Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 25

The worn walls of Xu Yue's room closed in, the familiar comfort now stifling. She stared at the ceiling, cracks snaking across it like echoes of the fractures in her own composure.


Each shadow played tricks, making her see Li Miao's frail form caught in the unforgiving sunlight. Her voice was thin and distant as if a stiff breeze might carry her away.


She felt so distant…


Each breath Xu Yue took felt strained as if the distance between them was smothering. It was more than physical separation; Li Miao seemed to shimmer at the edges, her form blurring as if fading from existence. 


A cold shiver raced down Xu Yue's spine. Her knuckles whitened where they gripped the bed sheets. If she had closed her eyes and turned away for even a moment back then, would there have been nothing left upon her return? The thought twisted within her, an icy hand squeezing her heart.


Li Miao… 


The name itself brought a strange pang of both unease and a warmth she couldn't name. Every flicker of worry or pain from the little cat resonated within her. It was almost frightening, this newfound lack of emotional boundaries.


I just want her to be happy. 


Not again. I won't let her sacrifice herself ever again. 



An awkward silence settled over Li Miao – the lone island of stillness in a whirlwind classroom. Everyone buzzed with purpose: the clatter of tools, a whirlwind of fabric, and excited bursts of conversation. Meanwhile, she perched on the edge of her seat, the picture of obedient idleness.


Beside her, Xu Yue directed their bustling classmates like a general surveying the troops. Li Miao couldn't help the absurd giggle that bubbled up. 


Doesn't this make me look like the pampered wife of a CEO? The image struck her as hilariously wrong.


Then, there was Ying Lian, a spoon poised as if Li Miao were a reluctant toddler. "Open wide, Li Miao!" Each bite was a gesture of exaggerated concern.


"Um, Xu Yue..." Li Miao tried, the muffled plea earning her a puzzled look from Xu Yue. "Should I… Maybe do something?"


Xu Yue's response was sharp and swift. "Absolutely not."


Her pronouncement echoed, and tools fell silent. "You gave us all a scare!" one classmate quipped.


"Think we'd let you lift a finger? Not after yesterday!" another piped up, earning a chorus of agreement.


“We don't need your help! You've done enough Li Miao!”


The warmth of their concern washed over Li Miao. Tears threatened to spill over, but they were happy tears this time. "Really, everyone… You're too kind..."  Her smile beamed brightly with gratitude.


The room erupted in soft coos and sympathetic sighs. 


"Cough, cough!"  Xu Yue's hand clamped over Li Miao's mouth, startling her. Li Miao blinked, tilting her head in confusion.


"Mmph?" The muffled question was adorably befuddled.


"You had food there," Xu Yue said deadpan as she turned Li Miao's chair away from the giggling onlookers. A wave of baffled stares followed. Li Miao's face was flushed while she wiped her mouth, still looking back at Xu Yue.


Everyone else: “Where did this vinegar jar come from?” 



The project buzzed with progress over the next few weeks, and Xu Yue finally relented. It wasn't the work Li Miao needed – it was to feel useful again.


"Xu Yue, I’m going insane sitting here doing nothing!" Li Miao practically vibrated with frustration, her usual calm composure gone. Playful tears welled up, "Let me do something, or I swear I’ll start gnawing on the props!"


Xu Yue recognized the pleading look all too well. It wasn't a calculated attack but a natural force threatening to overflow. With a resigned sigh, she conceded, "Hah… only a bit."


Li Miao practically bounced in her seat the second Xu Yue relented. She leaned close, eyes alight with a spark that dimmed worry couldn't quite dampen. "Really?!" 


"Only if you promise to stop when I say." Xu Yue's own reply barely escaped a sigh. One battle won, but the war in her head raged on.


Before Xu Yue could blink, it was the old Li Miao back. "Okay! Woohoo!" An unashamed whoop of victory rang out, Li Miao practically levitating towards her classmates, waving with childlike glee.


This girl… 


A fond exasperation mirrored the playful shake of Xu Yue's head. Her hand pressed on her forehead as a genuine smile replaced her worried frown. 



"So, any progress?" Tang Jia practically jabbed Xu Yue with the spoon, an impish grin replacing her usual bored drawl.


They were back at the teahouse, a stolen weekend moment from the bustle of school. While Xu Yue helped in the kitchen, Tang Jia was in full investigative mode.


"The class project is nearly finished," Xu Yue replied with a swat at the offending spoon. "Don’t point your spoon at others."


Tang Jia slumped dramatically, resting her chin on her palm and waving her other hand dismissively. "That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about you and Li Miao."


Liu Fang leaned over, eyes bright with mischief. "Ah, little Li Miao! When are you bringing her by again, Yue Yue?"


An older customer chimed in with a wink, "Little Xu, we miss your adorable little wife!"


Xu Yue responded with a touch of pink dusting her cheeks. "Ridiculous..."  Her denial lacked its usual force.


Tang Jia leaned back, eyes closed, the picture of smug nonchalance. “Ah ah, what’s more ridiculous is you still haven’t realized.” 


She had walked into Xu Yue’s classroom before after school to look for her. She couldn’t believe her eyes. 


Xu Yue was gently feeding Li Miao pocky sticks while patting her hair, looking at her with an affectionate expression that Tang Jia would never have expected Xu Yue to be capable of. 


It was reminiscent of a pet owner feeding their rabbit. 


Her amusement faded as Xu Yue's icy glare snapped her back. "Realized what?"


With a dramatic sigh worthy of the stage, a flick of her hand said what words seemed incapable of. "Nothing... just think of it as a learning experience."


Liu Fang interrupted the two with a hearty laugh, “Yue Yue can take her time.” 


Tang Jia snorted. “If she takes too long, her little wife might get snatched up by someone else.”  


Li Miao? Being taken by someone else? 


Xu Yue felt a sharp prick in her heart thinking about Li Miao directing her affectionate smile toward anyone else. 


Hm? Why did I think of Li Miao when they said little wife? 

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