MHA: Undying

The Storm

(Todoroki POV)

I stare at the blood covering the alleyway. Then I stare at Izuku’s backpack, lying not far from it.

Back to the blood.

Back to the backpack.

Dimly, I hear my father saying something. But it seems… so far away. I take one step. Then another. Before I realize it, I’m standing over the backpack. Reaching down, I pick it up by its top strap. I raise it to eye level and… just look at it as it slowly rotates in my grip. That’s when I see the paper folded into the side pocket.

My old man’s voice is getting louder, getting closer. But my attention is fully on the piece of paper I’m pulling out. I lower the backpack as I unfold it and start to read.

*To whoever finds this- because the only person who would care wouldn’t casually be wandering back alleys- please take this backpack to the Todoroki residence, and inform them that it’s for their youngest daughter, Shoko Todoroki. Inside is a notebook with a message for her. Then after you hand it off, run away as fast as you can. She’s… not good at processing her emotions and might lash out at you. Oh, but don’t tell her I wrote that! It might upset her a bit.*

I can feel my eyebrow twitch at his comment about my emotions, but… I can’t really say that he’s wrong. But at the moment I’m not feeling much of anything to process. Mainly, I’m just numb. I only realize that I froze when I feel my father’s hand on my shoulder.

“SHOKO! You haven’t been responding. I called the detective and informed him of what we found. He’s on his way with forensics.” He looks at the blood splattered alleyway. “There… isn’t likely to be good news when they get here. But there’s a chance given there’s not a body.”

I nod absentmindedly, carefully folding the paper back up before handing it to him to hold and he instinctively takes it. With my now free hand, I reach towards the zipper, only for him to grab my wrist. “You shouldn’t disturb the scene more than you already have. Everything here could be a lead to your friend’s location.”

I look at him blankly for a moment. Then I look at his hand holding my right wrist. A quick flex with my quirk has him pulling his hand away to avoid the bracelet of ice spikes now wrapped around it. Ignoring his protests, I unzip the backpack and pull out the notebook.

Dropping the backpack from my left hand, I bring it to my wrist to melt the bracelet as I stare at the cover. I recognize it. It’s one of Izuku’s Analysis books. But on this one… the title has been scribbled out. Instead, it reads ‘I’m sorry, Shoko’.

My father is saying something, but all I can hear from him is some kind of buzzing sound. I rub my ear to see if I can clear it up, but it doesn’t work. Giving up, I lightly trail my fingers down the cover, feeling a bump from something inside of it.

I let it fall open in my hands, right to a pair of pages holding a folded piece of paper… and All Might’s signature. I stare at it for a moment, my thoughts silent. I know that Izuku is a major All Might fan, but he never mentioned getting his autograph. Which means that he got it just before… whatever happened.

I flip to the next page, and my breathing hitches. It’s… a note. Addressed to me. I read it, and my previously dulled emotions start to flare up. Sadness… Horror… Rage.

I look up at my father, and he flinches back at the unfiltered maelstrom of emotions swirling in my eyes. “Father,” I say with a voice of barely restrained fury. “You want me to surpass All Might. Right?”

Taken aback by the sudden question, he simply nods his head. A smile crosses my face, a twisted thing that would cause a shiver to crawl down the spines of those who see it. “Then let's go to Izuku’s house. Just have the detective make sure the Yagis are there. Oh, and the Bakugous as well.”

(Aizawa POV)

Detective Naomasa sits in the living room with his friend Toshinori Yagi, along with his wife and daughter. On the couch sits the Bakugous, who are absorbing the information he’s given to both families.

Given the news he just delivered is about Endeavor finding their son’s backpack in a bloodied alley, the atmosphere is understandably tense. Especially since he asked to meet with both families at the Yagi residence. But I’m assuming what has him taking medicine to settle his stomach is the fact he asked for me to be present as well.

It’s no secret that neither Endeavor nor I enjoy each other’s presence. In fact, we loathe each other. Endeavor because he thinks of me as cowardly for focusing on stealth, and me because I think the number two hero is a glory-seeking idiot.

So the fact he specifically asked for me to be present at the meeting raises some major red flags. There are only two reasons I can think of for me to be here. Either he needs to use my contacts… or he thinks he’ll need my quirk.

But the sound of a knock at the front door signals that we’ll all find out soon enough. Inko Yagi rushes to answer it, and Toshinori sits back down and fidgets with his hands. But when she returns, it’s not just Endeavor with her. A girl with red and white hair split down the middle is with her as well. But before I can question why she’s there, she raises her arms and alarm bells ring in my head.

