Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 09

As the day transformed into the evening, Zhang Wei's figure appeared striking against the amber-tinted sky of the sunset. He strolled with a backpack hanging over one shoulder, reflecting the carefree attitude of youth. The smell of sweat clung to him, starkly contrasting the fading light and the knot of worry forming in his gut. His basketball teammates could be heard laughing behind him, creating a boisterous noise as they celebrated the end of the day. Their joyousness contrasted sharply with the inner turmoil that Zhang Wei was experiencing.


One of his teammates jokingly nudged him on the shoulder and said, "Yo, Old Wei, what are you thinking about?" His grin was wide and carefree.


Zhang Wei's thoughts were trapped by the day's earlier confrontation. The image of Xu Yue standing silently behind him and Li Miao, who was usually arrogant, diminished, and tearful, haunted him. The memory was a stark departure from the Li Miao he knew. 


I haven’t seen her like that for a few years. 


Flashes of a younger, more innocent Li Miao flickered in his mind's eye. 


As Zhang Wei reminisced, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the Li Miao he used to see at high-society events and the girl from earlier. At those parties, she moved with effortless grace, as if it came naturally to her. However, there was always a hint of distance, as if she was playing a role she didn't fully embrace. 


Zhang Wei recalled a particular evening when Li Miao's facade momentarily slipped, revealing a fleeting glimpse of vulnerability. It was the first time he saw a crack in the perfect image she presented to the world, which intrigued him.


Yeah… That girl was never perfect, he thought.


That curiosity led to an unexpected moment of connection, which had felt remarkably distinct from the sparkling facade of their usual surroundings. They had found themselves at the mall, surrounded by the everyday hustle and bustle, an ordinary but revealing backdrop. Li Miao tried to conceal her tears, clutching a bag that contained a secret she believed was hers alone to know.


“W-what do you want?” Her voice had trembled, betraying her attempt at composure.


“Is that M*doka?” Zhang Wei had asked, the name slipping out almost without thought as he moved closer, trying to catch a glimpse of the figurine she held so tightly. 


Li Miao shrunk back even further, but his words shocked her slightly, and she stuttered. Her shock at his recognition, eyes wide and questioning, was a moment of unexpected connection. "How do you know that?" she had whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief and a flicker of hope.


“It’s cuz I’m a fan too,” Zhang Wei triumphantly pulled out his phone with two acrylic straps dangling. They were the same character as Li Miao’s figurine. 


“A-aren’t you ashamed for liking something so childish? Isn’t it not befitting of your status?” Li Miao spat out, her voice quivering. 


“Who cares what they think? I’m free to like whatever I like.” Zhang Wei shrugged and smirked, “Either way, wouldn’t that apply to you too, Miss Li?” 


“You’re crazy…” She whispered. 


“It looks like we’re partners in crime. I’m Zhang Wei. How about it? Let’s hang out.” 


“W-wait, where are you taking me?” 


As he led her into the arcade, her hand in his, his laughter mingled with the clamor of games and flashing lights.


She was so different back then. What happened? Zhang Wei pondered, the question's weight pulling him back to the present.


As he approached the shoe lockers, his gaze was drawn to a familiar sight—twin tails bouncing with each step as their owner slipped a letter adorned with heart stickers into Xu Yue’s locker. 


Isn’t that Xu Yue’s locker? And wasn’t that one girl with Li Miao today? Why the hell is she giving a love letter to Xu Yue? 



Li Miao watched as Ling Yian stepped back into the classroom. Ling Yian’s face was full of satisfaction. 


“Did you deliver the letter?” Li Miao asked anxiously. 


“Yep, no problems!” Ling Yian saluted playfully. 


Yay! Now, Zhang Wei will get the idea that Xu Yue is interested in him. Why worry about if the other person likes you if they confess first? Li Miao, you genius, you!


Li Miao celebrated with Ling Yian, who was delighted to see Li Miao's beautiful smile.



