MHA: Undying

Welcome to the Show

It was a normal day for the residents of Japan. Until a bored being grew curious. And that’s how eleven particular individuals found themselves in a room resembling a movie theater.

The eleven people look around in confusion, before their eyes alight on each other. 

“Villain!” All Might shouts, looking at Tomura Shigaraki.

“Heroes!” He replies, hatred emitting from his gaze.

“Hand Bastard!” Shouts Bakugou, his hands held out in front of him.

Principal Nezu says nothing, only sipping his tea as he examines the situation he’s found himself in.

Detective Tsukauchi looks on with a tired gaze, mirrored by Aizawa, though both are ready to move at a moment’s notice.

Alternatively, the last five people are looking around in confusion. Uraraka, Todoroki, and Kirishima stand together, uncertain and wary at suddenly being transported.

Toga is looking around curiously, her head tilted. Though her eyes gleam with bloodlust.

Inko Midoriya, at odds with everyone, is looking around in a panic, the tense atmosphere doing nothing for her nerves.

Before anyone can make a move though, a voice speaks up.

“Ah, pardon me. Is everyone here? No? Hmm. Well, it is my first time doing something like this, so I suppose getting even half of the people I wanted is fine. It might be even more amusing. Quality over quantity and such.”

Everyone turns to the movie screen, where they see a tall man draped in what can only be described as galaxy robes looking at them. Bakugou, being the brash young man that he is, is the first to respond.

“The hell you talking about  bathrobe!? You’re the one who brought us here!? You another shitty villain!? I’ll take you down along with the hand bastard!”

The stranger chuckles. “Ah yes, Bakugou Katsuki. It’s interesting seeing your famously aggressive personality in person. Though perhaps I should punish you…”

As he looks at him in amusement, Bakugou feels a chill crawl up his spine, disappearing the moment the stranger shakes their head. “No, I suppose that won’t be necessary. After all, I don’t want to diminish everyone’s experience today.”

“And what might you mean by that?” Asks Principal Nezu, calmly taking another sip of tea.

“I’m glad you asked, Principal Nezu.” He claps his hands and suddenly everyone is sitting, facing the screen. No matter how much they try, they can’t get out, much to the consternation of Tomura and Aizawa, who are stuck next to each other.

Meanwhile, Toga smiles brightly at Inko, who gives an uncertain and shaky smile back. The students are grouped together, as are the UA staff, with the detective at the front of everyone.

“Now, to assuage any worries, while you are here, time on your world will be frozen.” Several people release relieved breaths at his reassurance. “You also may be wondering where you are, why I’ve brought you here, and who I am.” He waits for everyone to murmur or otherwise confirm his words, ignoring Bakugou’s shouts of ‘DIE!’. It’s not nearly as intimidating without his quirk to back it up.

“Well, to sum it up.” He clears his throat. “I was bored, and decided to do something that I’ve noticed has been popular with some of the other deities.” He ignores their sudden silence with the sole exception of Tomura muttering about an end game boss.

“You see,” he raises a finger, “you are here to watch an alternate timeline.” At their confused muttering, he continues. “You see, there are innumerable variations of the same event. For example, Uraraka,” she jumps a little at being suddenly addressed, “in one timeline, if you used your quirk for one second longer than you have in yours for every activation, your quirk would be twice as powerful.”

Her eyes widen in disbelief while Aizawa shoots her a thoughtful look. Bakugou snorts while Tomura scratches his neck in irritation. Todoroki appraises her silently, while Kirishima pats her shoulder in encouragement.

“In another,” he continues, looking at Toga,  “if your parents were more understanding, you would have had a fairly normal life.” She stiffens up, her eyes turning cold as everyone turns to look at her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m perfectly happy with how my life is going.” She smiles, showing off her sharp teeth and sending shivers down the students’ spines. Tomura looks at her curiously. This girl. Looks like she needs more points in the mind attribute. He smiles. That could be useful.

Inko raises a trembling hand, and the stranger nods for her to speak. “Um, I’m not really sure why I’m here. A-All Might said that the man over there,” she points at Tomura who bares his teeth at her, “is a villain. And those kids over there are from my son’s school. I’m not really sure about this girl’s situation, but this seems like hero business…?”

She trails off questioningly, and Tukauchi nods his head. “She’s right. Whatever you want us to see, I don’t think we need civilians getting involved. Though we do appreciate you bringing the leader of the League of Villains to us.” Tomura sneers at him, grasping the armrest then looking down in surprise that it’s still there.

