MHA: Undying

When Rabbits Meet

I laugh as I jump from streetlight to streetlight down the street, shouting over my shoulder while in the air, “I thought you were a rabbit, aren’t you supposed to be faster than the tortoise?”

“We’re both rabbits! Now stop running so I can kick your face in you little shit!” Mirko, the rabbit hero, shouts back with a vein pulsing on her forehead.

Why is she chasing me? Well, that’s because I walked up to her and threw a water balloon at her face! Then she asked me if I was ready to die for throwing said water balloon in her face, to which I replied, “You wish it was water.”

I’m sooo lucky that she needs to watch how much force she exerts so she doesn’t break stuff. If she didn’t I would have been caught within a few seconds!

Of course, if she knew that I’m Midosagi, then she could go all out in trying to catch me. But since I’m not wearing my apparently signature jacket right now, only my mask, I’m just a snot-nosed delinquent. Well, not snot-nosed, but that’s how the expression goes. Which is odd, but whatever.

Anyways, heroes have to pay for any damage they do to public property out of their own pocket if they use excessive force on a villain. If the HPSC determines that the damage is worth the villain, then they foot the bill. It’s to make sure that those with destructive quirks don’t cause a lot of collateral damage just chasing, say, a purse thief with an illumination quirk. Though the top ten heroes tend to just get a blanket check for anything they do since they’re so popular. Which Mirko is, being number seven in the rankings, so it’s strange that she’s not going all out.

Maybe that suspicious liquid is working? I hope so, the test won’t work if it doesn’t. Oh, and it would also make it difficult to get away. This woman is one of the most persistent -AKA stubborn- heroes I’ve ever heard of. Which is a good trait for hunting down villains. Except when they’re me! Thankfully we’re almost to the warehouse, and she’s only been chasing me for ten minutes so my stamina is still pretty high.

I jump off the latest streetlight and latch onto the edge of a rooftop, rolling on top before hopping to my feet and dashing for the other side. Unfortunately for me Mirko doesn’t need any help getting up, and a glance over my shoulder reveals a savage grin on her face as a loud clang echoes from the street. Did she just break the light!?

So much for no damages! I wonder if that turtle comment hit a nerve?

I jump off the edge of the building, aiming for the skylight that will drop me into the prepared warehouse. Not even seconds after I start to fall I feel a pressure on my back and my descent accelerates.

A lot.

Mirko rides me like a skateboard as we plummet through the window, my flailing hand only barely managing to hit the latch holding it open. It falls shut just as I hit the small hill of pillows specifically placed to cushion my fall, though the added weight of Mirko forces me all the way to the bottom layer, which I did not plan for. Still, pillows are pillows. A bit of internal injuries is a small price to pay for quirk study!

She grabs me by the back of my neck and drags me through the pillow hill, stray feathers from torn pillows sticking to the two of us as we taste the sweet, sweet air of freedom. A bit more sweet than usual due to the thin haze of smoke filling the building from all the burning herbs, but that’s basically the same as creamer for coffee.

Not that I ever drink the stuff. The only time I tried a cup before, I ended up freaking Shiggy out with how my eyes were so wide open one of them popped out of the socket.

Whether or not that was an intentional action is irrelevant! No matter how much Mamagiri scolded me for it!

She adjusts her grip so she’s holding me by the throat instead of the nape, letting us face each other comfortably. It’s always a pleasure when they don’t start off with a suffocating throat grab, especially when I can banter with them!

“Alas, the story remains true!” I raise my arm, lamenting my fate. “So has it been foretold, the tortoise has surpassed the hare!”

She glares at me with a tight smile as that protruding vein pulses. “You know that game where you juggle a can with your feet? You can be the can.”

“What’s your record? Mines twenty-gack-seven.” She gives my throat a squeeze and I smirk at her, getting a snort in return as she lets go and I drop to the ground. I give her a curious look as she looks around and taps her foot, apparently bored of me?

“Whatever. So what’s the trap? The usual ambush? Drugs? Or is it something original this time?”

My mouth drops open and I put a hand to my chest in mock offense. “Le-gasp! How dare you! What makes you think I would stoop so low as to try and trap you?”

She gives me a patronizing stare with one eyebrow raised and crosses her arms, giving the pile of pillows a pointed look before changing it to the burning barrels clearly giving off smoke.

