Mist Empire’s Rise: Fake Noble to Fog Queen

Chapter 18: She Decided to Drop This Course


"Astrology is divided into two branches: timing and divination," Professor Tobias began.

"Timing refers to choosing the appropriate celestial moment, which can be used to predict weather and determine auspicious times. Divination, on the other hand, is about resolving people's doubts and answering their questions."

"Now, I will teach you the specific methods for these two types of astrology."

Professor Tobias picked up a crystal ball, closed his eyes to feel it for a moment, and uttered in a low, mysterious voice.

"For those focusing on timing, take your crystal balls and infuse them with your inner energy... Concentrate and meditate. What celestial signs do you see? What appears in your consciousness..."

"When the celestial signs you see are clear enough, they will project onto the crystal ball. Open your eyes, and the crystal ball will guide your choice."

The dozen or so students who had received crystal balls gradually opened their eyes, staring at the tools in their hands with confusion written all over their faces.

Seeing nothing was the result that left them feeling quite frustrated.

"Beginners are not proficient in grasping celestial signs, and their spiritual worlds are not strong enough. Don't worry, it will improve with practice," the professor reassured them.

Luo Wei also quietly opened her eyes. Looking at the turtle shell in her hand, she felt that this method might not be suitable for her.

No matter how rich her imagination was, when she opened her eyes, all she saw was a green turtle shell. All her imagination vanished.

She wondered what kind of turtle it was, why was its shell so green... Her thoughts began to wander in strange directions.

After explaining the use of crystal balls, Professor Tobias began to lecture on tarot cards.

"For those focusing on divination, your main purpose is to interpret the cards."

"Through meditation, clear your mind of distractions, ensuring you won't be disturbed by external things... Start shuffling the cards..."

"Think about the question you want to ask, the more detailed the better, then start drawing tarot cards, arrange them, and begin interpreting."

"Based on the celestial houses and patterns presented by the tarot cards, provide answers to the questions. Note that whether the answer is correct or not, you need to judge for yourself."

The sound of shuffling cards filled the classroom, like a light drizzle of rain.

Luo Wei stared at the turtle shell, trying to see celestial houses and patterns on it, but even after straining her eyes, she couldn't see anything different.

The second method had also failed.

So how was she supposed to use this turtle shell?

Throw in a few copper coins and shake it?

But there were no copper coins here, and she didn't know if the copper pieces in her money pouch would work as a substitute.

Luo Wei thought about it seriously and decided it wouldn't work.

Even if she could use copper pieces instead of copper coins, she didn't know how to interpret the hexagrams.

Should she use the most primitive method, burn it in a fire and look at its cracks?

Luo Wei rejected this idea. The turtle shell would be ruined after one burn, and she couldn't use a new turtle shell for every divination!

Until the end of the astrology class, Luo Wei couldn't figure out a method.

She let out a long sigh. It seemed she truly had no affinity with fortune-telling.

She would have to give up this course, and she wondered if she would be expelled if she failed the final exam.

Luo Wei left the classroom feeling dejected.

She might not be able to learn astrology, but she still needed to prepare well for tomorrow's horse riding class.

First, she needed to go out and buy a horse.

With money in her pocket, Luo Wei's back straightened a bit when she saw Troy again.

"Here, today's payment," she said, taking out a gold coin and placing it in Troy's hand.

"A gold coin!" Troy looked at her in surprise, as if asking why she suddenly became so generous.

"I promised you before, one gold coin per day," Luo Wei explained.

Troy looked suspicious: "Are you really this kind? You don't have some ulterior motive, do you?"

It was clear he had PTSD. After being hired by Luo Wei for two days at a low price and being belittled, he couldn't believe he was now worth a gold coin.

"If you don't want it, give it back," Luo Wei said.

"I want it!" Troy quickly pocketed the gold coin, even turning his back to her as he put it in his money pouch.

Luo Wei was speechless. This phrase really worked every time.

"Did you catch the person who was following me yesterday?" she asked.

"That's exactly what I wanted to tell you," Troy turned back, looking serious, "That person ran into your academy and never came out."

Luo Wei frowned as well: "Could it be someone from our academy?"

So she had guessed wrong. It wasn't someone from outside the academy trying to kill her, but someone inside?

"Did you see what he looked like?" Luo Wei asked.

Troy shook his head: "I couldn't see clearly, but he had a sword at his waist and his movements were quite skilled. He might be a swordsman."

"...That's as good as saying nothing."

Troy ignored her comment and continued: "He was very fast, his outer robe had wind and concealment magic runes, and the way he held his sword was unique. He's probably a knight from some country."

Luo Wei's heart sank bit by bit.

If she remembered correctly, the academy didn't allow noble students to bring servants into the school. Where did this knight come from?

Moreover, she had learned from Winnie and Balke earlier that there was a magic array carved under the academy, and outsiders couldn't enter.

So this knight must have another identity in the school, either as a teacher or a student.

Luo Wei felt the latter was more likely.

After all, students could graduate in as little as three years, while teachers had to teach indefinitely. This knight was probably a companion to some noble young master or lady.

Vina could be ruled out. She had threatened her just yesterday, saying she would ask the Holy Knights of the Church to expose her true identity. If that knight was her man, why would she bother with such a threat?

Axina could also be ruled out. The people she sent to investigate Luo Wei hadn't returned yet, so there was no reason for her to try to kill her now.

But with these two ruled out, she had no one left to suspect!

Luo Wei looked up, feeling a bit frustrated: "Troy, did you find out where that magic spider came from?"

Troy responded sarcastically: "I'm a swordsman, not a detective. Besides, you said before that I only needed to protect you—"

"Stop, stop," Luo Wei interrupted his complaints and adjusted her mood, "Forget it, I didn't expect you to find out anyway."

"I have other things to do today. Come on, accompany me to choose a horse, and then we'll go buy a house..."

Troy silently followed behind her.

After an afternoon of shopping, Luo Wei's wallet had shrunk by half.

She bought a beautiful chestnut horse, chose a quiet small courtyard near the academy, and even hired a maid, spending a total of thirty-seven gold coins.

"From now on, you'll live in the east room on the second floor. If you want to eat something, just tell Bella, and she'll make it for you."

Bella was the name of the maid, only seventeen years old. Her parents had passed away, and she had been living with her aunt before. She was also a pitiful person.

Luo Wei sighed, but from the corner of her eye, she saw Troy had stopped.

"What's wrong?" Her heart skipped a beat, thinking someone was following her again.

Troy stared at her with a strange look, his voice a bit hoarse: "You want me to move in?"

"Why are you looking at me like that again?" Luo Wei said casually, "If you don't want to move in, then don't. I was just worried you didn't have a place to stay."

Troy lowered his eyes, his voice even hoarser: "I don't have a place to stay. I've been sleeping in taverns before."

Luo Wei was surprised: "Then you..."

"Thank you," Troy suddenly said, his forest-green eyes looking at her, seeming to ripple with emotion.

Luo Wei: ...

Oh no, he seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Ahem," she coughed twice and looked outside the courtyard, "While it's still not dark, let's go pick up someone else!"

To be continued

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