MHA: Undying

Transfer Student

It’s been a few years since mom and dad have started ignoring me, and Izumi and Kachan have started bullying me. After the first time Kachan hit me, they started insulting me. Mocking me. Telling me that I don’t have what it takes to be a hero. Then they started to get physical.

At first they just pushed me around, tripped me, stuff like that. But then they asked if I still wanted to be a hero, and I said yes. Then they started hitting me.

They didn’t use their quirks, thankfully. Instead they just hit and kicked me, covering me in bruises. But they aren't dumb, they made sure that they only beat me where my clothes cover.

I’m sitting in class as usual, when the teacher says she has a special announcement. “Today we have a transfer student. Please make sure that you make her feel welcome.”

She gestures towards the door, and I guess the new kid was looking through the window because she opens it. She has a heterochromatic appearance, with the left side of her shoulder length hair being red and the right a pure white.

Her eyes are different colors too. Her right eye is brown, while the left one is a bright blue. It’s really eye-catching, especially given the horrible burn scar covering the upper portion of that side of her face.

She looks out at the class with a blank expression. It’s not until the teacher tells her to introduce herself that she does. “Shoko Todoroki. My quirk lets me use ice from my right side and fire from my left. I don’t use my fire for personal reasons. Don’t ask about them, or my scar.”

With that her introduction is done, and it’s clear that she doesn't want to say anything else. Clearing her throat awkwardly, the teacher directs them to the empty desk next to me. It wasn’t always empty, but Kachan and Izumi spread rumors that being quirkless can make people who have quirks get sick. After that they changed seats.

Todoroki sits next to me casually, not even looking in my direction. But it’s not that she’s trying to be mean, she’s not looking at the other students either. I can’t help but feel a flash of relief that she’s not being mean to me, only to become depressed since I know that she’ll act like everyone else once she knows that I’m quirkless.

The class goes on as normal, with everyone focusing on the teacher. At least, I look like I’m paying attention to her. Over the years of avoiding Kachan and my twin, one of the places I usually hide is the library. And since I’m already hiding there, I decide to read the books they have.

Not the fun, kid focused kind though. But the ones for learning. I’ve basically read each of the books they have in the library about math, science, history, etc. So I already know everything the teacher is teaching us, other than what her own experiences have taught her.

Instead of focusing on the lesson, I’m writing down an analysis of a hero fight I saw the other day. While I do so, I cover my mouth to help cover my muttering. If I do that, then the sound doesn’t leak out too much, so nobody realizes that I’m not listening to the teacher. But I forget that now I have someone sitting next to me.

When lunch rolls around I quickly pack up my stuff and rush to the cafeteria, unaware of the eyes watching me. Luckily Kachan and Izumi seem to be more interested in the new girl than me at the moment, so I manage to get my food and go behind the school without any hassle.

I sit down and eat, using the all mighty spork to shovel the rice and vegetables into my mouth quickly. Once I’m done, I take out a notebook different from my analysis journals. Instead, I use this notebook for my drawings. It’s one of the few things I can do that I find relaxing.

I start to sketch some of the clouds in the sky, not hearing the footsteps until they’re right next to me. “What are you doing out here?”

I yelp, dropping my notebook. I look at the person who asked me that question and see the new girl, Todoroki, standing there. “O-o-oh! Um, w-w-well I come out here to d-d-draw sometimes. It’s peaceful.”

“Hmm.” She hums in response before bending down. I look at her in confusion before I see her pick up my notebook. I blush since I haven’t shown them to anyone before. I know that I’ll just get mocked if I do.

But she doesn’t say anything. She just flips through the pages with the same blank look on her face she had in the classroom. When she finishes looking through them, she hands it back. “They’re good.” They’re just two simple words, but they mean so much to me. I even start to tear up!

Seeing me start to cry, her eyes widen and she takes a step back. She looks around as if looking for an adult, but we’re alone. So, awkwardly, she pats my head. “There, there? Um, I’m sorry? Please don’t cry.”

It’s awkward, and it’s clear that she’s never comforted someone before. But it’s more than I’ve gotten ever since I was told I was quirkless, and so my tears continue to flow.

We stay like that until the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. Wiping away my tears, I smile at her, much to her obvious surprise. So bright, she thinks. “Thank you. It means a lot to me.”

With that I grab her hand and start walking to class. She follows along, confused at my reaction. Even though I know it won’t happen again, I’m glad that there was someone who was nice to me. Even for a little bit.

