Milk In The Stardust

Chapter 6: Third Memory – Viper Den

      It occurred to Skye, while wandering through the markets, that someone was fallowing her. It was hard to be certain, but there was an aroma that caught her by surprise, and it continued to sting her nostrils as she made her way to the Viper Den. It wasn’t the typical smells you get from so many packed bodies in such a confined space. It was a rusty copper scent, the smell of blood and sweat. It unnerved her dearly, mainly because she could recognize it.

      Well endowed with a healthy physique, her body was hard to ignore. Skye strolled down the narrow corridors with her pearl badge on display, her right breast fully unsheathed from the smock that wrapped over her torso. She wondered if that was why someone was following her? Did they want to risk the wrath of the Mammoth Sliders Guild just to take advantage? Life could be rather short on Danicus station, perhaps having it shortened a bit wasn’t a bad trade if it meant they got to enjoy her body.

      She did her best not to think about it, but hastened her pace just in case. She kept to the shadows, hoping to avoid the limelight of the corridors where she could be easily spotted. Getting to the Viper Den was easy enough, one just had to get to the red light sector, and search for the largest warehouse. 

      Only once did Skye feel the need to hide. The smell had grown too strong, and she crept next to a broken billboard to avoid whoever it was. For several minutes she remained on the lookout, scanning through the seething mass of packed boxes in hopes of identifying who might have been tailing her. The smell never faded, but it did linger at a distance. Eventually Skye had to continue, but kept looking over her shoulder until reaching the red light district.  

      It was hard to distinguish where the red light sectors began, for its borders constantly shifted with each cycle. There were always new prostitutes, concubines, and slaves populating the streets, and their owners were always purchasing new real estate. Lines of indentured servants and slaves were always kept farther inside the district, and perhaps that was the only real sign that you were firmly in its borders.

      The Viper Den was just below a large warehouse, the owners living up above so they can overlook the shifting lines of human merchandise. 

      As for the club itself, it was once a morgue, if the story’s were to be believed, and it was perhaps one of the only clubs with decent air conditioning. Skye was drenched in sweat by the time she arrived, and needed a good pampering. 

      A small stairway lead down to the main entrance. Barely wide enough for two people side by side, Skye descended the metal steps with a hand on the greasy guard rail. With each bounce, she could feel the pearl tugging at the nub of her breast. 

      The doors were guarded by a man easily twice her size, with broad shoulders, slabs of muscle, and a small pouch for a stomach that somehow didn’t detract from his otherwise handsome features. He never said a word to her, merely offering her a curt nod before stepping aside. Skye was thankful that the reek of blood didn’t follow her down the stairs.

      A chain curtain of gleaming metal hanged from the ceiling on the other side of the door, and the moment Skye passed the threshold, she was confronted by a hostess who was waiting for her.

      “Greetings Ms. Kimble, we’re so happy to see you again.” The woman was fairly young, with lean shoulders, slender arms, and delightfully pale skin. Her brown hair was combed back, and the piercings in her cheeks were a brilliant gold. 

      Skye had seen her before, but not as a hostess. The girl was once a server, and before that a booth girl serving blow jobs to needy clients. Skye had once considered hiring her for some time alone, after hearing the playful banter of how she was especially skilled with women. The hostess’s last name was a mystery, and Skye doubted the first was genuine as well. She assumed it was an alias for the club, but knew better than to ask. 

      Lilia fluttered her eyelashes, noticing Skye’s exposed breast. She looked good in her Viper Den uniform, complete with short skirt and tube top. The mixture of red trim and pink silk drew the eyes to her chest, which were hard to ignore in the first place.

      “Good to be back, I guess. And a pleasure to see you always Lilia.” Skye extended her hand, and let the hostess lead her past the main conference room to the recreation room in the back.

      Once there, a large chalice of semen awaited her, a gift from the male staff, and Skye supped on it greedily while plopping her bottom on a lounge chair. 

      “Can I get you anything else, Ms. Kimble?” Lilia asked with a pretty smile.

      Skye drank half the chalice, letting its contents soothe her throat, before requesting a short bath before the auction. 

      Lilia nodded, then quickly summon a pair of servants. They carried a small porcelain tub with them, along with a few packages of soap and massage oils. “I hope you don’t mind the water being luke warm.”

      “That’s fine, I guess.” Skye lied, not wanting to see impolite. 

      Once the bath was drawn, and the pair of serfs were ready for her, Skye disrobed and stepped into the water. Lilia watched her with a tight grin, and only spoke after Skye was comfortable. “I urge you to lay back, and let these lady’s take care of you. The auctioning isn’t scheduled for another two hours, and someone will come for you when everything’s ready.”

