Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 51

The birdsong drifted through the window as Xu Yue woke, sunlight dappling her eyelids.  She blinked slowly, sleep blurring the edges of the world. Then, a comforting warmth, a soft weight against her, brought her fully awake.


Her eyes fell on Li Miao. Sunlight caught those delicate eyelashes, turning them to threads of gold.  Her cheeks, dusted with a rosy flush, seemed to glow with an inner light. Xu Yue's gaze lingered, a soft smile curving her lips. This girl, tucked against her side… she was more precious than anything in the world.


It’s been so long since we slept together. 


Hope bloomed anew in Xu Yue's heart, a fragile flower tinged with longing. She had been hopeful from the night before that her little cat had finally accepted her. Enough to properly give a favorable response to her confession. 


Gently, she shifted, her arms encircling Li Miao. A soft kiss pressed against her forehead, a featherlight touch, followed by another, and another... a trail of gentle affection dancing down Li Miao's face like a sprinkle of sweet kisses, each one a tiny taste of Xu Yue's love, as if she were savoring the most delicious candy in the world.


My kitten really is a heavy sleeper. 


Li Miao didn't stir. Instead, she scrunched her eyebrows and snuggled closer, seeking warmth and comfort. Xu Yue's heart melted. She twined her fingers through Li Miao's hair, soothing her, cherishing this moment of peace.


The alarm clock blared, a harsh intrusion on this tender scene. Quick as a flash, Xu Yue silenced it before Li Miao could fully wake. She leaned over, her breath a warm breeze on Li Miao's ear as she whispered, "Maomao, the sun is calling you... time to wake up." Playfully, she poked Li Miao's soft cheeks, which looked like two freshly steamed buns.


Li Miao burrowed deeper, her mumble a sleepy rumble beneath the covers, her face a pale sliver against the plush blankets. Xu Yue couldn’t help but smile at this display. She looked like a cat who hid in a corner, trying to escape all attention.  


As much as she would have loved to spoil Li Miao, Xu Yue playfully tugged the covers away, sunlight dappling Li Miao's face like a startled fawn. She pinched Li Miao's nose, then, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, playfully sealed Li Miao's mouth with her own.


All of a sudden, all of Li Miao's airflow was cut off, and she woke up startled. Her eyes flew open like a deer caught in headlights, finding Xu Yue's enchanting face hovering above hers.


W-why is Xu Yue so close? What’s going on? Help!?


Xu Yue watched Li Miao's eyes dart around in panic and released her quickly. She flashed Li Miao a doting smile. "Good morning, Maomao." 


Li Miao realized what had happened, and her anger flared like a little firecracker. Her eyes squinted as tears pooled, making her resemble an aggrieved kitten cornered by a playful fox.


“Xu Yue! Why do you always wake me up like this?! Scoundrel! Pervert! Idiot!” 


Xu Yue thought this tearful stare was quite endearing and wanted to bully Li Miao more, but she knew not to tease her too hard. After all, if her little wife was upset, she might lose the hard-earned cuddle time she had only recently regained. 


She pulled Li Miao into her arms, gently stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. Li Miao's protests softened, melting under the warmth of Xu Yue's touch and the sweet, comforting drift of lavender that clung to Xu Yue's skin.


"I tried to wake you up," Xu Yue explained, feigning innocence, "but you slept so deeply! This was my last resort. I'm sorry, Maomao."


"Is that so? Then… I forgive you." Li Miao mumbled, her logic fuzzy from sleep and Xu Yue's comforting presence. Li Miao didn’t overthink it and accepted her explanation. After all, the alarm clock didn’t wake her up. 


Little did Li Miao know, Xu Yue had stopped the alarm clock before it had a chance to do its job. But the little cat doesn’t have to know that. 


The two sat in each other's company, the silence buzzing with unspoken feelings. Xu Yue broke it, her voice a soft melody, "Maomao, I love you."


Li Miao's heart pounded like a startled rabbit. Her face flushed as brightly as a ripe tomato, and a nervous squeak escaped her.


She didn’t have the heart to reject Xu Yue this many times in a row, but she hadn’t really processed everything just yet. In her past life, she was lonelier than a stray cat. Now, to have someone so warm and wonderful pursue her for the first time... it was overwhelming, like being offered a feast when used to going hungry.


She couldn't bear to throw Xu Yue's feelings aside, yet a nagging worry echoed in her head. Could this love survive the storms that followed her?


