MHA: Undying


Endeavor repeatedly tries to get Shoko’s attention, only to fail, so focused is she on reading Izuku’s first note. After finally getting her attention, she simply hands him the note and opens the backpack. He tries to stop her, but the sudden projection of icicles from her wrist forces him to retreat.

“WHAT THE HELL ICY-HOT!? YOU CAN MAKE WEAPONS!?” Bakugou isn’t the only one surprised by the scene, as the other students start muttering to each other about why he’s never done it before. Only to be quickly shut down by the most surprised of them all.

“I can’t.” With two words, Todoroki manages to silence them all. He grabs his chin as he starts thinking. “Maybe Shoko’s quirk is different from mine? Or is it a matter of control? Preference? I tend to focus on more immediate elimination of a threat, so maybe I can do it?”

Listening in, Aizawa opens his little book to a new set of pages and titles it ‘Possible Quirk Training?’, marking down fine control for Todoroki.

Meanwhile Tomura starts wondering if he should kidnap the kid to have him make infinite weapons for the LOV. It would be an amazing glitch!

“Father, you want me to surpass All Might. Right?”

The heroes and students shiver at how cold Shoko’s voice is, and shivers go down their spines, and a thrill goes through Tomura’s at the promise of pain her voice promises.

Shoko ‘requests’ that they go to Izuku’s house, her voice clearly brooking no argument, while also asking for the Bakugous to be present.

“So…” Kirishima trails off. “Anyone else getting a bad feeling from the look in her eyes?”

Silence from the adults and rapid head nods from the students are the replies he gets, along with Toga cheering in anticipation for more blood.

The scene changes to show the Yagi family -minus Izuku- sitting in their living room with the Bakugou family. But they’re not alone. With them sit Eraserhead and Detective Tsukauchi.

Mina’s hand shoots up, a glint in her eye that’s quickly extinguished by Aizawa’s glare. “If it’s something ridiculous, extra training for everyone.”

They all gulp, looking at Mina with worry. She sweat drops, desperately trying to think of something other than ‘Hobo’ to call their teacher’s copy. Her eyes finally alight on the cup in his hand and she throws out the first thing that comes to mind.

“Captain Cappuccino?”

The sudden silence is only broken by the collective smacks as faces meet palms. We’re dead, they all think.

Aizawa doesn’t say anything. Just staring at the nervous pink-skinned girl for a couple of tense seconds. Eventually, he speaks. “Not bad. But make it shorter.”

She breathes a sigh of relief as she rests a hand on her chest. Now having the go ahead, she taps her chin in thought. “Coffee Bean? Dark Roast? Latte? Depresso Espresso?” Her suggestions proceed to become more whimsical as everyone listens, but by the time she starts naming the overly complicated drinks that tempt baristas to murder, he interrupts.

“Roast. Now stop.”

Nodding in acceptance, everyone refocuses on the screen, only to see Shoko attacking Hypo and Bakubitch with her fire and ice, respectively.


The shouts of excitement at seeing the two of them get attacked on screen causes All Might to slump down and Bakugou to glare at them all.

Toshinori Yagi disappears in a puff of smoke and All Might takes his place, his hands clapped in front of him to dispel the fire. Meanwhile Bakugou destroys the icicle before it can hurt him, and Eraserhead wraps Shoko in his scarf while deactivating her quirk.

“”BOO!!!”” The collective sounds of disappointment ring out from the majority of the audience, the exceptions being the adults and Bakugou.

After explaining why she attacked, Izumi jumps to her feet and questions why Izuku knew her father’s secret but she didn’t. But her outburst is quickly forgotten when the truth of what Bakugou had told Izuku comes to light. It takes everyone by surprise when his father knocks him to the ground with a single swing of his fist.

There’s shocked silence for a few moments before Mina and Aizawa repeat their earlier interaction, prompting those shocked silent to restart.


“Child abuse isn’t manly!”

“But he definitely deserves it.” Uraraka counters.


After revealing Izuku’s suicide note, Shoko leaves the room to get what he’d left for her, quickly followed by Detective Tsukauchi. After opening the notebook, surprises continue when a white rat pops out of Aizawa’s scarf. Principal Nezu has appeared!

“So he does that in both worlds.”

Soahc shrugs at Aizawa’s words. “It seems to be one of his favorite things to do in all three worlds.”

“Oh? Three?” Obviously there’s no way that the rat in question would let that little tidbit go.

He nods. “That’s correct. I oversee several worlds/timelines, but yours is sandwiched between the one we’re currently viewing and one other.” A shrug. “I flipped a coin to decide which one to show.”

