Milk In The Stardust

Chapter 12: Sixth Memory – Making a Deal

      To Skye’s knowledge, there were three major shipyards currently producing space craft among the stars, and none of them existed in the Silent Marches. Lesser smaller foundries were said to exist in the fringes of society, all of which were operated by less than polite societies. 

      They each designed vastly different kinds of ships, sharing few similarities as the years passed. Tyrian’s built utilitarian vessels, with blunt prows, and fat underbelly’s to store whatever armaments they needed. Sihnon Ariel enjoyed adding a bit of style to their craft, with many appearing sleek, and elegant in comparison. The Malosians seemed to sit in the middle, with some unique templates for specific roles.

      Just like their design choices, they each named their void craft on vastly different sets of principles.

      Tyrian’s liked to name their ships after birds, or at least included an avian moniker to the titles. Sihnon Ariel, before the war, named their vessels after ancient Terran myths. After the Great War, things changed. Now they started naming their ships as tributes to their ‘so-called’ Demi-god. The Malosians, on the other hand, seemed to add a poetic touch to their void craft. 

      As for the smaller shipyards, their designs varied to the extreme.

      Anything produced by the forges of Seras, or the Industry worlds of Minos, were often identified by serial number alone. A bit uninspired, but at least it was sufficient. The colonies belonging to the corpse worlds, once the garden worlds, built ships more akin to coffins, bearing names that reminded Skye of lost dreams, and broken promises.

      She learned so much since beginning the search for a ship of her own, with the help of her patron of course. Sitting on the warm cushioned seating before the salesman, Skye couldn’t help but rub her thumb over the clit chip in her hand. It felt smooth in her fingers.

      “What about this one?” The proprietor asked with a delightful smile. He was every bit the salesman, able to shield whatever craven emotions lingered behind his eyes under a purely infatuated expression of trust. While his face did everything it could to comfort her about the sales price, he had little talent in containing the excitement of his body language. His fingers wouldn’t stop rubbing the cuffs on the sleeves of his suit coat, and at times his feet would tap on the floor, especially when she was close to signing on the dotted line.

      It was unusual, being this exposed in front of a man, and not having him glare at her voluptuous breasts. Skye did notice a small bead of sweat strolling down the man’s brow, however, revealing a tiny crack in his armor. She thought it fun to treat it as a game. Just how far would she have to go to break his concentration completely? Then again, sitting half naked with her tits out, there wasn’t much more she could do. 

      It had become something of a new style among the denizens of Danicus Station, a trend that she herself coincidentally started. Forgoing any top clothing, many women let their naughty bits hang freely in the open air, and even a lot of men, especially those of high physical stature, wore nothing to cover their torso. Interestingly, station security cracked down on the trend, except for those who were impressive to look at.

      Skye wasn’t sure how this awkward little man had gotten away with forging such a massive fortune, made from broken promises, and confiscated deals. He wasn’t clever, nor skilled in disguising his innate desire to commit predatory loan practices. Yet, the scammer had gotten used to earning the trust of his customers, somehow only to discard them the moment they no longer had anything more to provide. Forcing his prey to submit to a lifetime of debt was his pastime, and yet he wasn’t that good at disguising his intentions. Sadly, this seemed to be the standard for most with any business acumen on the station.

      Luckily, Skye was smart enough to interpret the gleam in his eye for the hunger that it truly was. She steered him, using his coveting nature, to skirt around the edges of loan sharking, managing to acquire a more beneficial arrangement between the two. Wearing nothing but a simple synth-weave skirt and panties, it made it all the more easier. 

      There were a dozen small freighters on his docket for sale, but none of them were adequate to the task. The closest thing to her idealized dream ship was a lean knife shaped frigate currently docked in private housing. It was of older Tyrian design, before the Great War, and retrofitted with greater thrusters for speed. Inside, it had been repurposed as a pleasure craft, with even a small pool for the captains leisure! Given its price tag, however, Skye would have to sell herself a dozen times over at the Viper Den just to make up the difference with what she had available on the clit chip.

