Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 43

A few days had passed, and Li Miao's patience, thin as a thread after witnessing Xu Yue's workaholic tendencies, finally snapped.


"Xu Yue, if you don't actually rest today…" Li Miao paused dramatically, a teasing glint in her eyes as she snuggled deeper into Xu Yue's embrace. "... see how I’ll deal with you!"


The plush couch had become a pile of warmth. The animated movie, a whirl of frantic characters and saturated colors, flickered unnoticed on the massive screen.


Li Miao had barged into Xu Yue's room this morning, cheeks puffed in mock fury, decisively ending Xu Yue's planned study day during the one day she didn’t have work. A stack of textbooks lay neglected on the desk, a testament to the abandoned plans.


Xu Yue could only offer sheepish nods, a small, defeated smile on her lips —anything to placate her adorable tyrant.


“Yes Maomao. I was wrong Maomao.”


Li Miao's triumphant grin could have outshone the animated movie. She nuzzled into Xu Yue's neck, eyes crinkling in delight. Aunt Mei, observing the scene from afar, shared a knowing smile.


Maomao, she thought with quiet amusement, such close 'friendship' you two have.


Li Miao burrowed deeper into Xu Yue's warmth, a contented sigh escaping her lips. This closeness, once a novelty, was now her favorite comfort. Ignorance was bliss, they say, and Li Miao had never felt more adorably oblivious. She, who had once closed her heart like a fist, now stretched open to receive Xu Yue's gentle warmth, unaware that boundaries were crumbling as sweetly as cookies dipped in warm milk.


A hint of lavender mingled in Xu Yue's hair, a delicate snare for Li Miao's senses. Every stolen breath brought a smile to her lips. Just like Xu Yue who had zero understanding of romance, Li Miao's only love language was enthusiastic clinging. A lifetime of fearing abandonment had left her with a touch of desperation disguised as innocent affection.


Xu Yue, in her boundless kindness, was the safest harbor she'd ever known. Surely the female protagonist with such a powerful aura couldn't vanish like smoke, right?


If I hang onto Xu Yue's golden thigh, good things are bound to follow! Li Miao thought. Not only is she drop-dead gorgeous, but her heart is made of spun sugar...


Her gleeful internal monologue hid a pang of unintentional irony. The 'big bad wolf' beside her was nearly at her breaking point. The sweet lotus scent that teased her nose and the warmth of her smaller body pressed against her side – every sensation threatened her resolve.


This little cat... A sigh of exacerbation in her mind, ...does she not know how tempting she is?


Xu Yue's fingers twitched, a silent struggle to keep them from straying. Eating tofu in front of Aunt Mei was ill-advised, and she didn't want to spook her oblivious kitten. Not yet, at least, not before she had Li Miao's word... and her heart.


The cozy silence that had settled over them was shattered by the chirp of Xu Yue's phone. It was Tang Jia.


[Tang Jia]: “Hello, I’m heading over to play.”


A flicker of amusement crossed Xu Yue's face as she unlocked her phone.  Li Miao, ever-curious, nudged closer.


[Xu Yue]: “Study, you mean?” She typed the reply, a teasing lilt in her fingers. Midterms before the spring holiday awaited, and Tang Jia, as usual, was cutting it close.


[Tang Jia]: “Psh, same thing [waving_hand.gif]”


Li Miao's eyes sparkled with mischief as she peered over Xu Yue's shoulder, reading the exchange. Without a hint of hesitation, Xu Yue angled the phone, offering a silent invitation to share the conversation.


"Silly little cat." Xu Yue's voice was a warm breath near Li Miao's ear, the words laced with playful affection. Her fingertip traced a light circle on Li Miao's nose, the touch leaving a delightful shiver in its wake.


Li Miao's giggle was a sweet musical note, her body curling closer to Xu Yue's. It was only a moment later that a flicker of concern crossed her face. Had she been so lost in the warmth that she'd forgotten Xu Yue promised to help Tang Jia? Guilt nudged her playful mood.


"Xu Yue, you're not allowed to teach Tang Jia today," she declared with her wide, determined eyes fixed on Xu Yue.


Xu Yue's surprised laughter filled the room. "And who will take my place as tutor, Maomao?"


"Me, of course!" Li Miao puffed out her chest, a playful pout playing on her lips. "Don't underestimate this beautiful Miss, I’m a top-ten student after all!"


The amusement faded from Xu Yue's face, replaced by a flicker of thoughtful consideration. Li Miao may be adorably dramatic, but... wasn't there a hint of truth to her boast? Xu Yue's lips curved into a sly smile.


“Then I’ll leave it up to you.” Xu Yue was happy that Li Miao was so concerned about her health. Doesn’t this mean she was one step closer into making the little cat hers? 


“Let’s go tidy up my room then!” Li Miao hopped from Xu Yue's lap, a bounce in her step. Xu Yue trailed behind, warmth lingering where their bodies had touched. Wasn't this another delightful kind of intimacy?



Tang Jia hesitated at the mansion's threshold, feeling like a sparrow who'd accidentally flown into a peacock's palace. This level of opulence seemed a world away from her usual haunts. If anyone had told her a month ago, she'd be here… well, she'd have called them delusional.


Aunt Mei greeted her with a warm smile that eased a touch of her nervousness. “Welcome, Little Tang. Maomao and Little Xu are upstairs, first room to the left."


"Thanks Auntie." Tang Jia gave a respectful bow before heading up the grand staircase.  She spotted the door awash in soft pink light, already anticipating the flirtatious mood within the room.


Her suspicion was confirmed the moment she stepped inside. Li Miao was perched comfortably in Xu Yue's lap, thumbs dancing over her phone screen. Xu Yue's encircling arms were a tender haven, and her soft smile was meant for Li Miao alone.


"Ahem, should I come back later?" Tang Jia's voice held a playful tease.


Li Miao scrambled upright, a blush dusting her cheeks. Xu Yue couldn't quite hide her disappointment at the loss of Li Miao’s warmth.


"Ah, Tang Jia!  Perfect timing. Ready for your study session?" Li Miao chirped, her voice a touch too cheerful. A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she subtly nudged a pile of textbooks further from Xu Yue's reach.


Tang Jia tilted her head, her usual easygoing smirk replaced by a look of confusion. "Sure..." she began, gaze sweeping the table. Textbooks marked Li Miao's spot, but Xu Yue's side was conspicuously empty. "Umm, Xu Yue... where are your notebooks?"


Xu Yue offered a gentle smile, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You have a new teacher today," she replied, her voice soft.


Tang Jia's eyes widened comically. If Xu Yue, their class genius, wasn't the tutor, this was a surefire path to failure.


"Miss Xu, how could you abandon me?" Tang Jia wailed dramatically, a hand pressed to her forehead. "My academic future hangs in the balance!"


Li Miao puffed out her chest, her grin widening. "Fear not!  Behold, your savior!" She paused, hand hovering in the air, before dramatically pointing to herself. "Your future is safe with me!"


Tang Jia stared at the pair, a mix of disbelief and exasperation swirling in her eyes. A long-suffering sigh escaped her lips and she slumped into a chair.


I’m so doomed… 

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