Nezu files that tidbit away while everyone else just ignores it. It’s not like that knowledge would affect their lives anyway, right?

There’s silence in the Yagi home while Aizawa reads the letter. A silence that persists even after the letter is read. Nezu questions him about what he’d told his son, and various expressions cross everyone’s face. Aizawa looks like he wants to strangle him. The Bakugou parents look at him with shock. Izumi with horror. Bakugou with self-satisfaction.

But Inko… Something flashes across her face, gone too quickly for anyone to notice, quickly overcome with a slightly guilty expression.


A deafening silence echoes across the room once again, each person processing what they've just heard.

“... Midori hug squad when we get back?”

Sounds of agreement come from Uraraka, Toga, Kirishima, Todoroki, All Might, and… Aizawa. At the looks he gets, he glares back, preventing them from saying anything.

Tsukauchi and Shoko return to the room, both showing hostility towards the Yagi family. After some pointed words where Shoko comes to the realization that Izumi’s bullying hasn’t come to light but does not reveal it, they all make their way to Izuku’s room. There, it’s revealed to them just how far the neglect has gone.

“Even my room has more stuff than that!”

“Not to mention how bad all that dust is for his health.” Tsukauchi adds on to Uraraka’s comment.

“Reminds me of my training room.” Tomura muses, thinking back on all the times he’s decayed training equipment or random thugs while undergoing Sensei’s training sessions. Shivers go down the students’ spines as they recall seeing what his quirk had done to their teacher’s elbow.

After finding the modular splints, Shoko reveals that someone has been in Izuku’s room before them. As well as the notebooks not meant for her being missing. Understanding the danger, Nezu sends away the detective to begin an investigation, though he doesn’t hold out much hope. He attempts to send the two pros while he informs the Bakugous and Yagis of their punishments, but they refuse.

“Why do I have a feeling that you cause as much of a headache for Roast as much as you do for me?”

Nezu sips his tea with a smirk, not deigning to answer. Instead, Tsukauchi speaks up.

“You know,” he muses. “Your nickname around the precincts is ‘Rat Satan’.” His smirk widens as his counterpart’s name is decided.

Nezu declares that Katsuki and Izumi are to attend both therapy and community service until the end of the school year, and threatens to blacklist them from every hero school if they fail to make adequate progress. Meanwhile, the Yagi parents are getting a major pay cut.

“”Rat Satan is scary!””

A sadistic aura seems to exude from him now, taking satisfaction in his students’ fear.

The screen shifts, changing scenes to a nice if plain kitchen. Normally, the sight would be unremarkable. But one thing causes it to stand out. A seemingly dead body rests on the table, a girl with messy blonde buns leaning over him.

“Midori!” The hero side shouts, while Tomura looks on with interest. Toga is squealing about how she’s made an appearance, her initial disappointment that he’s not all bloody gone as soon as it appeared.

But everyone gets shocked when his body suddenly sits up with a sharp gasp, startling the on-screen Toga

With a gasp, Izuku sits up, the surprised girl falling on her behind. Feeling that it’s his fault, Izuku gets up to help her, but slips and falls on top of her. Though he avoided grabbing anywhere *cough* in particular, when he pushes himself up their faces are extremely close.

“Under consideration!”



And thus, the three girls present state their stances on this potential new ship while staring at each other with different expressions, with the verdicts being as expected. But one little detail that everyones’ shock has caused them to overlook…

“Where are my clothes!?”

Snapping their heads back to the screen so fast it’s a wonder they didn’t get whiplash, they see a naked Midori covering his crotch. They click their tongues in disappointment, even while they shyly cover their eyes with blushes on their faces. Except for Toga, who’s unabashedly taking in his entire appearance, though the blush is still present.

“On-screen me, let’s call her Vampy, has already seen everything. So it’s perfectly acceptable for me to look too! No, it’s expected for me to look since I already have! Wait a minute… I don’t even have to justify myself!”

Mina and Uraraka’s blushes deepen as they listen to her ramble, before Mina gathers up her courage and uncovers her eyes. She side-eyes the males in the room, trying to see if they’re going to be judging her for looking.

Despite how she acts, she does care about what people think of her. It comes with all the insults she’s endured due to her appearance being altered by her quirk.

But they aren’t looking at her, instead they’re staring at the bare Midori even more than the girls! To say Mina is shocked would be an understatement! Maybe I should warn Midori about all these guys being interested in his body… Or it could be fun to try setting him up with one of them. Decisions, decisions~.