I immediately activate my quirk, but in the split-second between activating it and it affecting her, flames have already shot from her left hand towards Toshinori Yagi, and an icicle shoots from her right towards the Bakugou kid.

Though the kid is surprised, he manages to bring a hand up and lets out an explosion from his palm, destroying the icicle. As for Toshinori…

A rush of wind bursts through the room, throwing off the end of my scarf that I threw towards the girl. Looking towards the source, I see… All Might?

Where Toshinori was sitting, now stands All Might, his hands clapped together in front of him from dispersing the flames. Judging by the looks of shock on the faces of his daughter and the Bakugous, I can guess that this is news for them as well. A glance reveals Endeavor being in the same boat, but the girl isn’t?

Relaunching my scarf, I restrain her, with my quirk keeping her from trying to burn or freeze it to escape. “Explain. Now.” I look at Endeavor for answers, who manages to shake off his shock and in turn looks at the girl.

“Shoko, why did you attack them?” Simple and to the point. I can appreciate that.

“I wanted to check if Izuku was tricked.” She frowns at All Might, derision clear in her voice. “Looks like he wasn’t.”

In a puff of smoke, All Might turns back into Toshinori, a shocked, angry but hopeful expression on his face. “Izuku told you that I’m All Might? So he’s ok?”

Her expression twists, but before she can reply his daughter jumps up from where she was sitting next to him. “Wait! Izuku knew you were All Might!? Why didn’t you tell me!?”

He looks away and opens his mouth, only to be cut off by Shoko. “Izuku only found out not long before he took Bakugou’s advice.”

There’s silence as the adults are clearly confused. But the kids… the kids’ expressions say a lot. The Yagi girl looks at the Bakugou kid with horror, matching his own. But it’s brief. He immediately sneers at the girl and crosses his arms.

“The hell are you talking about, Todoroki? There’s no way Deku did that!” Though the confidence in his voice is undeniable, so is the fact that before he crossed his arms, his hands were shaking.

Deku? I think. Maybe it’s a nickname for the missing kid. Not a very nice one. Examining the kids as the Yagi daughter’s hands clench into fists and the apparent Todoroki daughter glares at the Bakugou kid, I start to build a picture of their relationships.

For the first time, the Bakugou parents speak. “Katsuki,” his father says calmly. Judging by his wife still staring at Toshinori, it seems like she’s still processing the fact that he’s All Might. “What advice did you give Izuku?”

He just clicks his tongue and looks away. It’s a good thing the Todoroki girl hasn’t realized that I deactivated my quirk, or else the fire in her glare might have actually burned the boy. After a minute of useless coaxing, the Yagi daughter speaks up, causing a silence to fall over the room.

“Take a swan dive off the roof. And pray for a quirk in your next life.” Every adult in the room looks at her in horror while the boy looks at her in betrayal and rage. He opens his mouth to say something, but before he can his father stands and whirls on him with a strong backhand, causing a meaty thud to reverberate.

He falls to the ground, his shocked expression mirrored on nearly every face in the room. The sole exception is his mother. If this wasn’t such a serious situation, I would have wanted to make some popcorn for what’s about to go down. Suicide baiting is never ok. Given I’ve experienced it myself, I would know.

But he doesn’t continue, instead the man looks at his wife while his son is too stunned to get off of the floor. “We will be talking about how we raise our son from now on when we get home.” She nods, anger in her eyes. He turns around and bows at all of us. “I apologize for losing my temper. Please, let us continue.”

Tsukauchi nods, refraining from commenting on what just happened as he looks towards the Todoroki girl. “Please explain why you think this is a case of suicide.”

She shifts her glare from the boy to the detective but nods. She gestures to my scarf with her chin, and I carefully unwrap it, ready to erase her quirk the moment it seems like she’ll attack. Luckily she doesn’t, instead pulling out a notebook and putting it on the coffee table. I see the Yagi and Bakugou kids’ eyes flash with recognition, but the others stare at it blankly.

“After All Might’s signature,” she glares at him, “is his suicide note. How about you read it out loud? I need to get what he left for me.”

And without another word she goes towards the hallway. I raise a hand to stop her, but Tsukauchi shakes his head as he rises. “I’ll keep an eye on her. You read it, and I’ll be back in a moment after asking some questions.”

I nod and pick it up. The title has been scribbled out and replaced with an apology. Opening it, I flip through the pages as my eyes widen. It’s filled with notes on various heroes. Their quirks, their strengths, their weaknesses, their patrol areas. It’s all written down in this middle schooler’s notebook.

“This is dangerous.” I mutter.