      With her hopes dashed, she let the salesman entertain her with several others in his catalogue. Luckily there were several corvettes for sale in the stations hidden dockyards, and tucked away in secluded stockades. Smaller more utilitarian ships, each of them corvettes, looked like bricks of ochre colored steel, bearing short prows and lean spines. They were built as supplementary craft, with modest defensive capabilities, and designed to be rugged. Despite how ugly they looked, Skye knew they would outlast most of the other ships by far, a hundred years from now they would likely still be serviceable compared to the more luxurious, and desirable vessels. 

      There were a couple light frigates of a more refined architecture. One even looked like a prized piece of art, as if a passionate architect build the most lavish skyscraper he could imagine, installed two working sub-light engines onto it hull, and fixed it so that it could fly like a dart through space.

      Skye brushed through the catalogue, ignoring the crude bricks of steel, and over stylized vehicles, for something more suitable.

      Malovian ships were the most appealing. It was only a decade ago when the human colony was rediscovered, and thankfully that spared it from the Great War. Unspoiled by galactic conflict, its priceless space ports and foundries were able to construct new ships with relative ease. 

      This particular vessel was unlike any other design, and Skye couldn’t help but gawk over it. Its general shape resembled that of a needle, fine and sharp enough to pierce the void itself. Along its stern, the spine expanded to form a disk built to house its slender engines and hanger bays. The ship was essential a long range rail gun, its barrel the very center of its construction, while thin layers of iron-plastic panelling adorning the entire frame like a suite of armor. It was sleek, elegant, and packed a weapon that could break the very crust of a world. That’s of course if there was any ammunition available for it. Such a gun depended on specialized Malovian earth-cracker rounds, and as far as Skye was aware, it was more valuable then gold.

      “The Malovian Estoc is a one of a kind.” The Salesman noticed her fascination. “Sadly I’m not sure, given the specifications you sent me, that it’s a suitable craft, given your expectations.”

      “I want it.” Skye leaned back in the chair, her nipples were perky and fully erect. Already a small dab of sustenance was dripping from her lower bosoms, and all it would take was a single tug to release the aching pressure in her mounds.

      “In that case,” the salesmen licked his lips. “The starting price is a hundred thousand clits, but I would be happy to turn it over with a discount.”

      That meant it was stolen, Skye rolled her eyes. The clit chip she had in her hands contained no less than one hundred and twelve thousand. If she could get him to lower the price a bit, then she could pocket the rest. It wasn’t her money anyway, or at least, she hadn’t earned it. It was a gift, one of several, from the gang boss Brickwork Killjoy, who wanted her to invest in a void craft for herself, and his gang of course. How he acquired such a sum…well Skye wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

      “You need it off your books?” Skye winked at the salesmen, knowing full well it was the truth.

      “Of course not,” he feigned a laugh. “But for a sum of eighty-five thousand, this excellent vessel could be transferred to your ownership tonight.”

      “Any issues?” She asked cautiously.

      “I’ll provide a docket of recent repairs, and known issues. Not to worry, she’s void worthy.” Within moments he had a stack of digital contracts on the desk, ready to sign, in exchange for a transfer of clits. “But, as for the discount.”

      “I’ll suck your cock,” Skye uttered without any hesitation. 

      The salesman hesitated for a moment, then the armor cracked. “I was thinking of something more…risky.”

      “Oh?” Skye was intrigued. “And what exactly do you have in mind.”

      A shadow draped over her, causing her to jump in her seat. Skye looked back to see an overbearing beast of a man, with broad shoulders, thick skin, and slabs of muscle. His dark skin burned with a sweet tang of sweat, sending her loins in a tizzy, and making her head spin.

      “Miss Kimble, allow me to introduce my bastard son Brutus. As you can see he’s inherited the Fascinum genome from his mother, who was quite the specimen herself.” The salesmen spoke with acid in his voice. “I’ve heard a rumor that you were open to breeding contracts? Is that correct?”

      Skye didn’t respond. A cold sweat began lathering her bronze skin. A wetness began to pool in her seat.

      “I’ll remove ten thousand clits from the price tag. In return, I would like you to spend some time with Brutus. He doesn’t talk much, but I think you’ll find him good company.” He leaned forward and smiled as a long snake like penis fell on Skye’s shoulder. It felt warm to the touch, and extended all the way to her stomach. “Well…do we have a deal.”

