Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 46

Li Miao sat in the living room, her fingers absently fiddling with her phone as she waited for Xu Yue to return from her part-time job. The house felt strangely empty without Xu Yue's calm presence, and Li Miao found herself glancing at the clock every few minutes, a flicker of unease growing with each passing moment.


She's never this late…


Just as Li Miao was about to send a concerned text, the front door clicked open. Li Miao jumped up, a relieved smile on her face, ready to greet Xu Yue with her usual playful enthusiasm. But the words died on her lips as she caught sight of Xu Yue's face.


Xu Yue's eyes were red and puffy, the tell-tale signs of tears still clinging to her lashes. Her usually impeccable composure was cracked, a fragile shell barely holding together. She seemed to shrink into herself as she noticed Li Miao's presence, her gaze skittering away like a frightened animal.


"Xu Yue, what's wrong?" Li Miao's voice was soft and concerned. She stepped forward, her hand instinctively reaching out to offer comfort.


Xu Yue flinched, a barely perceptible movement, but it was enough to make Li Miao's heart clench. "It's nothing. I'm just tired." Her voice was flat, devoid of its usual affection towards Li Miao.


Li Miao's brows furrowed. This wasn't the Xu Yue she knew, who faced challenges with quiet determination and unwavering strength. This Xu Yue seemed... broken, like a beautiful vase shattered into a million pieces.


"You don't have to pretend with me. Please, talk to me… Xu Yue…" Li Miao's plea was gentle but insistent.


Xu Yue's jaw clenched, a flicker of some unreadable emotion crossing her face. 


"I can't. This is my problem. I don't want to burden you." Each word seemed to take a heavy toll on her strained composure.


Li Miao's heart twisted. Burden me? Xu Yue, don't you know I'd do anything for you? But she could see the walls going up, the way Xu Yue was retreating into herself, and it scared her more than she even realized.


“Xu Yue… This isn’t like you…" Li Miao's voice trembled with the force of her sincerity.


Suddenly, Xu Yue stopped in her tracks before snapping and turning around, staring at her own feet, “What do you know?! You wouldn’t understand! I don’t have anyone right now!” 


Her eyes widened as she realized what she said before glancing at Li Miao’s surprised eyes and pained expression. 


“I-I’m sorry…” Xu Yue stammered before running away. Li Miao could hear a door slamming shut in the distance. 


Li Miao stood frozen, the sting of rejection burning in her chest. Xu Yue had never shut her out like this before. They had always faced their problems together, drawing strength from each other. But now…


Did I do something wrong? Is she angry with me? Is it because I changed the story?


The thought hit her like a physical blow, stealing the breath from her lungs. In the novel, Xu Yue had always been the lone heroine, facing her trials with a brave face and a steely resolve. She didn't need anyone, didn't rely on anyone. And now, with Li Miao's presence changing the story, maybe…


Maybe she's better off without me.


The idea was a bitter poison, seeping into her heart and spreading with each painful beat. Li Miao's vision blurred, hot tears stinging her eyes. She blinked them away furiously, a choked sob catching in her throat. She felt her legs give out as she slouched slowly, hiding her tearful face in her hands. 


“Xu Yue…” 



The days crawled by, each one heavier than the last, as Li Miao watched Xu Yue drift further and further away. It was like watching a once-vibrant flower wither, its petals falling one by one, leaving behind a brittle husk of what it used to be.


Xu Yue moved through the house like a ghost, her presence barely felt. She left early in the morning, before the sun had even begun to peek over the horizon, and returned late at night, long after the last lights in the neighborhood had been extinguished. Her face grew gaunt, dark circles etched under her eyes like bruises, a testament to the sleepless nights and endless hours of toil.


One morning, Li Miao woke with a jolt, a single word catching in her throat: "Xu Yue..." She ran out of her room, catching Xu Yue in the middle of the hallway. Reaching out, she grasped Xu Yue's sleeve, a lifeline to a warmth slipping away.


Xu Yue's gaze flickered towards her, then away. Guilt and something like shame darkened her eyes before she shrugged free, escaping swiftly and silently like a startled bird.


Li Miao tried, each day bringing a new plea, a gentle question.  But Xu Yue built walls of silence around herself. Her footsteps echoed in the once-lively manor, each a hammer blow against Li Miao's spirit.