“Indeed.” A small voice says as their head pops out of my scarf. At this point I think the surprises are getting to everyone, since the only ones to bat an eye at the scarred rat face that’s appeared are Toshinori and Mrs. Midoriya.

“P-principal Nezu!? What are you doing here!?”

Climbing out and revealing that he’s wearing a suit, his reply is logical. “This is a situation involving both the number one and two heroes, so of course I would desire to be on top of any developments. Not to mention that each child involved has applied to my school.”

The girl jolts as if electrocuted, and the boy finally shoots up from the floor. “”You’re the principal of UA!”

“Indeed.” He raises a paw. “Am I a rat? A bear? A dog? Who knows! Just know that I am the Principal of UA, Nezu!” He turns to me. “Now, Aizawa. Please skip ahead to the section of the book that will reveal what we all wish to know.”

Nodding, I stop getting distracted by the analysis and quickly speed through the pages. Finally coming to All Might’s signature I cringe at how ostentatious it is. One more page and I’m at the suicide note. Deciding to take the girl’s advice, I read it out loud for all to hear.

*Shoko. I’m sorry. I wish this never would have happened. But… it has. I know that you’ve helped me…trained me….supported me. But the words of my father, the number one hero, All Might, can’t be dismissed. Heh… it’s funny. But what he said to me today is actually the first time he’s acknowledged me in… I can’t even remember. And I find out that he’s the Symbol of Peace. It’s… just too bad what he answered me with.

If it had been anyone else, then maybe I would have chosen differently. But the Symbol of Peace knows what it takes to be a hero better than anyone! Which is why, when he told me that I don’t have what it takes… I believe it. There were only two things holding me up, two pillars that supported me. You… and my belief that I could become a hero. But with one of those pillars shattered… I’m sorry.

He told me to be realistic. And I’ve done the research before today. Realistically, a quirkless person won’t be able to find employment… anywhere. Every article I’ve read about the quirkless can be summed up into a single phrase.

They have no place in today’s society.

So. I’ve decided to listen to someone for once. I’ll be realistic, and take Kachan’s advice.

I’ll pray for a quirk in my next life.

Please Shoko… don’t blame yourself. You are the light that’s been guiding my way ever since we met. The only one who’s been there for me ever since I was diagnosed as quirkless. The fact that you decided to be friends with me… a quirkless Deku… thank you. But now it’s time for me to go. To be realistic.

Me being around- being your friend- will only hurt you. People will look down on you for our friendship. For letting a Deku into your life. You wouldn’t care. You’re too strong to let their small-mindedness affect you.

But I want you to reach your goal. To become a hero who truly stands for everyone. And… to help you, I need to be realistic.

I know you told me you didn’t need it… but I made a notebook for you. I was planning for it to be a surprise on your birthday, but… They’ll be under my mattress at my house. I’m sorry that you have to go there, but please don’t kill the Yagis. They might not be my family- even if we are connected by blood- but I don’t want you to hurt your future hero career.

Heh. Look at me. Even now, I’m still rambling. I’m sorry Shoko.

And… thank you, for being the frozen torch that brought a warm light into my life.

But now it’s time for you to be everyone else’s light. Achieve your goal.

For the both of us.*

There’s… a lot to digest from that. The fact that it’s supposedly the only time he’s talked to his father is concerning enough. But the fact that he felt like the Symbol of Peace destroyed one of his emotional supports is…

There’s silence except for the faint voices of Tsukauchi and Shoko Todoroki from the boy’s room. Eventually, Nezu breaks it. “Toshinori.” He stiffens up at his tone. “What exactly did you tell your son?”

We all listen, our bodies tense as we wait to hear the words he said that put the nail in his son’s coffin. Tears flow from the eyes of the Bakugou parents, as well as the Yagi daughter. Toshinori looks like he’s aged a decade. But his wife… she’s acting like she feels guilty, but there’s no sadness on her face. Just guilt.

Toshinori finally answers, his voice no louder than a whisper. “I told him that he can’t be a hero without a quirk. And that he should… be realistic.” Sobs echo out from his daughter while the Bakugou parents close their eyes as fresh tears flow.

Before I can point out how absolutely fucking dumb his words are, the temperature drops, heralding the return of Shoko Todoroki. Apparently getting the notebooks worsened her mood, or maybe it was Tsukauchi likely questioning her, but an icy mist flows from the right side of her body and envelops the room.

Clutching three notebooks tightly to her chest, she glares at the Yagi family. Her voice is practically cold enough to freeze the air even without her quirk. “Which one of you went into his room and moved his notebooks.”

It’s not a question. It’s a demand for answers.

Thank you Hedgeboar and Andre McFarlane for the support!

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