Something is wrong… 


Li Miao tapped her pen against the desk. Tap. Tap. Faster. Annoyance prickled beneath her skin as she observed yet another encounter between Xu Yue and Zhang Wei, devoid of the romantic spark she had anticipated. Her impatience was a shadow that grew with each passing moment, her thoughts a whirlwind of disbelief and exasperation.


Why aren’t they dating already? I don’t get it! Zhang Wei, you yellow-bellied1A phrase meaning cowardly lizard, I thought the male lead was supposed to be assertive!


After a week of this torture, Li Miao was so engrossed in the stagnant storyline that she barely noticed her classmates' indifference to her newfound tranquility.


Xu Yue returned to the classroom, her face unperturbed by the interaction from earlier. 


Look! Take her hands into yours, young man! Ahhh, why are you letting her leave without doing anything? Fuck!


She rolled internally in pain as Zhang Wei missed another perfect moment, her frustration boiling over into a silent tirade against his inaction.  Li Miao couldn’t help but curse at Zhang Wei, who, feeling a chill on his back, sneezed in the hallway. 


Looks like I need to resort to drastic measures, Plan B!


When the bell signaled the break, Li Miao summoned Ying Lian urgently.


“Whatcha need Li Miao?” She replied, happy to be of service.


“I need you to follow Zhang Wei and figure out what he likes. I’m going to give Xu Yue an opportunity.” 



The feeling of being watched gnawed at Zhang Wei. It wasn't the open hostility of the past. He was unsure why, but the gaze felt like it had a tinge of malice. He wondered if this feeling could be related to his past experiences with the school gangs.


No, one of those guys would have told me. 


The former gang members had established communication channels with him, ensuring that any ill will was quickly relayed to him. However, none of the reports mentioned anything of the sort.


Then who is it? 


Confounded by the mystery of this unseen watcher, Zhang Wei decided to confront the situation head-on. He quickened his pace, rounding a corner deliberately, then paused, lying in wait. His instincts were right; the steps tailing him hesitated before continuing. As the figure emerged, he acted swiftly, firmly capturing the follower's arm.


The reaction was immediate and unexpected. A pair of panicked eyes, framed by two bouncing ponytails, met Zhang Wei’s stare as the girl squirmed to break free.


 "You?" Zhang Wei's confusion was palpable.


"Hey, let go of me!" Her voice was a mix of surprise and distress.


This is the girl from before. First, Xu Yue’s locker. Next, following me. What the hell is her deal? 


"Hey, let go!" Her voice broke Zhang Wei out of his stupor.  He loosened his grip, her arm already red. As she backed away, she massaged her arm while tears pooled in her eyes, threatening to spill over. 


Before he could voice his suspicions, a teammate's voice cut through the tension. "Boss Wei! You finally caught your new secret admirer," His teammate swaggered up, a grin plastered in place. Zhang Wei stared, confused.


Zhang Wei's gaze shifted back to the girl, disbelief coloring his tone. "Huh? Who? This girl?" He scrutinized her more closely now, noting how her eyes darted away, the tears making them glisten unnervingly.


"She's been observing you and taking notes on your preferences. We thought it was cute and helped her out a bit," his teammate revealed with a chuckle, amused by the situation. 


“You helped her out?” Zhang Wei raised his eyebrow. 


"Who wouldn't lend a hand to a little rabbit smitten by love?" his teammate laughed boisterously before patting Zhang Wei’s shoulder and continuing on his way. 


The moniker 'little rabbit' seemed to fit the girl as she seized the distraction to bolt, her footsteps a soft patter fading into the distance.


As Zhang Wei watched her retreat, a nagging doubt lingered. 


How she looked at me just now did not look like a secret admirer… There’s something off about this girl. 


Since everyone is so excited, I've decided to up the schedule a bit. I'll make sure there are at least three chapters a week, but depending on how much I write, there might be daily uploads. Thank you so much for the support!

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