We enter the classroom, and unfortunately the teacher isn’t here. But Kachan and Izumi are, along with some of their other friends. Seeing that I’m with the new girl, they scowl.

“Hey, Todoroki, you shouldn’t hang around with him. That Deku is quirkless!” Izumi shouts to her, and I drop her hand immediately. I walk to my desk with slumped shoulders and my head hanging. Even if it was only for lunch, at least I had a friend.

I nearly stumble when I hear what she has to say. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being quirkless. I’ll hang out with whoever I like, and it’s definitely not people who ignored what I asked.”

They stare at her, mouths hanging as she walks to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Ignore them. Let’s sit down, the teacher will be here any moment.”

I take my seat, my expression frozen in shock. She’s… still going to be my friend? Even though I’m quirkless?

I manage to snap out of my shock by the time the teacher gets here, but as I look at Kachan and Izumi’s glares, a shiver goes down my spine. I know that my bullying is going to get a whole lot worse. But…

I look at Todoroki, who gives me a small smile in return. I blush and look away.

Maybe with a friend, it won’t be so bad.


“Before we continue, I’ve decided to bring in a special guest.” Everyone looks at Soahc in confusion. Before they can ask who it is, they snap their fingers.

To the surprise of those from UA, a pink alien-looking girl appears! Mina looks around in confusion, asking the usual questions: Where am I? Who are You? Why am I here?

After a quick explanation, barring why she was randomly summoned, she shrugs it off and sits between Uraraka and Toga. “Let's get this  show on the road! I can’t wait to see who gets with who!” The heroes and students facepalm, Toga Chuckles, and Tomura sighs.

The screen continues to play, and as the crowd watches a montage of Bakugo and Izumi bullying Izuku, they glare at him.

“Bakugou, when we get back you’re going to be meeting with Hound Dog every week until you get a handle on your anger issues.”

He clicks his tongue and looks away, not meeting anyone’s eyes. “Fine.”

“Ooh, ooh! Maybe he’ll be nicer covered in blood? People are usually nicer to me when I make them bleed! Well, some get more mean, but making them bleed more fixes that problem!” Toga looks at him, her grin promising pain.

Despite her alarming words, almost nobody has the energy to comment on it. “I know I shouldn’t say this, but he does deserve to get hurt.” Everyone looks at the glaring Inko Midoriya in surprise.

“I never thought Midoriya’s mom would be so scary.” Kirishima shudders.

“Yeah…” Uraraka says quietly.

“How come this kid became a hero? His childhood is as bad as mine was!”

“Truth.” The detective’s shocked words cause the attention to shift to the man who attacked the USJ.

“Hmm. Perhaps the bullying wasn’t so bad without his sister to join in?” Nezu sips from his eternally full teacup as he theorizes.

But before the discussion can continue, Bakugou’s words cause them to focus on the screen. “Huh. We never got a transfer student.”

When they see the person who enters the classroom, they exclaim in shock! Though none are as shocked as the person who’s appeared. “I’m… a girl?” Shaking his head, he raises a hand to cover his scar. “Even as a girl, the old man has no mercy” His words are unheard in the commotion the others are causing, though Mina is by far the loudest.

“Ship it! I totally ship it! I don’t know who I’m shipping her with yet, but I’m totally shipping it!”

Soahc’s snort of amusement quiets them down. “If a simple gender change is enough to throw all of you into a fit, you definitely won’t last the entire film.”

They quiet down and try to calm themselves at his words. Instead they watch as they see Midoriya eat, then draw. The angle shifts when Todoroki leafs through it, and they can’t help but admire the artwork.

“Aw, he’s so talented~!”

‘’I never knew Young Midoriya could draw so well. And he looks like he’s only eight years old!” All Might can’t help but think about how much he really knows about his successor, realizing that he doesn’t really have a grasp of his personal life.

“I knew, since I made his hero outfit when he got into UA. He’s actually the one who drew it.” They look at Inko in surprise. It seems like their Midoriya has a few tricks hidden away.

“I’m more curious as to what he’s written in his ‘Hero Analysis’ notebooks.” He doesn’t know why, but Nezu has a bad feeling about those.

His words go ignored as they watch the touching scene of female Todoroki standing up to Izumi and Bakugou for Midoriya, punctuated by Mina’s squeals of shipping them.

Their Todoroki blushes at all the praise they heap on him for his counterpart’s character, unaware of his true thoughts. Honestly, there are times I wish I was quirkless. It would be better than having my old man’s quirk at least.

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