But then, yesterday's promise bloomed in her mind. Maybe...this time...


"Mm..." Li Miao hummed against Xu Yue's chest. A hesitant yes, whispered too softly for words.


Xu Yue understood. Her little cat needed time to feel safe.


“Then… will you let me pursue you, Maomao?” Xu Yue pushed her luck, voice laced with hope.


Silence stretched, and Li Miao whispered, "Do as you like..."


Xu Yue's heart soared like a bird taking flight. Her arms hugged Li Miao tighter, like a precious treasure cradled in her arms. A chance was all she needed!


Beneath her shy facade, Li Miao's heart was a fortress. Love wasn't a game for her. If she gave her heart, it would be with the fierceness of a lioness guarding her cubs, demanding the same loyalty in return, afraid to lose what little she had. 


Li Miao gripped Xu Yue's waist, glaring up with a fire in her eyes. "But now that you've said that, you must love only me, forever! Or I'll really never speak to you again. I don't want someone who plays with hearts."


"Maomao, you're the only one I've ever truly loved."


"But in the book, you liked someone else!"


“And you’re not the Li Miao from the book, so why would I be the same Xu Yue?” 


Li Miao searched for a way to argue but found none. Frustrated, she gave Xu Yue's shoulder a playful bite, then turned away, lips forming a childish pout.


“Hmph. I don’t want to talk to a bully like you.” 


"Then don't talk," Xu Yue chuckled, doting on Li Miao and patting her head, "Just staying in my arms is enough."


Li Miao was on a roll, determined to address all of Xu Yue’s past wrongs.


“Don’t think I’ve forgiven you yet for pushing me away. I don’t care what you say, I’ll pay off all your debts. And you can stop working at the cafe. That’s final!” 


Xu Yue wanted to argue, but Li Miao's eyes were blazing with determination. She sighed, “Okay, what Maomao says is always right.”


Independence was ingrained in her, a stubborn seed planted long ago from her childhood with those parents of hers. She could handle things, always had. Trusting someone felt like walking a tightrope over a canyon – a single stumble meant a long fall.


Yet, Li Miao... she wasn't the damsel in distress from some fairytale. With a fearless burst of energy, she'd shattered those chains like a magical girl full of energy. The little cat wasn't fragile; she burned bright, a star offering unwavering light in the darkness.


My Maomao truly is a unique treasure in this world. 


"And no more teasing!" Li Miao declared chin held high like a tiny empress. "After all, I'm your rich benefactor now!"


Xu Yue humored her with an exaggerated bow and a playful, "Yes, yes, my Maomao is very powerful."


"That's right! Ehehe~" Li Miao beamed, her earlier worries forgotten. She clung to Xu Yue like a koala clinging to a eucalyptus tree, and Xu Yue indulged her, only shifting a little so that Li Miao could sit comfortably.


Quietly opening the door to wake up the young miss, Aunt Mei stumbled upon this pleasant scene filled with pink bubbles. 


“My, you two are early birds today. Breakfast awaits downstairs." Her eyes crinkled like a kind grandmother's, a silent blessing upon them.


As she turned to leave, Aunt Mei couldn't resist a playful jab: "Now, remember, you're still students. Hold off on those 'extra-curricular activities' until you're a bit older."


Xu Yue blushed, but Li Miao was adorably clueless. She tilted her head, kitten-like confusion clouding her eyes. "What did she mean by that?"


Xu Yue saw the perfect opportunity for teasing. She leaned in, her voice a warm whisper against Li Miao's shell-pink ear. "It means you'll be calling my name so loud, it'll keep everyone else up all night." Hot breath tickled Li Miao's skin, turning her the color of a ripe strawberry.


“Y-you! Get out!” Li Miao's indignant kick sent Xu Yue tumbling off the bed, only making her grin. She brushed herself off with exaggerated elegance, then lifted up Li Miao's hair, giving it a soft kiss.


"W-when did you learn these things?!" Li Miao sputtered, flustered and utterly unprepared for such a flirtatious move from the usually cool Xu Yue.


Xu Yue saw Li Miao’s reddened expression and felt satisfied in her heart. I'll have to thank Tang Jia later… those romance novels are full of useful tricks.


"Don't forget, I'm pursuing you now," she purred, then strolled away, curves swaying with the confidence of a cat who'd caught the canary. "I'll wait downstairs for you, Maomao."



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