After being told he’d died a day ago, Izuku freezes, seemingly recalling what had happened to him. What he’d done. The girl creeps towards him cautiously, knife extended defensively. Then he starts laughing.

“Oh dear. That is not good.” Nezu advises.

“It reminds me of your laugh.” Aizawa agrees.

After getting his laughter under control, he ignores the fact that the girl is pointing her knife at him and asks for clothes. After a quick threat, she leaves to get him some clothes.

“”Boo!”” Mina and Toga object, though with Vampy gone Izuku has stopped covering himself. Mina nods in admiration, Toga drools, and steam starts coming off of Uraraka from how red she is. Bakugou, for once, is suspiciously silent.

Deciding to grab a bite to eat, he opens the refrigerator, only to stop when he sees that the only thing inside are large jars filled with blood. His blood.

“The fuck!? That’s creepy as hell!”

Toga sticks her tongue out at Bakugou. “Cooled blood lasts longer before going bad! Just like any other drink!”

Returning to see his position, the girl gets a dark look on her face. Only to be taken aback by how casual he is about the blood. After explaining how her quirk works and giving a demonstration, Izuku goes into analysis mode, only stopping when he realizes that he’s still naked and rushing to get dressed.

“Sigh. Maybe I should give Young Midoriya some advice on talking to girls.” All Might muses, only to be shot down by his long-time friend.

“Pretty sure the Symbol of Bachelorhood shouldn’t be giving romantic advice.”


At Mina’s shout, Todoroki touches his scar. He knows how it feels to get burned…

An epiphany seems to strike Izuku, and he explains to the girl how his family must be worried, and how they’ll be so happy that he has a quirk now. All the while not seeming to realize how desperate and broken he sounds. But to the girl’s surprise, he invites her to his house, revealing his father’s secret at the same time. After introducing each other, they depart.

All Might sighs. “I’m so glad Young Midoriya is better at keeping secrets than Midori.”

Bakugou stiffens, recalling a certain confession the broccoli headed boy had made to him on their first day of combat training.

There’s no way, right? We would have seen some sign of it if it were true! But we haven’t, so it’s not! That shitty Deku was obviously lying to me!

A quick round of explaining how she found him and why she took his body helps to pass the time while walking to Izuku’s house. Which is followed by the first overt signs that all is not right in his mind. If his casual disregard for his murderous new friend wasn’t enough.

“Perhaps he got brain damage when he jumped? He most likely landed on his head, after all.”

Tsukauchi nods. “That’s a solid theory. I doubt that he’d just disregard the lives of others so casually otherwise. At least based on what I’ve seen of the version of him in our world and of his personality on screen.

While the adults are having a serious discussion, Mina is leaning over to whisper to her new friend who’s wondering if her blood is acidic.

“So, does blood really have different flavors for you depending on who it is?”

She nods. “Yep~! It generally fits their personality, I think. So it could change quite a bit depending on if a person has experienced certain emotions more frequently.”

Reaching Izuku’s house, the two of them are just in time to encounter his mother rushing out. Elated, he immediately tries to explain his quirk to her, only for her to casually dismiss him. Not unlike a piece of trash on the road.

“Inko murder squad?” Toga asks innocently. A few people’s hands twitch but Bakugou shouts before anyone can actually make a motion.


Taken aback by this uncharacteristic show of compassion, it’s enough to knock them out in shock!

“Kirishima, eliminated!”

… Or at least one of them.

“Dammit, Shitty Hair!”

After becoming frozen in shock, you can practically see Izuku’s mental state deteriorating. Stopping only when Toga bites his neck, prompting him to initiate a hug. One that’s eagerly reciprocated.

“Too close! Too close!” Uraraka frantically waves her hands in front of herself and closes her eyes, face still red, to try and deny what she’s seeing. But when she looks again the scene hasn’t changed.

After pulling himself together with Toga’s help, they enter his house and head to his room, where his living conditions are revealed. A stark contrast to the rest of the building. He gathers his notebooks, leaving the three he intends to gift to Shoko, as well as a dark green jacket with a rabbit-reminiscent hood. On their way out, Toga stops him so they can grab some food. He agrees, and she kisses him.

“Three! Two! One! Uraraka is down!”

“Not appropriate, Mina.”

“Aww~.” Shut down by her homeroom teacher, Mina can only pout. Now there’s only her and Toga left as the only girls in the theater. Sure, they’ve already exchanged numbers in the hope of contacting each other once all the nonsense is over with, but they were already outnumbered by the guys. Now it’s even worse!

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