MHA: Undying

Midosagi’s Connection


I have no idea why I’m sitting in Nezu’s office at UA, nor why Todoroki and the pro hero Hawks are here. The only thing I can think of is it relating to Izuku, but that wouldn’t make any sense. Though I do vaguely recall Nezu wanting to find his notebooks, so maybe it has to do with that?

But that still wouldn’t explain why Hawks is here, unless he has a lead and wants to question us? But if that is the case… couldn’t he talk to us separately? If looks could kill, then there wouldn’t even be a body left for my family to bury.

A pang goes through my chest. Though it wouldn’t be the first time…

Thankfully though, Nezu finally speaks, breaking the tension that had encompassed the room since we got here. “Does the name Midosagi mean anything to either of you?”

I shake my head, though I’m briefly reminded of before I got my quirk, and Izuku and I would think up future hero names. No matter what they were we’d always have ‘green’ in the name, since it matched both of our hair colors. It would have been a sign that if you messed with one of us, you messed with both of us.

Of course, I threw that away when I decided to put Bakugou’s words ahead of Izuku’s wellbeing. But really, I only have myself to blame for everything that happened. I wasn’t forced. I wasn’t controlled.

I was just a coward who hid from the truth.

To my surprise, Todoroki nods to Nezu’s question. “Isn’t that the person who glitter-bombed Hawks a few days ago?”

I can see the pro grimace, and I’m reminded of seeing a clip of that on social media. It may have only happened a few days ago, but it’s quickly become one of the most popular GIFs. People have even photoshopped different things popping out of the grenade. Popcorn, blood, a variety of holiday decorations. I’m just glad I have filters active on my apps because I know people are photoshopping much more…adult things too. As shown to me by one of my friends who laughed at how much I blushed on seeing it.

“Yeah,” he says, “that’s what they introduced themselves as.” He gives the two of us a measured look. “But,” he continues. “He also knew who Izuku Yagi was.”

“...Ok?” Shoko’s voice is usually monotone, but somehow it’s gotten even more monotone.

Hawks raises an eyebrow. “You don’t think it’s odd that someone who attacked the number three hero knows about a kid who - no offense- was barely known?”

She shrugs while I explain. “Well, the only reason you’d have us both here is if it had something to do with Izuku’s notebooks-”

“Or if you approved my request to set her on fire.” Shoko interrupts, and my jaw drops open while I stare at her in shock. But apparently, she doesn’t think her words were important enough to even look at me!

Nezu sighs. “You will not be setting anyone on fire. At least not outside of designated combat exercises”

She huffs while I process the implications of that comment. Once I do, I have to ask. Even if my voice does come out a bit choked up. “You mean… you’ll let me apply?”

Nezu looks at me with a face that reveals nothing, while Todoroki  frowns at me. “According to your therapist, you have made great strides in improving as a person, which has also been showcased by your dedication towards cleaning Dagobah Beach outside of your required time.”

“But…” I know I might be doing more than putting my foot in my mouth here -maybe a sledgehammer?-, but I need to make sure. “Wasn’t my own application contingent on Bakugou doing well too?”

At the reminder of the explosion boy Nezu sighs, and I note how the corner’s of Todorki’s lips quirk upwards, only to go back down as he explains. “While his improvement is minimal… there has been improvement, according to his own therapist. Though they also say that he has a god complex so intertwined with an inferiority complex that it can only be solved by associating with those whose quirks are just as powerful, if not more so, than his own. So, from a legal standpoint, I must uphold my end of the conditions and allow you both to apply. With the hope that he improves. Though part two of your punishments will still be implemented, and should there be any reports of any kind of bullying either one of you shall be expelled immediately.”

Now all three of us are frowning. Judging by how reluctant Nezu is… I can imagine that he doesn’t agree with the therapist’s assessment. But considering it’s their decision, there’s not much he can do about it.

Still though, at least I’ll be able to become a hero.

[Aww… Someone is lying to herself again~.]

I’m not!

[Obviously you are. You think you can become a hero!]

I can!

[Really? Then why don’t you go to the spot where he jumped? Do you really think that piddly little shrine you keep in your room is enough? Those only matter for the people who didn’t drive the person to kill themselves!

Shut up! You aren’t real! You aren’t real!

[Girl, I’m as real as you are. Though putting it like that, I guess it doesn’t really count for much, now does it?]

I’m not a fake!

[Sure, sure. Whatever you say… Yu~me~kir~a~.]

I take a deep breath, realizing that while I’ve been arguing with my own guilt the conversation has continued. Thankfully it just seems to be Todoroki trying to convince Nezu that neither Bakugou or I should be allowed to apply, which gets a chuckle of approval from my guilt.

But it seems that the odd person out has gotten tired of the tangent. “Look, we aren’t here to talk about the hatchlings’ applications to UA. We’re here to talk about how Midosagi said he and his girlfriend killed Izuku Yagi.”

“What?” Todoroki asks sharply, pinning the pro with her stare.

“What?” I ask, not understanding what that could possibly mean. After all, he left a suicide note!

[What?] Asks my guilt, though I’m not entirely sure if I should count that one. Their surprise is technically my surprise too.

Nezu’s nod confirms Hawks’ words. “The villain did in fact claim to be responsible for his death. Not in the way you do, Miss Yagi, but more… directly.”