The grand manor felt like an empty tomb. Cheng Yuehua was busy filming on set, and Li Hongwei was away finishing up a large collaboration. Their absence hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the missing lively atmosphere. 


On the sofa, Li Miao hunched, not curled in comfort but in a way that made her seem smaller and vulnerable. Less a pampered heiress, she seemed more like a kitten huddled alone in a vast, drafty house.


“Maomao… have something to eat.” 


Aunt Mei's voice held the gentlest concern. The plate containing a slice of cake was an offering, but Li Miao didn't even look at it. Sweetness had lost its appeal, the world fading to muted flavors mirroring the dull ache in her chest.


"Thank you, Aunt Mei..."  Her reply was barely a whisper, lacking her usual vibrancy.


“Maomao…” Aunt Mei gathered Li Miao into a hug. Warmth enveloped her, but Li Miao remained stiff, the comfort unable to thaw the numbness inside.


Days of skipping school blurred together. Instead of studying, she hugged worn plushies, craving not their softness but a warmth they couldn't provide.


She knew. She knew that she missed Xu Yue’s gentle and warm smile, the way she held her like the most precious treasure in the world. 


When did I get so used to her comfort? I…


Her phone, ignored for days, buzzed insistently. Blinking, she mustered the energy to swipe – a flood of worried messages from classmates, the world moving on without her.  Her finger hovered over Ying Lian's name, then tapped.


[Ying Lian]: “Li Miao, are you okay?”


[Ying Lian]: “Li Miao, I’m worried…” 


[Ying Lian]: “Li Miao, please answer.” 


Her fingers tapped out a lie.


[Li Miao]: “I’m okay.”  


She scrolled, pausing. Tang Jia's texts were a jumble of concern and a snippet about Xu Yue.


[Tang Jia]: “Did something happen between you and Xu Yue?” 


[Tang Jia]: “She’s been way more distant than usual, I can’t even talk to her.” 


[Tang Jia]: “Are you alright?”


Li Miao typed a response.


[Li Miao]: “I’m okay, did she tell you what happened?” 


To her surprise, Tang Jia immediately replied. 


[Tang Jia]: “Li Miao! I’ve been worried sick about the two of you.” 


[Tang Jia]: “She hasn’t said anything to me. I’m not sure. I thought you would know what was wrong.”  


[Li Miao]: “I don’t know either… she’s been ignoring me too.” 


[Tang Jia]: “I’ll go ask around then, maybe something happened at work.” 


[Li Miao]: “Okay.” 


She fell back against the couch. With her phone still in hand, she scrolled numbly until Wei Lin's name stopped her.


[Wei Lin]: “Maomao, are you okay?” 


[Wei Lin]: “Remember, big sis is always here for you.” 


Wei Lin's embrace flickered through her memory, the whispered promise.  


“You'll always be my Maomao. I'm here for you."


A wave of longing washed over her... and a sharp pang of guilt. 


Is it really okay?


"You can trust Sister Wei Lin." The other Li Miao's voice echoed surprisingly clearly. It had been so long since she'd surfaced, a fading echo Li Miao had nearly forgotten.


But something seemed a little different this time. 


Aren’t you more transparent than before? Li Miao thought. 


“I’ve been more sleepy recently… maybe that’s why?” the other Li Miao replied, her smile tinged with a sadness mirroring Li Miao's own.


A sigh escaped Li Miao. It was useless trying to get answers from her other self. Yet, the concern in those fading eyes felt... sincere. It was strangely comforting.


She took a shaky breath. Was it truly okay to lean on Wei Lin? The question hung heavily in the air, but somewhere in her heart, she trusted the other Li Miao.


[Li Miao]: “Sister Wei Lin, I need to talk to you.” 


A few seconds later, her phone pinged with Wei Lin’s reply.


[Wei Lin]: “I’m on my way~”



Join the discord, I promise I don't bite. On a serious note, I've been reading other novels and learning from them. I think that I've grown a lot as a writer so far, so I just want to thank everyone for being patient with me. I've been in a bit of a rut on this novel so I've been working on a second novel in the same universe to explore ideas.

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