The man chuckles. “Well, you know how I mentioned that you’ll be watching an alternate timeline?” They nod. “Well, the focus will be…” He waves his hand at the screen dramatically as a picture of a young green haired boy appears. “Izuku Midoriya!”

There are gasps from those on the hero's side of the law and Inko, while Tomura narrows his eyes in irritation, recognizing the brat from his failed attack on the USJ, though in the picture he looks much younger. Toga beams at the photo, thinking about how cute the kid is.

She’s always had a soft spot for kids, which is why she never tried to drink their blood or make them bleed. She’s got to wait until they grow up enough that she can have proper fun with them~.

“Wh-why is my son the focus?” Inko asks, looking at the photo of her little boy, overcome with nostalgia for the time before they found out he was quirkless. Though she supposed that he was just a late bloomer, given that he managed to get into UA with his strength quirk.

“Well you see, for your time period, barring outside interference from other deities, young Izuku is one of the most influential people.” All Might’s sharp inhale is lost among the sudden cacophony of noise.

“Bullshit!” Bakugou’s shout is the loudest, but the man simply ignores them all until they calm down.

“Despite what any of you would like to believe, that is the truth. No matter the path he chooses, he is a focal point for the future of Japan.”

“What do you mean ‘no matter his path’?” All Might questions with a hint of concern.

He looks at him with no emotion on his face. “Well, whether he chooses the path of a hero or a villain, he will be involved in Japan’s most important events.”

The room is engulfed in stunned silence, with those closest to Izuku being the most stunned. “No way dude,” Kirishima snorts, “Izuku would never be a villain. He’s way too nice!”

Uraraka rapidly nods her head. “Yeah! He’s the sweetest guy any of us have ever met!”

The teachers and principal of UA say nothing, but their eyes are filled with doubt at the man’s words. Tomura only looks on in curiosity, wondering what kind of villain the boy would be. 

The man shrugs. “Believe what you like, but he has two paths unless he dies early. A great hero, or a great villain.”

All Might looks at him defiantly. “Young Midoriya would never choose to be a villain.”

The man shrugs. “Well, I was planning to focus on a single timeline, but I suppose a few seconds of another one wouldn’t hurt.”

With that, he snaps his fingers and the screen behind him lights up.


Izuku, wearing a bloodstained suit, approaches All Might, the symbol of peace. He’s holding up a building, trying to prevent its collapse. He can do nothing as the green haired boy thrusts a steel pole through his chest, blood gushing out like a fountain.

He collapses to his knees, the building quickly following suit. But there are no screams, for the people inside had long since evacuated.

The boy mocks the hero for failing to notice, for wasting the last moments of his life trying to save people who were already gone.

They speak, they’re words meant only for each other. Izuku’s face twists as he sneers at the hero, pulling out the pipe which is wrapped in shadow. With it, he cuts off his right arm, and the part of the building he was still supporting collapses on him.

He raises his weapon for one last strike, only to be hit by the flames of Endeavor, and retreats. Endeavour, Sir Nighteye, and Lemillion surround the fallen symbol, while in the background a dark portal opens up, taking the green haired villain away from the devastation.


Everyone looks on in shock, their jaws hanging open. Even Tomura, who’s wanted All Might dead for as long as he can remember, can’t smile after witnessing the event.

“Wh-what happened?” All Might asks, his throat dry. Nobody can blame him, after all, he just saw one of the most kind-hearted people he’s ever known brutally murder him while surrounded by a burning and destroyed city.

The man shrugs while looking at the crying Inko in pity. “He went the path of a villain.”

The students are speechless, especially Bakugou, who’s known the greenete the longest. He can’t even fathom what could have made him turn out like that.

Tsukauchi raises a hand. “As far as I can tell, most of the people here have something to do with the boy in question. But I only met him once, so why am I and this girl here?”

“Well, she’s also a major player in his life, so I wanted to see her reaction as well. Though I suppose she hasn’t met him yet in your timeline…” He waves the issue off. “As for you, that’s mainly in case anyone has any questions regarding similarities between your universe and the one you’ll be watching. Keeping people honest, you know?” He chuckles.

“Now,” the man continues, “not every timeline is like the one I showed,  many of them are actually quite nice. But I’m unsure of the one we’re going to watch. After all, I wouldn’t want to have any risk of a spoiler.”

“So,” he grins, “my name is Soahc, a deity of chaos. And it’s time for the show to begin.”

(AN: They’re from after the USJ, but before the Sports Festival. Which is why Toga is unknown to all of them. Yes there is a reason, but it isn’t going to be addressed for a LONG time, so don’t even bother worrying about it. Though I will enjoy the theory-crafting people do for why I chose to do it this way.)

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