“But what does that mean?” He can’t be saying what I think he’s saying… right?

He sighs, opening a file resting on his desk and sliding one of the papers between me and Todoroki, who’s expression could freeze a fire. We both look at it, and I can see that it’s a form to change someone’s name. Except it’s listed as a change post-mortem. For the dead.

And seeing who it’s for, I can feel tears pooling in my eyes. A few leaking out when I hear Todoroki’s satisfied voice. “Good. He’d be happy that he doesn’t have to share a name with them.”

And the worst part? I can’t say that she’s wrong. With how he lived… could any of us really say that he was a Yagi? Though making his name essentially mean ‘Izuku the Green Rabbit’ is kind of-

My mind grinds to a halt as the name of the villain comes back to me full force. Midosagi. Green Rabbit. But… that can’t be! He’s dead! His blood, and the suicide note… that’s not even considering how he basically worshipped heroes! It wouldn’t make any sense for him to attack one!

Apparently Todoroki reaches the same conclusion if the way she jerks is any indication. “It’s not him.” She states flatly.

“We did not say it was,” Nezu says mildly. “Though it does imply some sort of connection. The possibility exists that Midosagi sympathizes with Izuku Yagi and decided to honor his memory by taking down heroes without the use of their quirk. Though we cannot discount the possibility of them having a mental quirk either.”

He waves a paw before either of us could question him about how that would be honoring his memory. “But, once again, that is not why we are here. We simply wish to know if there was anyone other than Miss Todoroki here that he associated with frequently. It might give us a clue as to their identity.”

I continue to stare at the principal for a few more moments before letting out a breath and slouching back into my chair. “No. No I don’t think so.” I sigh.

A quick glance at Todoroki shaking her head confirms that she was his only friend. I frown.


“Could it be someone who bullied him?”

[Like you~.]

Nezu shakes his head. “Unlikely. Each person from your school has been accounted for during Midosagi’s encounter with Hawks.”

I frown while Todoroki asks her own question. “What exactly did you mean when you said Midosagi killed Izuku?”

“That’s what they told me,” Hawks shrugs. “I asked him about the notebooks, and he said he killed the kid.”

“By saying he ‘killed’ Izuku Yagi, he could be referring to how, after his death, Izuku Yagi’s desire for vengeance has been reborn in him. There also exists the possibility that he faked the suicide in order to get away with murder, though it is highly unlikely.” Nezu explains.

“Anything else?” Todoroki frowns.

I think there’s a brief moment where he hesitates, but it could just be my imagination. It’s definitely strong enough for that, at least. “Nope,” Hawks denies.

Nezu claps his paws. “Well, should anyone with more than a passing relationship with the boy come to mind, please do make sure to inform me. It could help us to catch Midosagi.”

We both nod, getting up and leaving the office. Outside, I hesitate a moment before tentatively turning to her. “Todoroki-”

“No.” The coldness in her voice has me flinching back, the fire in her eyes contrasting it with how much they burn with hatred. “I don’t care what your therapist says. I don’t care what mine says. I don’t care what Nezu says. There is nothing you can do to get my forgiveness. There is nothing you can do to get me to even think of you as an acquaintance.”

She takes a deep, shaky breath before turning around to walk away. “If you want me to stop hating you, find a way to bring my friend back. He’d have a better chance of convincing me than whatever you could do.”

I walk home with my head down and tears falling, listening as my guilt mocks me. The entire time only two words fill my head. Though if it’s directed at Todoroki or Izuku, I’m not sure.

I’m sorry.


“Are you sure that was a good idea? Not telling them more?”

Nezu calmly sips his tea before answering. “Was there more to tell? It must have slipped my mind.”

Hawks sighs. “You know what I’m talking about. The way Midosagi was talking about those notebooks? The same way you talk about your world domination plans.”

That actually manages to get a chuckle out of the rat. “Was it? How curious..”

Another sigh. “Nezu,” Hawks says seriously. “We both know that Izuku Yagi and Midosagi are the same person.”

“Do we?” Nezu counters. “As far as I am aware, the blood samples obtained from Midosagi were too contaminated by the glitter in order to get any sort of match. More than that, it was confirmed that the large amount of blood at the site where Izuku Yagi’s backpack was found was in fact his own. Given the amount present, there is no possible way for a quirkless to survive without near instant, on-site medical attention.”

Another sip of his tea before he tilts his head to look at Hawks with one beady eye. “Of course, that is unless the HPSC is hiding certain information? But that certainly couldn’t be the case, right? After all, why would they care about a single quirkless boy? Even if he was All Might’s son. He has another child with a powerful quirk that they’d pay much more attention to.”

Hawks says nothing, which in itself says more than enough to Nezu. He’s been called many things over the course of his life. Though he personally prefers the two titles bestowed upon him by those of UA, and those of the Commission.

The rat god of UA: The principal and overseer of the school. The one who does all they can in order for the students to succeed in their future careers, hero or otherwise.

And for the Commission? They are the one who've earned Nezu’s hatred many times over for their deplorable acts, as well as their attempts at taking control of the school away from him. But the rat satan of UA is their own creation, and he’s long decided that he’ll never be controlled again.

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