M.I.L.F. Hunter (18+)

Chapter 19: Dinner

"Fufufu~ Takeo, I made sure to pick your dinner for you~" Tataka said teasingly, trying to egg on Obasan.

Seeing no reaction, Tataka smiled indifferently and went to the kitchen and returned with three plates.

Setting them down in front of Takeo she said, "from now on, this is what you will be eating every day. It'll make you strong, and make sure your youthful juices taste divine~" She said with a wink.

Obasan frowned as she heard Tataka speak. Obasan was usually a very passive woman, and didn't seek out confrontation, but that didn't mean she would just accept letting another woman taste Takeo.

She studied the three plates and nodded. They were exactly what she wanted him to eat as well. The first place was a square of tasteless protein enhanced tofu. Second was a plate of steaming brown rice. Third was a place piled high with assortments of fruit.

Obasan couldn't help but nod. All together, it would allow him to build muscle, while making his semen taste fruitier and even creamier.

She looked seriously at Tataka and asked, "did you already taste him?"

Kumiyo tilted her head, curious about what 'tasting him' meant. 'A kiss maybe?'

Tataka nodded with a face full of pride as she gave a thumbs up. "Yep! Not only was it thick, but there was a lot of it! It didn't really taste bad, but it should taste absolutely amazing with a diet change!"

Kumiyo looked between Obasan and her mother several times, absolutely confused.

Obasan sighed and looked at Takeo, who's lap she was currently sitting on. "Ehh, hurry up and eat. We'll talk about this later when we get home."

Although she felt like she should be furious with him for letting another woman taste his semen, she felt somewhat melocolic. She wasn't a child now however. After her great falling out with her ex-husband, she realized that the last thing she wanted to do was let her anger take over. As such, she forced herself to calm.

'Just remain calm... remain calm,' she thought to herself. 'If I need to, I can beat him up later and chain him to the bed.'

Looking at Takeo who was picking at the food in interest, she continued to think. 'He's 17 and has never been with a girl before me, so he must have many misconceptions. I'll have to rectify this tonight.'

Nodding her head, she decided to push it off until later, and enjoy her time eating with Takeo. Looking towards Tataka, she asked "what will we be eating?"

Tataka looked at her for several seconds before her face split with a dirty smile. "Fufufu~ of course, of course!" she said brightly. "I imagine you'll want to have enough energy to handle this bundle of boundless youth in bed tonight!"

Obasan rolled her eyes and coughed, but inwardly nodded. She had planned to take him to bed and show him why he never needed another woman. While she knew he wasn't petty like her ex-husband, she thought he was so enamored with the feeling of sex, he would seek it elsewhere.

With luck, he would become obsessed with her, and only seek her out as his sexual outlet.

Clearing her throat, she looked at Tataka and gave her a fake smile. "That's right. I need all the energy I can get to take care of this wild boy."

Tataka's eyes opened a bit wider as she saw the challenging glint in Obasan's eyes. Instead of succumbing to the [rovocation, she smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up. "Wonderful! I love a woman who knows what she wants, and how to get it! Takeo picked a good one!"

Obasan's jaw nearly dropped. 'Is this... bitch... serious? She's just fine being with a man who fucks other women?!'

Obasan refocused her face, and looked towards Tataka again. "I would like to get this absolutely clear then. You are interested in being with Takeo, right?"

Tataka beamed and nodded.

"Even though he already has a woman?" Obasan continued.

Once again, Tataka nodded.

"And you're fully intent on sharing him; going so far as to even set up your daughter with him." Obasan said looking at the confused Kumiyo.

"That's right!" Tataka said, flashing her sharp canines with a beaming smile.

"Why?!" Obasan asked completely flabbergasted. Naturally, she knew of women who got off on stealing men away from their wives, but she hadn't heard of any who were content with simply being a side fling; a mistress or the such.

"This is simple!" Tataka said, closing her eyes and pointing her index finger up. "I like strong men, and strong men often have many women."

Standing up, she grabbed an apple, and took a bite from it. After swallowing, she continued: "Takeo is not necessarily strong yet, but he has all the potential, and I find that incredibly attractive." Looking at Obasan in the eyes, she said: "Humans are just advanced animals. Takeo if a lion, and I am his lioness. My instinct tells me to cling to Takeo and bear his children, and as such I have no reason to deny my instinct."

"But don't you get jealous?!" Obasan asked in shock.

This time, Tataka rolled her eyes and smiled. "Why would I get jealous? Isn't that just looking for problems where there are none? After all, it's not like he's going to cast me aside. Even when more women come in, I'll be the first in his bed. Rather, I see it as more women to bear my king lion's cubs."

Obasan's brows furrowed. "You think awfully animalistic."

Tataka beamed and gave a thumbs up. "Thank you!"

Obasan rolled her eyes and looked towards Takeo who continued eating. 'Some interesting thoughts,' Obasan said in her head. 'My body tells me that I want to have sex with him regardless, but my brain says not to let his see other women.'

She shook her head and said aloud, "I understand what you said and will consider it. Can you please get our dinner?"

"Right-o, big mama!" Tataka said with a wolfish laugh.

Obasan's face immediately twitched.

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