap! Dark Shadow’s body is actually really comfortable. Not as comfortable as I would be snuggling with Himi, but more comfortable than an empty bed. And since I’m not sure how long she’s going to keep me like this…

Nap time!

It would be rude to sleep with a girl and not say anything though. Thankfully I can move my mouth! “You’re very snuggly, so I’m gonna take a nap.”

And now, I sleeps!


The girls of 1-A are used to their class’ antics at this point, considering that they all live in the same dorm system. So seeing someone get sent flying out the front doors isn’t enough to get them to react beyond some mild concern. By the time they get up to go check on them, Dark Shadow is shooting back inside the building coiled around something and joins their group.

“Hey girls!” She chirps at them. “Fumi said that he’s going to try and let me act on my own more, so I can finally join girl talk with you all!” Her clenched claws are shaking next to her beak in excitement at the prospect, and the girls can understand that. It’s always nice to get together to talk and unwind. Well, the ones that aren’t distracted by the size of whatever she’s holding. The ones who are, stare at the coiled part of the girl curiously.

“Uh, not that we’re not excited, but what you got there?”

The quirk girl stares at Mina for a moment before abruptly going to the kitchen. The rest of them share confused glances at the unexpected action, as well as the rummaging sounds that come from it. Just as suddenly as she left though, she returns, holding a drink in her hand. She looks at Mina expectantly. “Ok, go again. I’m ready this time!”

“Uh…” The pink girl stares at the dark girl blankly, causing the shadow to pout at her. Before she can say anything about it though, Tsu decided to accede to her request.

“What do you have there, kero?”

Dark Shadow glances down to the drink in her hand before glancing back up to the frog girl. “A smoothie.”

Silence reigns in the group as they collectively deadpan at her. She stares back, unphased by their judgment at the centuries old meme that has somehow managed to persist into the modern era. She takes a sip of the smoothie in question, the slurping of the straw seeming unnaturally loud in the quiet. Then Izumi blinks and points at it.

“Wait, isn’t that Baugou’s smoothie?”

*Slurp* “Yep.”

“...You know he’s going to kill you for stealing his drink, right?”

*Slurp* “Nah, I’ve got a plan.”

“...I am curious as to how you intend to avoid his wrath. Would you care to share?” Momo asks with a raised eyebrow.

*Slurp* “Well, if he bothers to ask, I’ll just say that ‘sagi took it. He already hates him and keeps trying to attack him anyways, so it’s not like anything would change.” *Slurp* “And we all saw how he laughed when Bakugou knocked himself out, so I’m pretty sure he would have done something like that anyways.”

Toru raises her hand, which everyone can only tell by the fact her sleeve is now pointing upwards. “Isn’t blaming the villain for something he didn’t do going to make him mad though? And I can’t be the only one who thinks that would be a bad idea!”

*Slurp* Dark Shadow shrugs. “Probably. But that’s why I’m going to ask him after he wakes up.”

“Wakes up? Did you knock him out!?” Uraraka questions the bird in shock.

*Slurp* “Nope! He fell asleep.”


“He said that I’m snuggly so he was gonna take a nap.” She looks down bashfully at this, and her audience are sure that if it was possible, she’d be blushing.


Collectively, the girls choose to pointedly ignore that and return to their seats. Though they don’t return to their previous topic, the sheer absurdity of listening to Dark Shadow having made them completely forget what they’d been talking about. But she’s also brought up a new topic to replace it…

“You all know I say what’s on my mind, kero. So what do you think of Midosagi? Because I think he’s interesting.”

They exchange glances at Tsu’s question, and the responses are… uncertain.

“He seems like the kind of guy I’d love to party with, but he’s a villain.” Mina says with her face screwed up in a complicated frown.

“He’s a man who has many secrets hidden within his inner darkness, ones that I shall unearth!” Dark Shadow claims excitedly with a wave of her pilfered beverage before taking another drink and letting out a satisfied exhale. “Also, his hair is basically a nest, and I’ve laid claim to it.”


“Hey, Kurogiri?”

The misty man doesn’t pause his cleaning of a tall glass cup as he replies. “Yes, Toga?”

“Can you open a portal to UA? I suddenly feel the need to stab a bitch.”

“Apologies, but they’ve obtained defenses that prevent me from opening any warp gates onto the premises.”