I whistle innocently as I put my hands behind my back and look at the ceiling, eliciting a snort of laughter from her. “Ha! Yeah, but really, who is it? The CRC? One of the underground rings? Small timers looking to make a name for themselves? Come on brat, I have people I could be fighting right now!”

I pout as I cross my arms and glare at her. “Don’t call me brat! I’m legal! And there’s no group who organized this, I did it on my own!” I scowl at her. “Though it doesn’t seem to be affecting you at all. Which either means the forest herbs are stupid, you’re a great actor, or my theory was wrong.”

“Theory?” Mirko asks, basically ignoring everything else I said. I sigh.

“I theorized that, since you have a rabbit mutation, you could go into heat like a regular rabbit when exposed to aphrodisiacs.” I gesture to the haze surrounding us and then her face before continuing. “But not only are the burning herbs not affecting you, the concentrated version I threw at you didn’t either!”

She stares at me for a few seconds before bursting into laughter and my pout intensifies. It goes on for a few minutes before she calms down, wiping a tear from her eye. “Oh, man, it’s been way too long since someone’s tried this.” I perk up at that. I’m not surprised that someone had the same idea before, but to actually try it? Well, I’ve never heard about it happening before, so did it get covered up?

She pets my head, smirking as I swat her hand away. “Little tidbit for you, brat. Female rabbits don’t go into heat, they’re basically always in heat. For me, that means aphrodisiacs don’t work. They artificially excite the target, and I’m always excited.”

I blink. Then blink again. I look down at her skin-tight leotard. Specifically how it doesn’t even touch her legs, starting to curve inwards at her hips to only just cover her crotch. As I look closer, I realize that the only reason it’s acceptable to wear in public is because of how thick the material is. If it was thinner…

Well. Let’s just say that Midnight wouldn’t be the only R18 heroine.

Sudden realization strikes me. “Wait, but then does that mean-”

“Yep!” She nods with a smug grin, patting my head again. Really, why is that such a popular thing to do? Himi and Mamagiri do it too! “I focus all that excitement on the excitement of battles instead of excitement for sex. Nice try though.”

She grabs my arm and starts to drag me towards the big doors leading outside. “You still tried to make moves against a hero though, so I’m gonna be putting you under arrest.”

“Oh, yeah. Totally get that. But could we take care of this first?” I point, and she looks in the same direction, blinking when her eyes rest on the problem. Sure, my mask is on. But I never did get around to turning it into a full-on gas mask. It always felt like there were other things to do, and eventually I just forgot about it. Plus I don’t really operate in areas where Midnight patrols, so it hasn’t been a problem. Until now that is

She whistles. “Damn. Guess you are grown up. At least in one place where it counts.” he shrugs, resuming her dragging. “But a little embarrassment will do you good, maybe get you off the wrong path.”

“I’d rather you be getting me off.” I retort, getting a bark of laughter from her as I continue. “It’s not like I’m selfish. And my girlfriend says I’m pretty good.”

“Oh? And what would she say about you trying to get with me?” She doesn’t look at me as she examines the door, failing to find handles to open it. Which makes sense since they’ve been welded shut. The only way out is by climbing through one of the windows or the skylight.

“Well, she’s been in here longer than either of us, so she probably wants to join.”

“Wait, what?” She turns to me, confusion in her eyes even as her ears twitch in response to something she hears. But it’s too late. Himi drops from the ceiling behind the hero, her arms wrapping around her neck as she leans in so her breathy whisper tickles the rabbit’s ears.

“Come on~. Don’t be mean~. I promise it’s a time you’ll never forget~.”

The rabbit hero lets go of me, grabbing the arm holding her as she turns and basically judo flips Himi onto the floor. She looks down at my groaning girlfriend with surprised eyes. “The hell did you manage to sneak up on me? I literally have super hearing, super smell, and super instincts!”

“A good time… for answers?” Himi gasps the offer as I help her to her feet, giving a nod of approval at the lingerie she put on for the occasion. The carrot motif seems a bit on the nose though.

Mirko’s eyes dart from me to Himi, then back to the door. Then to the herbs. Back to us, and she shakes her head. “Seriously, what the fuck is wrong if people nowadays? Back when I was your age, I was crashing underground fight rings! Sure, I had the occasional hook-up, but this?” She vaguely gestures at us and the smoke filled room. 

