MHA: Undying

Someone Always Cares


Another school year is coming to an end. Just one more day and I can go home to my manga. Which I will stare at with longing as I create lesson plans for the next year. Sigh. Sometimes I really envy those American teachers who get twice as long a break than we do from dealing with students. Especially the problematic ones.

Standing at the door to my classroom, I adjust my glasses with one last sigh before walking in. “Good morning class.”

“””Good morning Ms. Mino.”””

I smile at the usual greeting. I know that they don’t like it since it gives them the feeling of being in primary school again, but it makes me happy to be greeted every time I come in. Taking attendance, I frown when I see that Todoroki isn’t here. This isn’t something that happens often, but when it does she always comes back with bandages.

I’ve asked her about it, but she just tells me that it’s family business and that it doesn’t concern me. I went to the principal about it a few times, but he simply told me not to look into it since it concerns the family of the number two pro hero, Endeavor. Actually, he did more than that and told me that if I tried to look into it, I would be fired!

Sometimes I hate this school

Continuing to take roll, my eyes land on a lowered head of bushy green hair. Izuku Yagi, a friend of Todoroki. Actually, he might be her only friend. I never see her talk much to the other people in the class. Well, she doesn’t talk much at all, but that’s beside the point.

Anyways, he’s another kid I’ve been forbidden from helping. Or as the principal puts it: ‘launching an unlicensed investigation into the students’ personal lives’. Irritating swine. Literally, since he has a mutant quirk that makes him a pig. It’s not mild either, he’s fat, pink, and has a pig’s snout.

I got sidetracked again. The kid is bullied. A lot. He’s even bullied by his sister! I couldn’t believe it when I first saw it. Siblings are supposed to stick together, even more than their parents! I might be a bit biased given my relationship with my own sister, but betraying that bond makes her worse than scum.

She and Bakugou, the most problematic student I have, are the kid’s main bullies. He’s always hurt, no matter what day it is, whether it’s bruises or burns. It also doesn’t help that he’s obviously malnourished. When compared to anyone else in the class, it’s clear to see that he’s not eating enough.

I know it’s not because his family lacks money, his sister’s condition is proof of that. Flawless skin, a full figure for her age, and smooth and vibrant hair. Looking at the two side-by-side, the difference is clear as day! It’s clear that he’s obviously being neglected by their parents, at the very least. But the principal’s damn threat is holding me back from calling the police.

I really hate this school.

But I need the money, and I’m sure the pink bastard would ruin my chances at applying anywhere else. So I just try my best to make my class a safe space for him. I ensure that there’s no bullying, and I don’t leave them alone for a moment. I also pay special attention to his sister due to her quirk, even if she does need to be able to see to use it.

I just hope the little I can do is enough for him to get through the day.



All kinds of people come into the pharmacy for all kinds of things. At least, that’s what my boss says. I actually just started a couple of weeks ago. But when I see a kid with a bush for hair enter the store, I can’t help but feel concerned. Even if I haven’t been here long, it’s been long enough that I can tell that this is a pattern.

My first day was on a Monday, and when the kid came in covered in barely healed burns and covered in bruises I wanted to call the police! He looked like he’d been attacked! The only reason I didn’t is because he told me that the police are already aware of what happened. Normally I’d call bullshit, but the steady beating of his heart told me that he wasn’t lying.

Normally when a person lies, no matter how small, their heartbeat will increase in tempo. And thanks to my quirk, Heart Sound, I can hear it. Of course, that doesn’t mean I always know when people lie. Someone who doesn’t care about their lie, or an experienced liar, wouldn’t have their heart rate increase. But this kid is obviously suffering, so his worry about lying would make his heart rate skyrocket. And the various burn creams, painkillers, and bandages he bought told me that he definitely cares about his injuries.

So even though I was concerned, I let the kid convince me that he’s ok. If the police already know about it, then calling them wouldn’t do much good…

I told him that he could come to me if he was ever in trouble, and the smile he gave me made me wish that I’d been wearing sunglasses. Seriously, is the kid’s quirk Bright Smile or something!?

Anyways, by the end of the week I’d managed to convince myself that the kid was ok since he hadn’t shown up again. But Monday afternoon rolled around and I saw the kid again, in almost the exact same condition. The only difference is where some of his injuries are! Obviously I panicked, but he assured me that it’s nothing to worry about! How could someone not worry!?

But damn the kid is convincing. He bought the same things, in the same quantity, and left with a shy smile and a wave.

But it’s my third Monday working here, and the kid is back! I need to talk to him about it! “Hey kid, are you absolutely sure that the police know about what’s happening to you? This isn’t normal.”

He jumps a little when I talk to him, the same as every time he’s come in. “Y-yes, I’m sure th-they know. I-I actually went to an o-o-officer when they were still f-fresh once.”

Hearing this, I frown. “Then why the he-heck are you still coming in with injuries? Why haven’t they done anything about whatever’s happening?”

He shuffles in place and looks down, avoiding my eyes. “T-t-there are… circumstances.” Seeming to panic at having said that he looks back at me and rapidly waves his arms in front of himself. “B-but don’t worry! It’s n-nothing I can’t h-handle.”