The stab-happy girl looks at where Skyfall is playing video games with Tomura, causing the girl to shudder apprehensively. She looks around for the source, letting out an “Eep!” of surprise and rolling under the booth’s table, which also causes both her and Tomura’s characters to die. He lets out an angry groan and turns to scowl at Toga, but upon seeing her face he resolutely turns back to his game.

“Nope. Fuck that shit.”

Seemingly to not even see the leader of the LoV, she continues to stare at Skyfall with wide, empty eyes. “Could you drop Sky from orbit to flatten a bitch?”

“Apologies, but Midosagi is there at the moment, and I doubt he would appreciate such an abrupt end to his fun.”

“Hmm…” She hums noncommittally, causing the bartender to sigh.

“You will be visiting him tomorrow, will you not? You would be unable to do this if the school was no longer left standing.”

She stays silent for a few minutes before finally letting out a frustrated sigh and flopping defeatedly over the bar. “Fiiiine.”


Dark Shadow feels a shiver go through her body, and an appreciation for life suddenly fills her. She has no idea why, but it feels like she came very close to death just then. Unaware of the quirk girl’s confusion, Toru gives her opinion.

“He’s way too considerate for a villain! I want to know more about him!” Unbeknownst to most of the group, the invisible girl is staring directly at Izumi when she says this. Kyoka’s stare isn’t nearly as hidden. Or benign.

“Yeah, why don’t you share what he was like, Yagi?” Izumi winces at the use of her last name. After the USJ, the girls had all decided that they were on a first name basis, given they’d all survived a ‘life and death situation’ together. The fact that the punk rock girl isn’t using hers now is…

“I mean, you are his sister. Which means that you should know him best. So how about you tell us?” It’s clear to the other girls that Kyoka isn’t happy with the resident telekinetic, but they have no idea why. With the exceptions of Toru and Mina, who share winces as they realize she’d overheard them talking during the exercise.

Izumi herself says nothing, simply lowering her head and looking down. Kyoka maintains her accusatory stare while the others get uncomfortable looks on their faces. Though Dark Shadow just finishes off her drink as she watches the drama unfold, unaware that this isn’t typically what ‘girl talk’ entails.

With the silence stretching far past uncomfortable, Ochako decides to act like the hero she wants to be and rescue the situation! “He’s super weird!” She all but shouts, startling those around her as she throws her hands in the air.

“I mean, he saved me during the Entrance Exam, and he gave me some good advice to use against Bakugou so that I could make it to the second round of the tournament, so I thought that he was a good guy. But he’s admitted to killing people! Why would he help me, an aspiring hero, but then start a fight at the Sports Festival!?”

She lets herself flop backwards across the chair’s backrest, letting out a heavy sigh. “I just have no idea what to think about him.” She looks at the other girls without moving her head. “Did you know I thought he had a ghost quirk? But if he’s a part of the League of Villains, it kind of makes sense how he was able to get away after he destroyed the zero pointer.”

“Hold up,” Mina blinks at the mochi loving girl for a moment. “You’re saying that guy destroyed a zero pointer!? HOW!?”

“Went inside and blew it up,” she replies easily. “Told me his name was Biggius Dickus.”

There are snorts of surprised laughter at the sudden reveal of his fake name, quickly stifled. Even Izumi has to hold back a laugh, given she heard about ‘Biggius Dickus’ back on the first day along with Mina and Toru. Now that they all know that the person in question did not die, it’s ok to laugh at the name. Even if Izumi doesn’t know how to act with him.

But with Ochako’s opinion known, the girls turn to stare at the last person to share. Momo taps her cheek with a finger as she thinks about what to say. Because unlike most of them, she had met the boy previously, in less than… ideal circumstances. Eventually though, she does settle on what to say.

“We essentially became text friends back before I started attending UA, along with his partner. Of course, after the USJ I cut off contact, given he’d attacked us.” She blinks as she realizes something and rapidly shakes her hands in front of herself. “I swear I didn’t give him any information about our class though! I wasn’t even aware of what we were doing that day! Please believe me when I say I had no knowledge of what was going to happen!”

The girls work to calm the heiress, reassuring her that they don’t think she was responsible. Kyoka is her biggest supporter, given she was transported to the same area as her and saw how hard she fought. Breathing a sigh of relief, she continues.

“Anyways, he helped me learn how to construct guns and bullets using my quirk, as well as provided advice on kidnapping. Which was rather useful on several different occasions.”


The rich girl simply tilts her head at everyone else’s exclamations. “What?”

Question! Did I ever give Himiko and Izuku a webstream or was that something I imagined? Let me know which chapter if I did!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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