Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 20

The crimson glow of sunset streamed through the classroom windows, casting long shadows as Li Miao and Xu Yue worked alongside their classmates.


“Ugh, I just can’t put it together!”  A frustrated boy crumpled paper in his fist, the half-finished lantern a mess of mismatched folds.


Li Miao glided over, her touch feather-light as she guided his hands. “This piece slots in here..." she murmured, and the lantern slowly took shape under her gentle instruction.


“Ohh, thank you, classmate Li!” He held up the finished creation, a beam of triumph replacing his frustration.


Li Miao's patience and quiet kindness painted a softer picture, erasing the arrogant image their classmates once held. 


Xu Yue watched, a warmth spreading through her. 


Secretive glances towards Xu Yue's smile filled the room with pink-tinged cheeks.


As a group of boys surrounded Li Miao with unfinished lanterns outstretched, Xu Yue noticed their focus wasn't on the task. Their eyes seemed drawn upward, fixated on Li Miao's expressive features.


“Make sure you guys remember! You’re going to be teaching the guests!”  Li Miao instructed, her playful scolding punctuated by a wagging finger. She was adorably earnest, reminding them of a miniature teacher.


Xu Yue had enough. A surge of possessiveness bubbled within Xu Yue. Stepping close, she circled an arm around Li Miao's waist, drawing her near.  “Li Miao, I need some help…"


Confused but spirited, Li Miao chirped, “What is it, Xu Yue?”


“Help me with my lantern.” 


Li Miao blinked, puzzled. 


But you made yours fine, aren't you already teaching the others?


“Please?" Xu Yue's look could melt glaciers, her plea infused with mock helplessness.


Everyone around the two, including Li Miao, held their hands up, shielding their eyes from the blinding display. 


Xu Yue, please be considerate of those around you! 


After agreeing to help, Li Miao moved to Xu Yue's table where a perfectly constructed lantern lay... a single piece snapped in half.


“Something broke when I was putting parts in, and I don’t know what part to replace," Xu Yue whimpered, the picture of feigned incompetence. 


All the classmates around her: Didn’t you intentionally break that part?!?



Xu Yue stood outside the subway station, her casual dress a cool contrast against the sun's harsh glare. She sought refuge in a sliver of shade, an icy mask sculpted upon her beautiful face.


“Xu Yue!” Tang Jia's ponytail bounced with every hurried step, the sound of her approach growing nearer. She skidded to a halt beside Xu Yue, hands braced on her knees as she gasped for breath.


“Did… you wait long?” Huffing, she glanced at Xu Yue, who pointedly checked her watch.




Tang Jia's jaw dropped. She fumbled to check her phone, confirming she was a mere minute late.


“W-what! How could you be so cold to me? After all I’ve done raising you?”  The theatrics commenced – hands clasped to her chest, Tang Jia channeled the heartbreak of an aggrieved mother.


Xu Yue, with a dismissive air, started walking towards their designated café.


“Wait up for me!” Tang Jia squeaked, scrambling to keep pace.


They reached the café, a bubble of silence around them as they placed their orders. Only when their drinks arrived did Tang Jia break the tension. "So, where has my best friend disappeared to?"


Xu Yue's late nights had not gone unnoticed; Tang Jia's longing for their usual restaurant banter grew sharper with each absence.


“Helping with the class project,” Xu Yue murmured, eyes locked on her phone.


"Last time, you told me you weren’t interested in things like that. Now you’re suddenly the committee representative of your class? What’s going on, Xu Yue? I’m really starting to think you've been replaced by an alien now!” Tang Jia exclaimed, a playful slap echoing against the table.


Xu Yue ignored her, the barest hint of a smile playing on her lips as she scrolled. Intrigued, Tang Jia craned her neck. "What are you doing?”


After slightly hesitating, Xu Yue replied, “Texting Li Miao.”


Tang Jia had already heard the rumors and seen the forum posts about the shift in their dynamic. Her initial relief that Li Miao's harassment had ended was now accompanied by a lingering concern.


I don’t think things are as simple as they seem. 


She swirled her straw, then leaned in. “What’s up with you and Li Miao, anyway?”


"We’re just friends,” Xu Yue replied, her tone devoid of emotion.


Tang Jia scoffed and waved her hand. “Please. As if you made friends that easily. Even someone as kind and generous as I had to whittle you down using my own blood, sweat, and tears.”


Then, Tang Jia's gaze sharpened. “And you definitely don’t smile like that at me!”


And indeed, a tender smile graced Xu Yue's lips as she read Li Miao's message:


[Li Miao]: “Xu Yue, look! I made this hehe~ [image1.png]”


The attached photo showcased a charming, crocheted cat – Li Miao's beloved mascot.


Tang Jia let the silent exchange sink in. "No way… Xu Yue, do you like her?”


A chill descended as Xu Yue leveled a glacial stare at Tang Jia. “In what way?”


Tang Jia's voice softened. “In like, the romantic sense…”


Xu Yue's confusion was genuine. “What? How could that be possible?”


Tang Jia observed the turmoil in her friend's eyes, then nodded sagely. Tossing her finished drink, she patted Xu Yue’s shoulder. “Good luck, youngin…” She winked with a flicker of mischief in her eye and put her thumbs up. 


Xu Yue sighed, “You’ve been hanging out with the old guys too much…” 

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