Frown deepening, I come out from behind the counter and crouch down so that we’re at eye level. He looks away, not meeting my eyes. “Kid. Let’s make a deal. I’m only doing this since it seems like you always come in around the same time every week.” He briefly meets my eyes before looking away again, giving a brief nod.

“If you can look me in the eyes and tell me that you’re going to be ok, then I’ll stop bringing this up.” I raise a finger. “But, if you ever don’t show up within an hour of your usual time, I’m calling the police and telling them that something’s happened to you.” He looks like he’s about to protest, so I finish my offer. “Or you can tell me what’s going on and I’ll decide from there.”

He closes his mouth and looks down. We stay like that for a few minutes as I wait for his response. I’m not going to push him. I feel like if I do, he’ll bolt. If that happens, I’d be worried about where he’d get his medical supplies. We’re the only dedicated pharmacy in the area, and we have a lot of local stuff that’s way cheaper than those big name companies but works just as well.

His mind seems to catch on something and he takes a deep, shaky breath before meeting my eyes. “I’m going to be ok.” I hold the stare for half a minute, but he doesn’t look away. Nor does he blink. Sighing, I stand back up while shaking my head.

“Well kid, a deal’s a deal. Let’s get your usual packed up for you. In fact, I’ll put together a bag for you every week so you don’t have to scramble around for everything. Just come right up to the counter and I’ll have it ready for you, sound good?”

He nods happily, and I have to shield my eyes from how bright his smile is. If I’m going to be working here, I’m going to have to invest in some sunglasses. Blinking them clear, I see him gathering up his stuff. “By the way, what’s your name?” Hopefully I won’t ever have to tell it to the police.

He doesn’t look at me as he replies, focused on his shopping. “Izuku Yagi.”

I smile at him, though he doesn’t see it. “I’m Roddo Hiaato. Hope to see you for a long time.”


{Attention: This episode will be from the viewpoint of others, and some of their thoughts will appear in CC.}

Looking at the screen, a few people can’t help but tilt their heads in confusion before shrugging it off, thinking that it will be like when it focused on Izumi.

It starts off with a teacher standing in front of a classroom door, who sighs.

I really don’t want to deal with the problematic children today.

Immediately all the students’ turn to face Aizawa, who scowls back. “What?”

They exchange glances before looking back at the teacher on screen, who’s entered and started taking roll. Todoroki is the one who answers their teacher, having pulled out a notebook labeled ‘Theories’.

“Including your parents, aunts, uncles, etc, how many female relatives do you have?”

He gets a glare in reply, though it’s not nearly as intimidating as when he uses his quirk for it. He looks at the screen, ignoring the questions about his family tree.

Everyone says their praises for the teacher’s concern for Shoko and Midori, except for the villains that is. But they can at least appreciate the fact that there’s at least one adult who’s looking out for the boy. Growing up, neither of them had that. Well, Tomura didn’t until he met his Sensei.

“THE HELL SHE MEANS I’M THE MOST PROBLEMATIC!? THE TEACHERS FUCKING LOVED ME!” Bakugou gets quiet chuckles in response to his outrage. Nobody believes that for a second, not even Inko after seeing what he did. She’s definitely going to be speaking to Mitsuki when she gets back…

Bakugou gets a shiver down his spine, causing him to look around in confusion.

I just hope the little I can do for him is enough to get him through the day.

Nezu sips his tea. “Aizawa. All Might. Both of you please make notes to remind me to give Midoriya’s middle school all the publicity they could ever want.”

The two teachers shiver at his words, knowing that the school will suffer a fate worse than death.

The screen abruptly changes, causing another round of confusion.

“Was that it? Usually they go on for longer.”

“I don’t know. It does seem kind of abrupt.”

“It would totally be better if they told us the name of the episode. At least then we’d have a hint of what’s going to happen!”

Seeming to take the suggestion to heart, Soahc snaps his fingers and a title abruptly appears before vanishing as the next scene starts.

Someone Always Cares

“I will only do this very rarely, and for things I believe you would need help for understanding.”

Of course, the title doesn’t really help the people in the room who grew up ‘normal’. Only three people understand.

Nezu, who recalls an intern at the laboratory who started his love of tea. They would slip him ones that had a calming effect after every experiment, even before he started showing signs that he could think and speak.

Tomura, who’s mind immediately falls to his Sensei, the only one who’d held out his hand to help the boy. But it goes back further, a hazy image of a young girl appears before he feels a pain in his head and he flinches, losing the memory.

Toga thinks of her false friends and scowls. They never knew the real her, so they could never truly care about her. But the school nurse… Sometimes, when she had a hard time keeping on her mask, she would hide in the infirmary. The nurse never questioned her, never told her to leave. She would just remind her to close the curtains so she could have privacy. Without her, she would have lost control much, much sooner.

These three understand, and they pity the boy they’re watching.

Unaware of these three’s thoughts, everyone else gives awkward chuckles as clips of the clerk at the pharmacy freaking out seeing Midori plays. It’s all they can do given the state they see him in each time.

But seeing him make his promise with Midori, the students cheer while the teachers nod in satisfaction. Inko has tears in her eyes from relief, but they don’t fall due to Soahc using his power. He doesn’t want the theater to flood after all.


Have a poll up for this story on my patreon at the C-Rank tier if any of y'all are interested. Been debating on whether or not to keep the 'audience' viewing Izuku Yagi.

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