      “I don’t think…” Skye struggled with the words. “I don’t think my patron would be happy about me…pleasuring such an…impressive son of yours.” She purposely left out Brickwork’s name.

      “Then how about twenty-thousand clits? And I’ll throw in a short range flight craft to your purchase as well? That way you can depart your new ship without any problems.” As he spoke, his sons cock pulsed with excitement. 

      Skye had never seen a man of such length and girth. Even Brickwork wasn’t so…immense. It scared her, feeling thick droplets of scorching pre-seminal fluid dripping onto her legs as his erection only grew larger. 

      “You can keep the brat? Although I’m sure Brutus will object. But sadly, he doesn’t have a say in this little contract of ours.” 

      A hand gripped onto Skye’s shoulder, and she could feel Brutus’s eyes bearing down on her. 

      “I see he likes you already,” the salesmen chuckled. 

      “I’ll pay you fifty-thousand total,” Skye summoned what little reserve of control she had left. Although, once it was gone, so with it left all sense of self control. “And, I’ll let him live with me for month.” 

      That made the salesman scoff in surprise. “Truly?”

      “That’s, of course, if my suitor doesn’t kill him after just one night.” In truth, Skye wasn’t sure how Brickwork Killjoy would respond. She assumed he would take care of matters personally.

      “How about a more…long term contract then.” The salesmen made an addendum to the paperwork. “He stays with you, until he’s had enough of you.”

      Brutus just sighed, as if tired of the charade. When he spoke up, Skye was surprised to find his voice clear and noble. “Father, stop torturing the poor girl. She’s already made a good deal. And besides, I wouldn’t mind joining the famous Brickwork Killjoy’s crew.”

      “If he’ll even have you.” Skye wasn’t aware of when she started stroking the mammoth sized phallus with her right hand, but found that she couldn’t stop. “I am his main squeeze after all.”

      “Oh he’ll share. Trust me, it’ll be a little contest between us. Who will knock you up first, and who will you come crawling to in the middle of the night for satisfaction.” Judging by his tone of voice, he played this kind of game before with other women, and easily won.

      Skye swallowed a lump in her throat, just imagining how his fat pulsating cock would re-arrange her insides, and conquer her womb with a flood of genes.

      She signed the contract without fully realizing it. Her mind was hazy, and once the paperwork went through, her sensitive skin tingled with freakish anticipation. She let him scoop her up from the chair without complaint, and found his chest hair smooth to the touch while he carried her close to his bulky chest.

Moments Later

      “Well, what do we have here?” Brickwork’s voice was one of surprise, while also bearing a hint of sarcasm. 

      Skye strolled into her apartment, now populated with Brickwork’s crew, and walking behind her stood a Goliath. The outside balcony door was open, letting in some fuel stained air into the room, and already many of Brickworks crew were making a mess of her place. Some of the women they invited were experimenting with new kinds of drugs, ones that altered their taste buds, and mutated their tongues. 

      “I got us a ship.” Skye tried to ignore the people in her apartment. Her lips were quivering. Not just from having Brutus standing behind her, but by watching an attractive diva wrapping her elongated tongue around a lesser known gangsters erection.  

      For some reason, Skye wondered if having a tongue like that would be fun?

      “Just a ship? You damn little whore.” Brickwork, her lover, groaned. He downed a shot of brown paste alcohol in one gulp, before throwing it on the floor. The mug burst, shattering in a dozen pieces before Skye’s feet.

      Before Skye could interject, he spat on the ground, and addressed Brutus directly. “Do what you want with her. In fact, break her like the slut she is. I want to hear her screaming for you to stop through the walls.” He paused to catch his breath. “I’ll tell you what, for each time she begs you to stop, I’ll throw in another loose whore for you to enjoy in the morning.”

      “Please love no!” Skye cried out in protest.

      Brickwork just narrowed his eyes towards her with cynicism. “You must’ve agreed to this. So be a good breeder, and actually conceive this time. Then, maybe I’ll let you keep your precious new ship.” 

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