Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 41

"You're not the real Li Miao, are you?"


The words fell from Wei Lin's lips, light as a feather, yet heavy with unspoken implications. Li Miao wrenched herself from the embrace, the hug that felt more like a playful trap than a greeting.


"Goodness, Maomao, don't be so shy! Big sis isn't going to bite…" Wei Lin's pout was exaggerated, a touch of genuine disappointment crossing her face.


Li Miao's mortified face made Wei Lin giggle. Li Miao watched Wei Lin, eyes wide, as the older girl's playful smile slowly turned to one of knowing amusement. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me~"


Li Miao's heart thrummed a panicked rhythm against her ribs. Questions bubbled in her mind:


What does she want? Just how much does she know? 


Frozen in place, she could almost taste Wei Lin's scrutiny.


"Now," Wei Lin's smile was all mischief, "care to explain yourself, my little Maomao?"


Li Miao choked on her words, then finally sputtered, "H-how… how did you know?" Her gaze still skirted away from Wei Lin's.


Wei Lin giggled, almost like a flute note. "Hmm… you never called me sister before… and that outfit? So unlike your old style. Even with amnesia, a girl's true tastes should shine through!"


"Besides, those stories about your personality flip? My, my, Maomao, I adore this new you! Such a charming change from our prickly little kitten~"


Wei Lin's hug was a whirlwind, catching Li Miao off guard again. Her cheek rubbed against Li Miao's hair, a gesture both possessive and surprisingly sweet.


"Hey other Li Miao! You tricked me! You called her Sister Wei Lin from the start!" A wave of heat washed over Li Miao's face. Betrayal! The old Li Miao's smug voice echoed in her mind.


“It’s not my fault you didn’t ask. I never called her sister to her face. And I definitely never let her hug me.” 


Mortification sent Li Miao diving into Wei Lin's chest, her blush a fiery brand on her face. Wei Lin waited, a teasing smile playing on her lips. Finally, Li Miao pulled back, just enough to see Wei Lin's faintly regretful pout. Her fingers twitched, as if missing the warmth Li Miao had provided.


"That's right, I'm not Li Miao… well, I am, but also… like… I’m not the Li Miao you knew."  Li Miao's tongue felt thick and clumsy. How do you explain the impossible? Transmigration? No one would believe her.


"I-I came from another world. Suddenly…I was here." The words tumbled out, and she braced herself for disbelief.


But Wei Lin's reaction wasn't what she'd expected. Concern painted itself across her face. "And the original Maomao? What happened to her?"


"She's here. Inside my head."


"Wow! Amazing! Can I talk to her?"


Li Miao blinked, then her face scrunched up in thought. The old Li Miao's voice, sleepy and familiar, echoed in her skull. "Possible… maybe… wait a moment…"


A wave of exhaustion crashed over Li Miao. She fought to stay awake, to see Wei Lin's expression, the questions forming on her lips. Then, everything blurred, fading into a comforting darkness.




Li Miao's eyelids fluttered open. The sunset painted the sky a fiery orange, and above her, Wei Lin's face swam into focus. A gentle smile curved her lips.


"Well, well! Look who finally woke up, Maomao. You had quite the beauty sleep on Big Sis's lap." A soft giggle escaped her.


Li Miao blinked the remnants of sleep away. Then, it all came rushing back – a jolt of panic sent her scrambling out of Wei Lin's lap, tumbling backward.


“W-what happened to me?” 


"Hmm, let's just say your other self and I had a very enlightening little chat." Wei Lin's smile held a hint of mystery.


"What did you two talk about?" Curiosity gnawed at Li Miao. This conversation involved her, yet she felt excluded.


“My, Maomao, didn’t you know curiosity killed the cat? Though it would be a shame if such a cute one like you bit the dust…” Wei Lin smiled with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. 




“Just think of it as a secret between me and her. Don’t worry, big sis understands now.” Wei Lin's tone shifted slightly, taking on a touch of wistfulness.


“Understand what?” 


"This life is yours to make the most of, Maomao. Do what brings that pretty sparkle to your eyes." Her hands drew Li Miao into a gentle embrace.


Her voice dropped to a comforting whisper close to Li Miao's ear. "It must've been so frightening…finding yourself in a strange new world. You're so brave. And remember, even if you are different, you'll always be my Maomao. I'm here for you."


Shock rippled through Li Miao.


I... took the original Li Miao from her, but she treats me with kindness.


The warmth of the hug seeped through her, a comforting, welcoming heat.


Can I really be happy? Is this really okay? 


As if sensing her turmoil, Wei Lin spoke, her voice quiet but firm, "Maomao, everyone deserves their own slice of happiness, especially such an adorable girl like you."


It felt like a weight had vanished from Li Miao's shoulders. She relaxed into the hug, tears finally spilling, dampening Wei Lin's back. Wei Lin simply patted her gently, a silent pillar of support.


"Geez, still a crybaby, I see..." Wei Lin's voice held a playful lilt above the quiet sobs, the underlying affection clear as day. They sat there, bathed in the sunset, their silhouetted figures blurring together as the light faded.



I want Wei Lin to be my big sister.

Starting from next week I have some art projects I have to finish up so I'll be posting 2 chapters instead of 3. It's been hard to find time to write T^T. I'm sorry, but I will post some artwork to compensate for it. I'm not sure what the best place for that would be, maybe a discord server? Let me know in the comments please! Thank you.

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