      “Thank you so much Lilia. Maybe if I get enough clits I can purchase some of your time?” A hint of longing layered her voice, and Skye was surprised to see Lilia smile at the suggestion.

      “A thousand clits, and I’ll do whatever you want.” Lilia’s voice quivered with excitement, and Skye couldn’t help but perk up from her playful voice.

      Skye watched the hostess strut away, her heart shaped rear cheeks swaying from side to side, as she left the room. Skye realized she was holding her breath, and gently exhaled with a burning passion in her gut. The servants took good care of her after that, washing the sweat from her skin, and massaging her tense muscles.

      The hours went by rather quickly after that, the bath finishing with the servants padding her skin in luxurious towels. They offered her sensual perfumes, and a silk robe to better present herself to the crowd. 

     It wasn’t long before others entered the lounge as well. Some requiring similar levels of comfort, while others eager and ready to go.  

      Over a dozen came to offer their bodies for sexual pleasure. Most were roughly the same age as herself, with only a few being older. The more experienced women made the most clits, although a virgin always sold for a high price. 

      One short girl with tiny tits couldn’t hold still as she kept rubbing her hands with anxiety. Her fair body wouldn’t last very long at the mercy of whoever she was about to sell it too. Skye could only wonder how long it would take before a little bun was in her oven? Probably not for very long, Skye guessed.

      When the time finally came, they were each lead out of the room, one at a time, to be presented on the main stage. Skye decided to keep the robe on, rather than fully reveal her nakedness to the crowd. It was better to stir the buyers imagination, rather than show off everything at once. At least, that’s what Skye theorized. 

      Red velvet carpeting padded the floor of the show stage, and golden tassels dangled from overhead silk curtains. It was here, cast in the radiance of brilliant yellow light, that Skye was presented to a large crowd. With a hand on her hip, and a slight parting of her robe, she batted an eye toward the onlookers, and waited for the bidding to start.

      At least a hundred sat in attendance. They all had decorative dining tables with food and beverage served in abundance. Even with the light blinding her from most the crowd, Skye noticed the young girl from before was being handed off to a rather large man in a workers uniform. The young girl’s cheeks were flustered bright red as money exchanged hands. A portion went to the Viper Den as commission, and once the accounting was settled the sell would go through. The worker was an older man with dark coal colored skin, and stunning blonde hair that flowed past his shoulders. A scar ran down the length of his chin, reaching down his neck to his collarbone, and one of his arms was clearly an augmetic. Skye couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his pants was fit to burst from the seam of his crotch, making her wonder how much he paid for the poor girl. 

      Poor thing, she’ll never be tight again. Skye pitied the virgin as she watched her being carried away, held over the shoulder of the lumbering behemoth as if she were a bag of luggage. Her whimpers were met by deaf ears.

      Skye swallowed, suddenly feeling apprehensive for being here. The lights in her eyes made it difficult to parse through the entire crowd, and she did her best to remain calm. 

      The bidding started earnestly enough, and for the first few minutes Skye was hopeful for a large sum. Five hundred clits immediately shot up to two thousand, then increased to three in half a minute. The speed at which the bidding war proceeded was faster than the previous times she was on the stage, and Skye could already imagine all the lingerie she was going to buy. 

      That was until the biddings slowed to a crawl.

      She made it to four thousand clits before everything stalled, and Skye could hear some level of hostility coming from the crowd. There seemed to be some infighting between some of the groups, thankfully the Viper Dens security kept things from getting out of hand. Eventually it settled on five thousand five hundred clits. It seemed a meagre sum, compared to what she earned before, and Skye couldn’t help but feel self conscious about it. 

      Am I really not wanted anymore? Fear took hold, and she couldn’t help but look down at her body. The robe covered everything well, although her thighs were still exposed. Skye wondered if perhaps her theory had been wrong, that it would’ve been better to simply cast off the raiment at the beginning. 

      It was when she walked off the stage, the lights no longer blinding her, that she realized why the price was sold for so low. The buyer was eager to approach, with a set of cufflinks in hand as if to bind her. His grimacing expression sent shivers down her spy. It was then that Skye regretted coming here at all. 

      Brickwork Killjoy smelled of blood and smoke, his eyes were wild as if dosed on narcotics, and his body was wrapped in a skin tight suit. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and yanked the robe away before handing a pouch of clits to the commissioner. 

      “No more clothes for you Skye.” He grabbed hold of one of her breasts, while cuffing her wrists. “Hopefully by the time I’m done with you, you’ll never want to wear clothes again.”

      “What?” Skye’s question was silenced as he gripped her throat to silence her. 

      Once the commissioner confirmed the sale, Killjoy was happy to put a collar around her neck, and drag her away on a leash like a dog.

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