We shrug. “It’s not like we do this all the time, and we’re not going to force you or anything. We just felt like it since the boss is making his own plans against UA.”

“What was that?” Her gaze sharpens as she looks at us.

“Oh, yeah. He has a very short attention span. It’s even odds on whether or not he gets sidetracked by a game or something, so we figured it-”

“Not that!” Mirko shouts at Himi as she gets into a defensive stance. “The part about UA! Don’t think you’ll be getting off without telling me anything.”

The two of us share amused looks and chuckle. “Well…” I trail off leadingly, letting Himi finish off my sentence.

“Everyone getting off is the only way we’ll tell you anything!” Himi twirls and wraps her arms around me from behind as she smirks

“So what’s it gonna be?” I raise a challenging eyebrow and lean against Himi, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Fun and information? Or a fight and no information?”

She scowls. “Bold of you to assume I can’t get information out of you if I kick both of you through the wall.”

“Bold of you to assume we haven’t done that before.” I shoot back.

We’re in a standoff, Himi and I letting our hands wander over each other in relaxed interest, and Mirko with narrow eyes and a tapping foot, clearly wondering if she should call our bluff. Or at least what she thinks is a bluff.

But there’s really only one answer, and it doesn’t seem that she’s immune to the other drugs mixed in with the aphrodisiacs. Nothing harmful or anything. Just a little something to make people more…peaceful. It’s probably thanks to that that she hasn’t just beat the two of us unconscious already and tried to drag us to the police station.

Eventually she groans, ruffling her hair in frustration and paces for a couple minutes before whirling around and pointing a finger at us. “You are really pissing me off.” She hops forward as she spins in a roundhouse, stopping her foot just centimeters away from my cheek and glaring at the grin she failed to wipe off my face. Scowling, she lowers her leg with a sigh.

“Fuck it.” She points at me and Himi. “Fuck you, fuck her. Fuck your creepy boss that’s probably getting off on watching this. And fuck-”

“Nah, he’s definitely too shy for stuff like this. Definitely more comfortable with the 2D waifus from his games.” Himi interrupts before leaning an arm under my own and hooking the rabbit hero around the waist. “As for the rest?” She pulls her towards us, the hero not resisting as we kiss her on the cheeks.

“That’s what we’re here for.”

A short laugh later and she pulls my head in, giving me a passionate kiss that leaves me blinking. Pulling back, she smirks as she reaches a hand around her back, unzipping her costume. “Just don’t go dying on me. I want that information. And not everyone can keep up with a rabbit.”


“Wow…you weren’t…kidding.” Himiko gasps in between breaths as she pokes at Izuku’s unmoving form with her foot.

“He…actually dead?” Mirko rasps curiously. She’s surprised that the two of them managed to keep up with her. Normally she’d be able to go through a good dozen people before getting even close to her current state. Just goes to show that quality is much, much better than quantity. Might also be related to the girl’s quirk that had her biting her whenever she switched out with the guy for a short break. Though the people she’s comparing them to aren’t exactly her top picks, usually she’d have to settle for people who wouldn’t try going to news stations to crow about how they’d had sex with her.

Not that it would have done anything, since quirks like hers are documented and acknowledged as having certain side-effects. They’d just get sued for slandering a hero. Not to mention becoming her personal enemy. And the few enemies she’s had, well.

She doesn’t have enemies anymore.

Himiko waves a tired hand from where she’s laying, letting it fall limply across her face. “He’ll be fine…in a few hours.” She scrambles around with her free hand at her long discarded lingerie, finally finding her phone after a few minutes of looking.

“So… the information?” Mirko asks, propping herself up on her elbows to stare at the blonde.

She takes another minute to catch her breath as she shoots a text for a pickup. “League of Villains…is targeting UA…because All Might…is working there.”

Mirko raises an eyebrow. “He is? How do- wait!” She cries out as a murky portal swallows up Izuku, quickly expanding towards Himiko, who grins.

“Don’t have more info than that. Though you should be happy! You’re the first to have fun with both of the Usagi twins at the same time~.” She shoots the rabbit hero a wink as she’s swallowed by the portal, which swiftly closes above her.

Mirko lets herself fall back to the floor, her back making a meaty thunk as she stares up at the ceiling.

“Fuck.” She curses, thinking about how much of a shit-show this is going to turn into.

“...I wonder if they’d be down to do this again?”

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